last week..
monday! first day of work! oh mans! woke up late.. mega shit! dad sent me to work! got stuck in the freaking traffic jam at bukit timah/clementi area.. went to work 30 mins late! omfg! bad start.. haiz.. then went for hepb booster jab with sahidah and hafiza.. super painful! the expression of pain after each of us came out was like priceless! hhaha.. but yea.. its was damn painful.. haiz.. hb results were good and in the normal range so yay.. but got one last blood test to check hepb antibodies level.. haiz.. due on 31 may! sian sian.. more pain coming my way.. hopefully the levels are above 100 if not have to go back for one more booster jab.. haiz..
dinnered with tracy.. then went to find kenny to get my pails back.. and we(tracy, kenny, joel, sylvia and myself) ended up at island creamery.. wahaha.. super farnie.. enjoyed myself! yay! thanx for the chocs trace! yummy!!
tuesday, after work, birthday dinner with poly besties! swenson's! thanx girls for the treat and the purple "underwear"! i will wear it well!! hehehe! love you girls! muackz!
wednesday, after work, met up with zarinah and sri babes! hehe! had dinner at xin wang! wahahaha!! awesome time man! then walk walk and window shopped at 313.. and we went to 'the icing room'! zarinah and sri made my cake after which we sat at the adjoined cafe and celebrated my birthday! eeeek! so nice! hehe!! loadsa of crapping, camwhoring and video-ing! home sweet home! i love my babes! no matter how much they bully me just cuz im the youngest! hahaha
thursday, fucking disaster.. dun wanna talk about it.. haiz.. anyways, thanx sher, kenny and joel for coming to find me! appreciate it alot! drove over to find weiwei too! chocs from joel from germany! yumyum! [and damn it! i lost my ezlink (with 20 bucks cash inside) card and m(phosis hp pouch! =(( keep losing stuff lately.. haiz.. ]
thanx to everyone who wished me! you guys made my day! =)
friday.. work and home.. sians..
saturday.. half day work.. then met up with sher and kenny at night for chilling! thanx sher for the pressie! now i noe why you needed the 10 pics! haaha! love you!!
sunday.. went to fetch big bro from jas's house! yay!! my new crumpler bag!! thanx nae! but aint gonna use it till later cuz i still have brand new bags that i bought from bkk but haven even use yet..
then went out with kin and wanyin.. window shopped around bugis and settled down and chilled at starbucks! the sun is crazy man!! macam suntanning session!! ugh! kin left to meet fendy.. and we were off to town.. can you believe there is no freaking bus to orchard!! like seriously! then me and wanyin being lazy ppl decided to cab down instead of walking back to the mrt station.. wahaha!! then shopped at ion and cine for her slippers and off for dinner.. sadly, no salmon sushi anywhere all thanx to the flights being disrupted thanx to iceland's volcano madness! poor wanyin.. so we settled for waraku.. omfg! pls ppl, dun try their spicy ramen promotion thingy cuz it sux majorly!! ugh!! at least i finished my meat.. wanyin din even finish hers at all.. haiz.. walkwak around 313 and off for home!
this week! monday.. work.. super sian.. haiz.. the moment te speaker for that lecture picks up the mike i automatically fall asleep.. sian.. during mini breaks head over to hafiza's side to chat with her and trisa.. haha.. always end up with loadsa of laughter and me about to fall off the stupid chair! sickening!
tuesday.. work again! thanx hafiza for the pressie!! loves it so so so much!! 100% handmade pouch with winnie the pooh! omg!! and she filled in the pouch with diff types of purple coloured sweets!! hahaha!! i noticed babe! thanx alot for the effort babe! its awesome! loves you!! muackz!
wednesday today... slept for a good 2 hours during lecture.. so bloody boring i tell you!! and it started raining + aircon! freaking cold.. decided to thaw outside and was sitting on the table with my jacket wrapped around me while kin went to the toilet.. suetmei and xueting walked by coming back from their shopping at 711.. and they tot i was sick! hahaha!! no girls,. i wasnt ill, just sick of listening to those lectures.. and i pee-ed like 5 times during the 2nd half of the work today.. so bloody cold..
on the way my bladder was super full!! needed to pee but kept controlling thinking i can just rush home to pee.. but waaa.. couldnt take it so dropped off opp far east.. rushed to royal plaza and relieved myself! gosh! and all these while i was still in my uniform! faints.. the nature's call overwhelms all other concerns man.. phew!
and home now.. bored.. watching my dramas and shows.. nicey! but i freaking hate the broken links.. ugh!
wanyin left for work on tuesday and will only be back after 11 days! take care of yourself and come back soon safe and sound k! have fun! =)
ps: take care of my precious!! hehe
ward allocations are going to be out by the end of this week hopefully.. really hoping i get into neonatal but i wun be surprised even if i dun.. haiz..

i want to live a carefree life and just doing wad i like but i guess that wun be possible anymore cuz of the burden of this huge responsibility and committment.. reality sux!
-stop __________________ , when you dun even make the effort to meet up with frens but you keep repeating the same stuff over and over again.. its irks me everytime i see it..
-if you cant help urself, no one else can.. stop being selfish and think about the ppl who are hurting because of you! i think its time for you to grow up and to stop being like as if the entire world owes you..