firstly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GERALDINE KOH SHENGQI!! hehe!! all the best in anything and everything!! =DD
2ndly, BON VOYAGE SEET WANYIN!! have loadsa fun, teach the rite things(wahahaha) and take care of urself!! when its cold, stay warm and when its warm, stay cool!! cya when you're back neighbour!! =DD
3rdly, THANX MAMA FOR THE CARD PLUS MOOLAHX! my uncle is always the first to send me a birthday card.. and he is good at choosing cards cuz they are always so nice(even thou its seems that he always gets me pink cards! haha)!! haha.. decided to use the moolahx to buy myself the crumpler bag or the adidas watch that i have been aiming.. hmm.. i think i should get the watch instead since i will use my watch more often and currently i need the watch more than the bag(bought 4 bags in bkk and so far only use one..).. and im not intending to change the canadian money cuz if not i will sure use so wait till i get my pay then change the currency ad get my new watch!! ahhh!! cant wait!! adidas watch, HERE I COME!! payday why cant you come sooner, cant you see how broke i am!! =((
4thly, outing with 6-ers!! yay!! outing with 6-ers always end up with crazy camwhoring session!! cant wait for the pics!!
4thly, outing with 6-ers!! yay!! outing with 6-ers always end up with crazy camwhoring session!! cant wait for the pics!!
when i was leaving the house to meet the 6-ers, it was pouring like CRAZY!!! super duper heavy rain!! searching for my umbrella but dunno where they all went to.. i have 3 umbrellas and yet i dunno where they went to! sickening!! and plus i was running late so i just left the house without the umbrella thinking that i will just dash across the road so i wun get that wet..
but guess wad!! luck has it that i was stuck in the middle of the road cuz of the traffic!! waa sian!! and the rain started coming down heavier.. but then a super sweet stranger offered to share with me her umbrella.. hehe! so sweet i tell you.. and her little kid was looking at me and his mummy prob thinking "why is my mummy sharing her umbrella with this stranger" haha.. so sweet.. i could see that she is from china cuz she dunno how to speak and just kept smiling at me and making simple sounds to show that i could share her umbrella with her and like holding the umbrella abit towards me so that i could share the umbrella with her and her kid.. so sweet rite!! and that put a smile on my face for the rest of the day.. was smiling all the way in the bus.. its nice to see someone offering another person some help regardless of the language barrier and plus the fact that she needs to shelter herself and her kid too.. hehe!! i love my stranger! =DD
anyways, i was like 15mins late cuz of the damned traffic thanx to the rain.. whitley road was like flooded!! prob like 5cm of rain at the bottom of the slope.. ppl who pass by there will noe wad im toking about.. free wheeling for the cars man! the risk for accident just rised like crazy! thank god i wasnt driving!
ate dinner at fish and co. yum yum!! the service was damn good!! the staff readily cleared our plates and even volunteered to help us take pictures and are very attentive and polite! nice!! and we left a thank you post-it for them!! hehe! then walked to orchard central basement for camwhoring.. got tis really nice place and not many ppl go there so its nice to camwhore! haha.. and off for home!

thank you sweet stranger! =D