day 4 of prcp, day 1 at ward.. 79 more days to go..
today was an awesome day! even thou my ward is SUPER DUPER BUSY, the staff is all nice and the patients are cute and farnie(minus the freaking language barrier!!) hilarious incident today is that my patient can do palm reading and read fortunes and stuff.. after doing the procedure, she took my SNs hand and read her "fortune".. hahahaha.. super farnie and i and my SN just stun there.. hahaha.. then suddenly all the other staff were like "my turn my turn!!" muahahaha.. and i was the interpreter cuz majority of the staff are filipinos.. damn fun and crazy man! hahahaha.. suddenly my patient got alot business.. haha.. then after i interpret for all finish, she ask me whether i want her to read mine.. haha.. and i was like "no need lahx.. i dun believe in it.. but thanx" hahaha.. then she pull my hand and read it.. hahahaha..
pt: hmmm.. hmmm hmm.. you will have 3 BFs.. you should get married early.. b4 30 is the best.. after 32, you will only cohabit with ur bf but wun marry..
-me already laughing my ass off!!-
pt: ur first bf very good..
me: auntie.. i tell you.. i dun have bf lahx! hahaha..
pt: -looks at me unconvinced- cannot be.. dun lie!
me: really!! i lie for wad!!
pt: are you sure.. -stares at my hand-, -reaches for my other hand and stares at it-.. cannot be.. ur line shows that you have bf.. currently got one guy like you.. confirm!
me: really lahx.. i dun have! -laughs my ass off-
SN: i think must be the guy like but nv say..
me: errrr.. -dot dot dot- ya.. got like, nv tell me, i oso dunno mahx.. so considered 0..
pt: ya.. but you sure not..
me: -sians- really lahx.. -faints!-
and the sister came so we quickly change topic! muahahahaha!!! hilarious man!!
she even told my SN that if her husband got affair, my sn should ignore the affair! hahahaha.. i really want to faint! all of just burst into laughter.. and she ask my sn to go back and take toto system7 cuz apparently her hand got the money line and she will be very rich.. maybe tmr, when i do sponging for her or bringing her for shower, i should ask her my career line and money line and see wad she sae! muahahaha!! cant stop laughing!
anyways, home! i almost missed my stop again! gosh.. got home.. saw my bill and fainted! seriously.. its really not i use alot.. i can 1000++ over sms and my bill comes 80+.. this time round my sms only 500+ but bill come 100+.. irritating.. decided to go see the dentist.. but clinic closed.. sians! and dad called me to go imm to help him buy something.. drove to imm.. but the stupid thing no stock.. sians.. then headed to kin house to borrow thing.. hehe.. thanx kin!! and drove back home.. keep losing my way cuz i came in by diff direction that i dun usually use.. mum got so pissed.. irritating..
i love my off days!!! this is my schedule!
sat till monday off!
tues-thursday work!
friday off!
saturday till wed work!
thurs -sat off! aka ( 24th, 25th, 26th dec!!!)
sunday work!
and so far the roster ends there..
loves xmas period roster!!
now i can meet everyone!! awesome!!
and can have our chalet qian!! yay!!

cuz i am! =D
jiayou girls!! we can end our prcp succesfully, and those in school jiayou too and pass ahh!! exam only one module better get A*****!! hahaha love you girls and cant wait to meet up!! =DD