yeap! today was an awesome day!!
slept till 3pm!! woohoo!! shiokness.. but once again insomnia last nite.. im really tired of insomnia.. was reading the paperthe other on how to "cure" insomnia.. basically, its to have a fixed sleeping pattern.. sleep at the same time everyday and wake up at the sametime everyday.. this is something VERY difficult for me cuz of the shift work.. so i guess this insomnia isnt gng to go away so easily.. how i wish i can just sleep the moment my head hits the pillow.. haiz..
anyway.. stoned till 6+.. then left house to meet wei.. koped the carkeys.. hehehe.. in the end after leaving the carpark had to come back cuz the signal lights werent working.. amazingly when dad came down to check on it it was working already.. so irritating.. so yea.. drove to wei's house to wait for her.. then send her bf to mrt station and we went to clementi's botak jones to makan.. not bad.. yum yum.. super full.. loads of catching up.. loads of crapping, gossiping, cursing and wad not.. haha.. and the ppl there are abit kuku i must say.. hahaha. over friendly.. then off to island creamery for dessert.. once again wrong way.. so had to make a uturn.. hahaha.. super farnie.. then had mudpie.. SUPER full!! when leaving the carpark there was this guy in his merz purposely dun let us go first.. so bloody irritating.. merz so wad.. big deal lahx! idiot.. then me and wei said alot of lame stuff.. hahahaha.. fun fun fun!! then off to sher's house to bring sher and ting for a ride.. then kenny wanted to come along.. so went to fetch him and joel.. waaa.. the car super noisy.. hahaha.. as usual with the 2 of them how can not noisy.. their talking=shouting already.. worse than me.. hahaha.. so send wei home first.. then sher and ting.. and the twins last.. hahaha.. quite fun lahx.. cant wait to go out again.. wei wants picnic and the twins wants kbox at safra.. see how it goes.. hehe. cant wait for next outing.. even thou it was only an extremely short while with them it was fun as usual.. hehe..
told dad only for a short while.. but end up come home at 11.. ahahahah.. kenna scolded and dad was like "next time no more car" but i will sure use the car again one lahx.. hehehe..
im happy! very happy today! hehehe.. even dad scold me oso i laugh.. muahahaha.. im evil!
BRO, i noe you will be seeing this.. mum ask you call back home!! and you so long nv online oso!! hurry online.. need to ask you something..
