a day that is supposed to be spent studying was spent shopping and makaning with mum...
thank god tmr skool only start at 4pm so can go skool at normal time then study in the lib..
uncle sent money to mum from canada to thank mum for her help.. haha..
100 canadian dollars.. and i oso benefitted.. haha..
mum changed the money to SGD and gave me $20(yay!!!) and oso bought me stuff and makan makan.. haha.. yayyyy..
sri so farnie.. cuz she called my while i was in BPP and ask me if i was busy..
i was "no.. i in ntuc"..
she was like "with who?" and i was like "mum"..
haha.. then she was like 'wow.. u every weekend go out with ur mum ah.. "
haha.. i was like "i guai-kia mahx.." haha..
but i like going out with mum oso lahx.. get to buy things mahx.. haha..
i noe alot of my frens dun go out with their parents.. sumtimes its weird for me when i tok abt me going out with my mum to my frens cuz they will be like "wadddddd.. u go out with ur mum?????" that kinda thing.. so its pretty farnie.. haha..
anyway.. day out with mum.. bought some stuff.. bought myself and mum this soft toy thing.. haha.. very cute.. its a yellow duckie..
couldnt make up my mind between the duckie or the rat so decided on the duckie cuz its looks so sunshine-y.. haha.. nice.. reminds me of duckie aka joleena.. haha..
bought these:
1) 3 dog-patterned hair clips.. (red, black and white)
2) white heart long necklace
2) white heart long necklace
3) red teddy bear long necklace(real steal cuz its like super cheap.. $3.90 only.. )
4) my yellow sunshine duckie!!!!!
5) green froggie for mum!!!
photos upload yayyy..

haha.. now ppl cant complain that when they come into my room they only see pooh.. haha..
sunshine duckie is gonna accompany my prince pooh on my bed yayyy.. haha..
still want that big winnie the pooh i saw at gift-a-name at CWP thou..
when my pay comes, thats the first thing i gonna buy.. haha.. yayyy..
mummy sharifa just called.. haha.. asked wad time skool start tmr..
confirmed with her that its at 4pm.. she was like wth!!! haha..
"might as well have e-learning for bio pract oso wad.. then no need to come to skool tmr" was wad she said.. haha.. so true lahx.. but i still going to skool normal time to study!!! haha.. i so guai!!
ok.. just blogged on club board.. go check it out too ppl.. haha.. yayyy..
another quizzz!!!
30 secrets About Yourself. Be honest no matter what.
[One] Who was your last text from?♣ boss- about next bod meeting..
[ Two ] Where was your default picture taken?♣ outside ltk by cassie..
[ Three ] Are you bored wif life at times?♣ yup..
[ Four ] Your current status?♣ single
[ Five ] What is your current mood?♣ pretty happy cuz i went shopping haha..
[ Six ] How old are you?♣ Seventeen...
[ Seven ] If you could go back in time and change something, would you?♣ yup.. be better fren to lak.. i guess that would be my biggest regret ever..
[ Eight ] What's your favoritecolor/s? ♣ alot..
[ Nine ] Ever had a near death experience? ♣ kinda.. the stupid mercedes incident..
[ Ten ] Something you do a lot?♣ blog, chat, sms etc..
[ Eleven ] Who can you tell ANYTHING to?♣ bavi!!!!!!
[ Twelve ] Name someone with the same birthday as you.♣ michelle chong..
[ Thirteen ] If you could have one super power what would it be?♣ the ability to... i dunno.. everything.. haha.. my super power changes all the time.. haha..
[ Fourteen ] What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?♣ hair and feet(i noe its weird.. haha.. dunno why i look at the feet oso.. haha.. )
[ Fifteen ] Favorite season?♣ autumn cuz i like the maple leaves colour during fall.. and the singapore season!!! haha..
[ Sixteen ] Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?♣ so long since i watched tv or movies lahx.. rarrrrr..
[ Seventeen ] What are you eating or drinking at the moment?♣ eating the inside of my cheeks and drinking my saliva.. haha..
[ Eighteen ] Do you speak any other language?♣ english, tamil, chinese and a wee bit of malay..
[ Nineteen ] Describe your life in one word.♣ alright!
[ Twenty ] Do you have any tattoos?♣ nope.. and will nv have thanx to the pain and the fact that its permanent..
[ Twenty-one ] Who was the last person you hung out with?♣ mum..
[ Twenty-two ] What are you thinking about right now?♣ to start studying for exams soon..
[Twenty-three ] What should you be doing?♣ studying..
[ Twenty-four ] Who was the last person that made you upset/mad?♣ small bro.. he pushed me into the shelves of clothes-hanger when in ntuc..
[ Twenty-five ] What are you listening to?♣ home-chris daughtry
[ Twenty-six ] Do you like working in the yard??...?♣ no yard to work at.. haha..
[ Twenty-seven ] Who is with you?♣ small bro crying away cuz mum just whacked the shit out of him..
[ Twenty-eight ] Do you act different around the person you like?♣ who wouldnt?? haha.. try cassie acting stupid in front of her crush all the time esp in north canteen.. haha..
[ Twenty-nine ] What is your natural hair colour?♣ black..
[ Thirty ] Last time you were really happy.♣ just now.. cuz i was shopping.. haha.. retail therapy..
yayyy!!!! my yellow sunshine duckie-muackzzz