ok... this is for bavi who wanted me post abt her!!! haha
i met this girl in sec one tamil class..
din really noe her till we become classmates in sec 3..
still din noe her very well until sec 4..
became really close from sec 4 till now and the friendship is still growing, stronger day by day..
bavi is one of the ppl or prob the only person i would call if i have a prob and need someone to cry to.. she is a person who can cheer me up with her stupid-ness and pandi-ness.. haha..
she is the first person i msg to every morning- morning bavi.. =) -..
we try to talk to each other at least twice a week and we always sms everyday except for sat and sun which is like inconvenient for her.. haha.. .. and our frens always think we are toking to our bfs but actually we are toking to each other.. haha.. so farnie.. she is the most closest indian fren i have and im really glad to have met this girl.. haha.. she is my pillar of support and she has always been there for me just like i have been there for her.. she noes how much she means to me yea.. haha..
so bavi, I LOVE YOU MY DEARIE FREN!!!! haha..
friends forever!!! <3
ps: wanna type more but mum calling me... will write more another day k.. yayy.. =)
Friday, November 30, 2007
sher sent me this via email and i think its pretty interesting.. haha.. so try yours!
January 01 - 09 ~ Ass
January 10 - 24 ~ Slug
January 25 - 31 ~ Cockroach
February 01 - 05 ~ Parasite
February 06 - 14 ~ Bullfrog
February 15 - 21 ~ Skunk
February 22 - 28 ~ Snake
March 01 - 12 ~ Ape
March 13 - 15 ~ Cockroach
March 16 - 23 ~ Slug
March 24 - 31 ~ Parasite
April 01 - 03 ~ Ass
April 04 - 14 ~ Snake
April 15 - 26 ~ Slug
April 27 - 30 ~ Skunk
May 01 - 13 ~ Slug
May 14 - 21 ~ Bullfrog
May 22 - 31 ~ Cockroach
June 01 - 03 ~ Slug
June 04 - 14 ~ Skunk
June 15 - 20 ~ Ass
June 21 - 24 ~ Ape
June 25 - 30 ~ Parasite
July 01 - 09 ~ Slug
July 10 - 15 ~ Ass
July 16 - 26 ~ Bullfrog
July 27 - 31 ~ Parasite
August 01 - 15 ~ Ape
August 16 - 25 ~ Slug
August 26 - 31 ~ Skunk
September 01 - 14 ~ Bullfrog
September 15 - 27 ~ Parasite
September 28 - 30 ~ Ass
October 01 - 15 ~ Ape
October 16 - 27 ~ Skunk
October 28 - 31 ~ Snake
November 01 - 16 ~ Cockroach
November 17 - 30 ~ Parasite
December 01 - 16 ~ Ass
December 17 - 25 ~ Ape
December 26 - 31 ~ Bullfrog
If you are an Ass: A very loyal and sweet person. Your loyalty can never be doubted. You are quite honest and sincere when it comes to your attitude towards working. You are a very simple person, indeed. Absolutely hassle free, humble and down-to-earth!! That explains the reason why your friends cling on to you! You have a good taste for clothes. If your wardrobe is not updated with what is trendy, you sure are depressed. Popular and easy-going. You have a little group of dignified friends, all of them being quality-personified.
If you are a Slug: Always up to some sort of a mischief! The mischievous gleam in your eyes is what makes you so cute and attractive to everyone. You are an extremely fun-to-be-with kind of person. No wonder people seek for your company and look forward to include you for all get-together's. However, you are sensitive which is a drawback. People need to select their words while talking to you. If someone tries to fiddle around and play with words while dealing with you, it is enough to invite your wrath.God bless the person then!
If you are a Cockroach: Quite contradictory to your name, you are a peace loving person. You best try to avoid a situation wherein you are required to fight. An outdoor person, you dislike sitting at one place for a long duration. You are a born leader, and have it in you how to tactfully derive work from people. You love being loved, and when you receive your share of limelight from someone, you are all theirs!!!! Well, well... hence some people could even take an advantage, flatter you to the maximum and get their work done. So be careful.....
If you are a Parasite: An extremely lovable, adorable person, sometimes shy, with a passion for quick wit. At times, you prefer quietness. You love exploring various things and going into depth of each thing. Under normal circumstances you're cool but when given a reason to, you are like a volcano waiting to erupt. You're a fashion bird. People look forward to you as an icon associated with fashion. Basically, you mingle along freely but don't like talking much to strangers. People feel very easy in your company. You observe care in choosing your friends.
If you are a Skunk: You are near to perfect and nice at heart. The examples of your kindness are always circulated in groups of people. You too, love peace. You wouldn't like to retaliate even to a person who is in the wrong. You are loved due to this. You do not wish to talk behind one's back. People love the way you always treat them. You can give, give and give love, and the best part is that you do not expect it back in return. You are generous enough. Seeing things in a practical light is what the best trait of you guys remains.
If you are a Bullfrog: You symbolize a very happy-go-lucky approach in life. Whatever the surroundings may be, grim or cheerful, you remain unaffected. In fact, you spread cheer wherever you go. You are the leader of your group of friends and good at consoling people in their times of need. You dislike hypocrisy and tend to shirk away from hypocrites. They can never be in your good books, no matter what. You are very methodical and organized in your work. No amount of mess, hence, can ever encompass you. Beware; it is easy for you to fall in love....
If you are a Snake: You are mysterious. You are someone who can handle pressure with ease, and can handle any atmosphere without going berserk. You can be mean at times, and love to gossip with your selected group. Very prim and proper. You like all situations and things to be in the way you desire, which, sometimes is not possible. As a result, you may lose out in some relationships. But otherwise, you love to help people out from difficult and tight spots when they really need you.
If you are an Ape: Very impatient and hyper!!! You want things to be done as quickly as possible. At heart, you are quite simple and love if you are the center of attraction. That way, you people are unique. You would like to keep yourself safe from all the angles. Shall your name be dragged or featured in any sort of a controversy, you then go all panicky. Therefore, you take your precautions from the very beginning. When you foresee anything wrong, your sixth sense is what saves you from falling in traps. Quite a money minded bunch you people are!!
haha.. i think mine is pretty true.. i am very very mischevious.. haha.. and mum always sae im sensitive.. so ya.. haha.. farnie man..
anyway.. today was a boring day..
walked to skool with cassie as usual..
saw vic on the way and she passed me the drug medication guide book.. yayyyyy.. somemore she has already picked out the common drugs.. so yayyyy.. makes my work easier.. haha.. thanx vic..
then for me bio lect.. quite boring.. so sian.. rarrrrrr..
got this stupid girl sitting infront of me today(not the usual china girls) and she was freaking irritating with her stupid laughter.. aiyo.. her laughter very annoying.. those high pitch type.. ear pain man.. rarrrr..
then went to makan and went for bio tut.. this weird new teacher.. then my turn to answer qs.. my answer was OC usage for causes for stroke lahx.. and the teacher was saying that mostly taking OC one is affects girls.. so i was like " oh.. so OC usage one is for girls only rite" and he was like " err.. ya.. " and everyone laugh and stupid jovy was like " of cuz girls for OC usage lahx then guys ah!!! " and i was like "OI.. shut up lahx.. u nv noe rite.. anyway nowadays oso got guys take mahx.. " and the teacher oso say that now have OC for guys oso.. stupid jovy.. anyway i had the last say so yayyyy.. hahah.. wth!!!
then break again.. went to library.. and stoned with SL and grace and nor.. so boring.. then went for lecture again.. lucky mk, zawani and mummy sit infront of me.. so was happily playing on zawani's psp.. haha.. my entertainment.. then during the 1093 video watching, they were showing the reflex action and stupid jovy kept kicking my chair and say that it was the reflex action.. stupid ass he.. then 1089 lect.. yayyyyy.. as usual mr aaron finish in 1hr 15 mins.. yayyyyyyyy.. haha..
left skool with mk and grace.. then took train with zawani.. haha.. played her psp again till she dropped off to meet her bf.. i saw her bf.. he was botak cuz i think he in ns.. haha..
came home and house was a mess thanx to mum painting her room.. i cleaned up my table.. so clean now.. not used to it.. haha.. should have taken the b4 and after pic.. haha.. so wasted...
January 01 - 09 ~ Ass
January 10 - 24 ~ Slug
January 25 - 31 ~ Cockroach
February 01 - 05 ~ Parasite
February 06 - 14 ~ Bullfrog
February 15 - 21 ~ Skunk
February 22 - 28 ~ Snake
March 01 - 12 ~ Ape
March 13 - 15 ~ Cockroach
March 16 - 23 ~ Slug
March 24 - 31 ~ Parasite
April 01 - 03 ~ Ass
April 04 - 14 ~ Snake
April 15 - 26 ~ Slug
April 27 - 30 ~ Skunk
May 01 - 13 ~ Slug
May 14 - 21 ~ Bullfrog
May 22 - 31 ~ Cockroach
June 01 - 03 ~ Slug
June 04 - 14 ~ Skunk
June 15 - 20 ~ Ass
June 21 - 24 ~ Ape
June 25 - 30 ~ Parasite
July 01 - 09 ~ Slug
July 10 - 15 ~ Ass
July 16 - 26 ~ Bullfrog
July 27 - 31 ~ Parasite
August 01 - 15 ~ Ape
August 16 - 25 ~ Slug
August 26 - 31 ~ Skunk
September 01 - 14 ~ Bullfrog
September 15 - 27 ~ Parasite
September 28 - 30 ~ Ass
October 01 - 15 ~ Ape
October 16 - 27 ~ Skunk
October 28 - 31 ~ Snake
November 01 - 16 ~ Cockroach
November 17 - 30 ~ Parasite
December 01 - 16 ~ Ass
December 17 - 25 ~ Ape
December 26 - 31 ~ Bullfrog
If you are an Ass: A very loyal and sweet person. Your loyalty can never be doubted. You are quite honest and sincere when it comes to your attitude towards working. You are a very simple person, indeed. Absolutely hassle free, humble and down-to-earth!! That explains the reason why your friends cling on to you! You have a good taste for clothes. If your wardrobe is not updated with what is trendy, you sure are depressed. Popular and easy-going. You have a little group of dignified friends, all of them being quality-personified.
If you are a Slug: Always up to some sort of a mischief! The mischievous gleam in your eyes is what makes you so cute and attractive to everyone. You are an extremely fun-to-be-with kind of person. No wonder people seek for your company and look forward to include you for all get-together's. However, you are sensitive which is a drawback. People need to select their words while talking to you. If someone tries to fiddle around and play with words while dealing with you, it is enough to invite your wrath.God bless the person then!
If you are a Cockroach: Quite contradictory to your name, you are a peace loving person. You best try to avoid a situation wherein you are required to fight. An outdoor person, you dislike sitting at one place for a long duration. You are a born leader, and have it in you how to tactfully derive work from people. You love being loved, and when you receive your share of limelight from someone, you are all theirs!!!! Well, well... hence some people could even take an advantage, flatter you to the maximum and get their work done. So be careful.....
If you are a Parasite: An extremely lovable, adorable person, sometimes shy, with a passion for quick wit. At times, you prefer quietness. You love exploring various things and going into depth of each thing. Under normal circumstances you're cool but when given a reason to, you are like a volcano waiting to erupt. You're a fashion bird. People look forward to you as an icon associated with fashion. Basically, you mingle along freely but don't like talking much to strangers. People feel very easy in your company. You observe care in choosing your friends.
If you are a Skunk: You are near to perfect and nice at heart. The examples of your kindness are always circulated in groups of people. You too, love peace. You wouldn't like to retaliate even to a person who is in the wrong. You are loved due to this. You do not wish to talk behind one's back. People love the way you always treat them. You can give, give and give love, and the best part is that you do not expect it back in return. You are generous enough. Seeing things in a practical light is what the best trait of you guys remains.
If you are a Bullfrog: You symbolize a very happy-go-lucky approach in life. Whatever the surroundings may be, grim or cheerful, you remain unaffected. In fact, you spread cheer wherever you go. You are the leader of your group of friends and good at consoling people in their times of need. You dislike hypocrisy and tend to shirk away from hypocrites. They can never be in your good books, no matter what. You are very methodical and organized in your work. No amount of mess, hence, can ever encompass you. Beware; it is easy for you to fall in love....
If you are a Snake: You are mysterious. You are someone who can handle pressure with ease, and can handle any atmosphere without going berserk. You can be mean at times, and love to gossip with your selected group. Very prim and proper. You like all situations and things to be in the way you desire, which, sometimes is not possible. As a result, you may lose out in some relationships. But otherwise, you love to help people out from difficult and tight spots when they really need you.
If you are an Ape: Very impatient and hyper!!! You want things to be done as quickly as possible. At heart, you are quite simple and love if you are the center of attraction. That way, you people are unique. You would like to keep yourself safe from all the angles. Shall your name be dragged or featured in any sort of a controversy, you then go all panicky. Therefore, you take your precautions from the very beginning. When you foresee anything wrong, your sixth sense is what saves you from falling in traps. Quite a money minded bunch you people are!!
haha.. i think mine is pretty true.. i am very very mischevious.. haha.. and mum always sae im sensitive.. so ya.. haha.. farnie man..
anyway.. today was a boring day..
walked to skool with cassie as usual..
saw vic on the way and she passed me the drug medication guide book.. yayyyyy.. somemore she has already picked out the common drugs.. so yayyyy.. makes my work easier.. haha.. thanx vic..
then for me bio lect.. quite boring.. so sian.. rarrrrrr..
got this stupid girl sitting infront of me today(not the usual china girls) and she was freaking irritating with her stupid laughter.. aiyo.. her laughter very annoying.. those high pitch type.. ear pain man.. rarrrr..
then went to makan and went for bio tut.. this weird new teacher.. then my turn to answer qs.. my answer was OC usage for causes for stroke lahx.. and the teacher was saying that mostly taking OC one is affects girls.. so i was like " oh.. so OC usage one is for girls only rite" and he was like " err.. ya.. " and everyone laugh and stupid jovy was like " of cuz girls for OC usage lahx then guys ah!!! " and i was like "OI.. shut up lahx.. u nv noe rite.. anyway nowadays oso got guys take mahx.. " and the teacher oso say that now have OC for guys oso.. stupid jovy.. anyway i had the last say so yayyyy.. hahah.. wth!!!
then break again.. went to library.. and stoned with SL and grace and nor.. so boring.. then went for lecture again.. lucky mk, zawani and mummy sit infront of me.. so was happily playing on zawani's psp.. haha.. my entertainment.. then during the 1093 video watching, they were showing the reflex action and stupid jovy kept kicking my chair and say that it was the reflex action.. stupid ass he.. then 1089 lect.. yayyyyy.. as usual mr aaron finish in 1hr 15 mins.. yayyyyyyyy.. haha..
left skool with mk and grace.. then took train with zawani.. haha.. played her psp again till she dropped off to meet her bf.. i saw her bf.. he was botak cuz i think he in ns.. haha..
came home and house was a mess thanx to mum painting her room.. i cleaned up my table.. so clean now.. not used to it.. haha.. should have taken the b4 and after pic.. haha.. so wasted...
Thursday, November 29, 2007
today is thursday, 29th november 2007..
32 more days till a whole brand new year..
day started of with 1093.. i love my mummy.. haha.. stupid girl.. ok.. everyone is wondering like why i suddenly proclaim that i love my mummy.. my mummy is actually my fellow classmate who joined us this sem and her name is sharifa.. she older than me and always "scolds" me and asking me to take care when im sick and stuff.. so she is my mummy.. haha.. anyway i dun call my real mother mummy.. i call her mum.. so get the difference yea.. haha..
anyway.. i love my mummy because she never fails to make me laugh.. haha.. and like during makaning today with them, i told grace to keep quiet(jokingly of cuz) cuz she and SL were like complaring fats.. no one can beat me ok cuz im the one with the most fats.. haha.. so mummy was like "roshini, where's ur manners?" and all that.. haha.. aiyo.. damn crap lahx.. haha.. haiz..
anyway b4 that was psycho lec.. donus was going high and horny again.. haha.. class was so farnie.. and b4 lecture started, went to buy drink and peanuts with MK and was coming back happily chatting and going high and stuff and when i was about to sit, jovy(who sits behind me in lecture class) was like, "roshini, why are u always to happy?" and i was like "waddddd??? why cannot happy.. happy oso wrong ah??? haha" like that.. then he said "no lahx.. cuz everytime oso see you so jovial and high and cheerful and happy and nv see u like emo or dun laugh before.."(that kinda thing).. so i was like " haha.. ok.. its nice to be happy always and fun going high mahx.. sad for wad.. haha.. " .. haha.. so farnie.. dunno why he suddenly ask me like that but ya..
im usually like that.. i wun really show my emo side of me to ppl easily.. the only one who has truly seen the emo, crying and depressed side of me is tracy during the period of time when there was problem between me and lak.. and i really glad that she was there for me.. LOVE YA TRACY.. other ppl who have seen me cry is prob my close classmates in sec skool during mission day aka the day when the prob between me and lak was over all thanx to mission day.. lak prob wun believe it but i still keep that tiny piece of heart paper where we wrote to each other in my wallet till today(my witness is tracy cuz i showed her when we recently went out.. haha..) .. i cried that day becuz i was over whelmed with the whole mission thing, that we(as in our class) were going to go our separate ways after Os and of cuz because of lak and me.. i really love you guys too much man.. rarrrr... emos running wild..
haha.. ok.. enuf of that.. haha.. anyway.. waiting for tut class to start was really fun cuz mummy and wandi and reshem were imitating the 1088 tut teacher.. haha.. damn farnie.. she has this british meets australian accent thingy lahx.. haha.. aiyo.. laugh till stomach pain.. then crashed cassie's lecture 1088 cuz i missed that lecture on wed cuz wanted to study for theory test.. so lucky me.. haha.. damn fun time i had there.. only one comment thou.. cassie ah, ur lecture group is toooooooooooo quiet compared to mine man.. if noise level compared, ur is 1 for most quiet and mine is prob 7 or 8 for being so noisy.. haha.. aiyo.. tsk tsk.. -shakes shakes shakes-... haha.. -bounces, shakes hand, shakes hands and legs, umbrella opening, bounces and walks- haha.. most ppl wun understand this but cassie understand then enuf.. haha.. aiyo.. went to meet bavi at dover with cassie and yaso(cassie's classmate) got off at cityhall.. then me bavi and cass went to tiong to buy my pooh.. yayy.. then me and bavi went home..
went home and happily kenna scolding from mum for buying another winnie the pooh.. haha.. cant be bothered to talk back or wadeva cuz im too happy.. happy cuz 1) i met and go home with bavi and 2) i bought another winnie the pooh.... yayyyyyyy.. haha..
ok.. photo uploads now.. !!! yayyy.. !!!

haha.. chatting with JQ.. haha.. she damn farnie.. keep saying my nickname rosy very nice.. haha.. well.. i have to thank CANDICE for that.. haha. she came up with that short nickname.. haha.. love ya too girl.. haha..
vids cant load properly and no time for quizzes.. tmr yea.. yayyyyyyyyyyyy.... haha..
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
yayyy!!! finally theory paper is over.. it was easier than last sem.. thank god..
like wad mummy said "no need to study oso can pass.. but study than can score!"
which is true.. haha.. but i lost 6 marks already thanx to medication.. rarr.. screwed up my medication part.. haiz.. but other than that the exan went pretty ok..
joking with the others while studying.. haha.. damn fun lahx.. we did stupid things but fun nonetheless.. haha.. yayy..
went home and makan fried fish soup.. yummy.. haha.. haiz..
some pics taken candidly by MK.. stupid fisherman.. haha
playing on mummy's hp while eating lolli.. dun ask me why my mouth like that.. haha..
seriously not sure wad i doing man.. haha.. i like candid!!
another candid.. haha.. lolli=<3>
like wad mummy said "no need to study oso can pass.. but study than can score!"
which is true.. haha.. but i lost 6 marks already thanx to medication.. rarr.. screwed up my medication part.. haiz.. but other than that the exan went pretty ok..
joking with the others while studying.. haha.. damn fun lahx.. we did stupid things but fun nonetheless.. haha.. yayy..
went home and makan fried fish soup.. yummy.. haha.. haiz..
some pics taken candidly by MK.. stupid fisherman.. haha

shall upload the vids another day cuz dunno why problem uploading!! haha..
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
depressing day..
a day of boredom and mug-ness..
study study study.. thanx to tmr's theory paper!!!
today quite ok.. normal day except with a 4hr break inbetween.. was studying with BZ, germaine, kinlai, samantha, haymahn, jiaqian, grace.. then BZ, haymahn and yinting went for their assessment.. yayyyy.. they all passed.. so happy for them.. haha.. practise skills then went for lecture.. cassie crashed my lecture.. haha.. yayyyy.. then went to meet belle and zhao-ed home.. at ice cream on the way.. haha.. yummy..
came home and rotted.. till now.. have to start studying soon.. but i so tired and almost miss my stop when on the bus on the way home just now.. rarr.. im just so sick and tired of exams!!! its killing me.. studying like hell but its getting me no where!! 4 weeks of test/exams/assessments/icas straight.. really irritating.. rarrrr..
the latest big news on the newspapers and tv is the 5 singaporean dragon boaters who drowned in cambodia during a dragon boating competition.. i dunno why but i feel damn depressed whenever i read it abt on the papers.. its damn sad to see ppl like them who go there to do the country proud drown.. the most stupid thing is that they DID NOT WEAR LIFE-VESTs.. why they so stupid.. helllllloooooo.. we are talking about deep deep water here u noe.. open river lehx and they were stupid enuf to think that they would not need a life vest.. so wad if u are u good swimmer and stuff.. u are simply playing with ur life.. gosh.. its just scary to think how would their loved ones feel about this whole thing.. to me, even though i can swim abit, whenever i cant touch the floor of the swimming pool or sandy floor at the beach when swimming, i will start panicking and move to a place where i can touch the floor.. OMG, i just checked my school email account and guess wad.. 3 guy out of the 5 who passed away are/were nyp students.. omg... this sux even more now... aiyo.. damn sad lahx.. bless their souls... hope their are at a better place now..
=) need to study!!!!
PS: to kinlai, germaine, cassie(and ur two classmates yanyan and amy): guys.. dun be disheartened k.. jia you.. still have 2nd attempt to try ur best again.. smile!! <3
study study study.. thanx to tmr's theory paper!!!
today quite ok.. normal day except with a 4hr break inbetween.. was studying with BZ, germaine, kinlai, samantha, haymahn, jiaqian, grace.. then BZ, haymahn and yinting went for their assessment.. yayyyy.. they all passed.. so happy for them.. haha.. practise skills then went for lecture.. cassie crashed my lecture.. haha.. yayyyy.. then went to meet belle and zhao-ed home.. at ice cream on the way.. haha.. yummy..
came home and rotted.. till now.. have to start studying soon.. but i so tired and almost miss my stop when on the bus on the way home just now.. rarr.. im just so sick and tired of exams!!! its killing me.. studying like hell but its getting me no where!! 4 weeks of test/exams/assessments/icas straight.. really irritating.. rarrrr..
the latest big news on the newspapers and tv is the 5 singaporean dragon boaters who drowned in cambodia during a dragon boating competition.. i dunno why but i feel damn depressed whenever i read it abt on the papers.. its damn sad to see ppl like them who go there to do the country proud drown.. the most stupid thing is that they DID NOT WEAR LIFE-VESTs.. why they so stupid.. helllllloooooo.. we are talking about deep deep water here u noe.. open river lehx and they were stupid enuf to think that they would not need a life vest.. so wad if u are u good swimmer and stuff.. u are simply playing with ur life.. gosh.. its just scary to think how would their loved ones feel about this whole thing.. to me, even though i can swim abit, whenever i cant touch the floor of the swimming pool or sandy floor at the beach when swimming, i will start panicking and move to a place where i can touch the floor.. OMG, i just checked my school email account and guess wad.. 3 guy out of the 5 who passed away are/were nyp students.. omg... this sux even more now... aiyo.. damn sad lahx.. bless their souls... hope their are at a better place now..
=) need to study!!!!
PS: to kinlai, germaine, cassie(and ur two classmates yanyan and amy): guys.. dun be disheartened k.. jia you.. still have 2nd attempt to try ur best again.. smile!! <3
Monday, November 26, 2007
today super boring day!!!!
rarrrr.. stoned in the library from 9 to 12.30 and did some work.. then met cassie and grace for lunch..more stoning and abit of work done..
mk came along and more more stoning..
then we so bored.. so i, grace and mk started arm wrestling..
i won grace.. yayy.. but that small girl sure have loads of strength man..
and mk.. dun see he so skinny skinny.. lost to him like hell lahx.. couldnt even put up a fight during arm wrestling cuz he was super strong.. rarrr..
then zawani came. arm wrestled her too.. haha..
hers damn farnie cuz her strength lies only in her fingers which she uses to crush my fingers..
but no power from wrist onwards.. haha.. so farnie.. so i won her too.. haha..
then went for bio pract.. today's class quite fun.. we kept going high.. haha.. total siao-ness..
haha.. even the tcher was making jokes and stuff..
we were supp to test our fren's leg for knee jerk reflex.. damn farnie cuz mummy sharifa and SL wanted to test mine.. then try and try still i dun have any reflex lahx.. so the tcher came
arnd to see.. then he sae he very thick-skinned when they complain that i dun have any reflex...
haha.. then he started feeling thru my jeans for my patella aka knee cap cuz just right below the knee cap is the place where u should hit.. i dun like ppl touching my knee cuz i will
ticklish lahx.. so i was like -pushes his hand away and starts laughing hysterically- .. haha..
and the tcher was like "aiyo.." and continues feeling for it.. haha.. super tickish lahx...
tsk tsk.. then SL and sharifa continued feeling oso and i like rarrrrrrr.. ticklish and laugh and laugh.. haha.. my knee jek reflex not bad lahx..
then my turn to try on mummy.. haha.. she oso so ticklish.. haha.. esp when the "hammer" thingy hits her knee cap area.. haha.. so fun ok.. we were like happily bullying our frens..
then zhao-ed home with mummy, grace and nor joined after a while.. met mum and small bro at CWP cuz still had $10 from wad mum gave me yest and i wanted to buy sumting cuz i
noe the longer i keep the money and dun buy anything, i will
sure buy sumting totally unnecessary or spent on food or mags.. so ya..
in the we makan makan walk walk and still nv buy anything.. haha.. wth man..
the thing i wanted to buy from "more than words" dun have lahx.. aiyo.. sian sian..
so irritating.. go and just waste money on makan makan.. haiz.. mum was like "aiyo see lahx.."
shall go to tbp one day with cass to see if they have wad i want.. haha.. yayyyyy..
need to seriously mug for my theory test!!! rrarrrrrr!!!
You Are 30% Left Brained, 70% Right Brained |
![]() The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning. Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others. If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic. Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet. The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility. Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way. If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art. Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports. |
Sunday, November 25, 2007
a day gone wrong..
a day that is supposed to be spent studying was spent shopping and makaning with mum...
thank god tmr skool only start at 4pm so can go skool at normal time then study in the lib..
uncle sent money to mum from canada to thank mum for her help.. haha..
100 canadian dollars.. and i oso benefitted.. haha..
mum changed the money to SGD and gave me $20(yay!!!) and oso bought me stuff and makan makan.. haha.. yayyyy..
sri so farnie.. cuz she called my while i was in BPP and ask me if i was busy..
i was "no.. i in ntuc"..
she was like "with who?" and i was like "mum"..
haha.. then she was like 'wow.. u every weekend go out with ur mum ah.. "
haha.. i was like "i guai-kia mahx.." haha..
but i like going out with mum oso lahx.. get to buy things mahx.. haha..
i noe alot of my frens dun go out with their parents.. sumtimes its weird for me when i tok abt me going out with my mum to my frens cuz they will be like "wadddddd.. u go out with ur mum?????" that kinda thing.. so its pretty farnie.. haha..
anyway.. day out with mum.. bought some stuff.. bought myself and mum this soft toy thing.. haha.. very cute.. its a yellow duckie..
couldnt make up my mind between the duckie or the rat so decided on the duckie cuz its looks so sunshine-y.. haha.. nice.. reminds me of duckie aka joleena.. haha..
bought these:
1) 3 dog-patterned hair clips.. (red, black and white)
2) white heart long necklace
2) white heart long necklace
3) red teddy bear long necklace(real steal cuz its like super cheap.. $3.90 only.. )
4) my yellow sunshine duckie!!!!!
5) green froggie for mum!!!
photos upload yayyy..

haha.. now ppl cant complain that when they come into my room they only see pooh.. haha..
sunshine duckie is gonna accompany my prince pooh on my bed yayyy.. haha..
still want that big winnie the pooh i saw at gift-a-name at CWP thou..
when my pay comes, thats the first thing i gonna buy.. haha.. yayyy..
mummy sharifa just called.. haha.. asked wad time skool start tmr..
confirmed with her that its at 4pm.. she was like wth!!! haha..
"might as well have e-learning for bio pract oso wad.. then no need to come to skool tmr" was wad she said.. haha.. so true lahx.. but i still going to skool normal time to study!!! haha.. i so guai!!
ok.. just blogged on club board.. go check it out too ppl.. haha.. yayyy..
another quizzz!!!
30 secrets About Yourself. Be honest no matter what.
[One] Who was your last text from?♣ boss- about next bod meeting..
[ Two ] Where was your default picture taken?♣ outside ltk by cassie..
[ Three ] Are you bored wif life at times?♣ yup..
[ Four ] Your current status?♣ single
[ Five ] What is your current mood?♣ pretty happy cuz i went shopping haha..
[ Six ] How old are you?♣ Seventeen...
[ Seven ] If you could go back in time and change something, would you?♣ yup.. be better fren to lak.. i guess that would be my biggest regret ever..
[ Eight ] What's your favoritecolor/s? ♣ alot..
[ Nine ] Ever had a near death experience? ♣ kinda.. the stupid mercedes incident..
[ Ten ] Something you do a lot?♣ blog, chat, sms etc..
[ Eleven ] Who can you tell ANYTHING to?♣ bavi!!!!!!
[ Twelve ] Name someone with the same birthday as you.♣ michelle chong..
[ Thirteen ] If you could have one super power what would it be?♣ the ability to... i dunno.. everything.. haha.. my super power changes all the time.. haha..
[ Fourteen ] What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?♣ hair and feet(i noe its weird.. haha.. dunno why i look at the feet oso.. haha.. )
[ Fifteen ] Favorite season?♣ autumn cuz i like the maple leaves colour during fall.. and the singapore season!!! haha..
[ Sixteen ] Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?♣ so long since i watched tv or movies lahx.. rarrrrr..
[ Seventeen ] What are you eating or drinking at the moment?♣ eating the inside of my cheeks and drinking my saliva.. haha..
[ Eighteen ] Do you speak any other language?♣ english, tamil, chinese and a wee bit of malay..
[ Nineteen ] Describe your life in one word.♣ alright!
[ Twenty ] Do you have any tattoos?♣ nope.. and will nv have thanx to the pain and the fact that its permanent..
[ Twenty-one ] Who was the last person you hung out with?♣ mum..
[ Twenty-two ] What are you thinking about right now?♣ to start studying for exams soon..
[Twenty-three ] What should you be doing?♣ studying..
[ Twenty-four ] Who was the last person that made you upset/mad?♣ small bro.. he pushed me into the shelves of clothes-hanger when in ntuc..
[ Twenty-five ] What are you listening to?♣ home-chris daughtry
[ Twenty-six ] Do you like working in the yard??...?♣ no yard to work at.. haha..
[ Twenty-seven ] Who is with you?♣ small bro crying away cuz mum just whacked the shit out of him..
[ Twenty-eight ] Do you act different around the person you like?♣ who wouldnt?? haha.. try cassie acting stupid in front of her crush all the time esp in north canteen.. haha..
[ Twenty-nine ] What is your natural hair colour?♣ black..
[ Thirty ] Last time you were really happy.♣ just now.. cuz i was shopping.. haha.. retail therapy..
yayyy!!!! my yellow sunshine duckie-muackzzz
Saturday, November 24, 2007
rarrrrr.. im super bored.. yest was ok..
started off with bio.. stupid wandi and jovy kept bullying me.. rarrr.. thanx to them i was entertained thru-out bio.. haha..
then went to break with swee leng and cassie and yiqi joined us.. haha.. yiqi=itchy(according to cassie.. stop calling her itchy and u will stop feeling itchy.. haha.. that poor girl!!!)
haha.. then went to rot at the vending machine table which currently is the only place that has a working plug in the whole LTK-H bench tables.. can the electricians or technicians whoever fix the damn plugs.. already so little plugs available outside LTK and to make things worse the plugs are spoiled..rarrr..
managed to download super mario into my lappy.. haha.. then we started playing on mine and grace's lappy.. haha.. so fun.. too bad my mario partner aka MK not there.. haha.. then yiqi and cassie could not study anymore for their bio test so they oso started playing.. haha.. so farnie..
went for 3 hr lect and so bored so during mini-breaks and stuff we started playing again.. behind us like all our frens were like spectators lahx.. haha.. so farnie.. two lappies playing the same thing.. we were like a bunch of deprieved childhood ppl... haha.. damn farnie..
then went for meeting but was 2 hr early and saw vic stoning in the lib too.. so whipped ot lappy and started playing mario.. vic saw and oso joined in.. haha.. so farnie.. she was like "ooohhhh.. arrggghhh.. fuck!" haha.. damn farnie lahx.. sounds damn wrong lahx.. haha.. wth!!! haha.. then angie and jianning came.. angie was using my lappy and shopping online for bags and vic oso join in.. so i went over to look.. so suay cuz both mine and jianning lappys charging so the wires were behind us on the wall and inbetween us.. so when i walk i nv see the wires and tripped.. lucky nv fall.. but damn loud when my hand bang onto the table and the fake wall.. haha.. aiyo.. so pai sehx lahx.. rarrrr.. so many ppl looking.. rarrrrr.. then after meeting walked to ck with vic and khairul and went home with khairul.. was playing on his psp.. racing game.. my fav!!!! haha.. i love racing car or bike games.. but most of my frens who have psp dun have racing games.. they have fight fight kill kill treasure hunt games.. haha..
reached home and saw my ex-neighbours at home.. and the two small boys started bullying me once i stepped foot into my house.. i like whole day kenna bullied lahx.. sad man.. then when they left, mum's stupid fren and her relatives came.. i hate them lah.. hated her ever since the first time i saw her... rarrrr.. she and her stupid daughter and the daughter's even more stupid bf!!! and her sister, sister's husband and son.. the son small boy so cute.. he came all the way to my room just to say hi to me.. haha... the rest all i dun like except for the small boy..
then this morning went to sata for the hiv and hep C test thingy for the sponsorship... waa lao paid $20 for consultation during which the doc only said two things..
1) that the results of these tests will be sent to the government and u dun have a choice for this..
2) there is a window period for the test meaning that if i am pronounced postive or negative it may change after the window period..
like wth!!! i already know all these info.. so basically i paid $20 for sumting that i already know and i waited for 1 1/2 hr for a 1 min "consultation".. wth!!! then paid another $42 for the actual test itself.. overall is still cheaper compare to the clinic below my house(which cost a bomb) and wayyyyyy cheaper compared to wad sri paid($103+ at raffles medical group) and when sri sms me how much she paid she added in the cents oso.. haha.. could have killed the stupid woman who was drawing my blood.. that blady woman... rarr.. and that stupid teenage boy who was looking at my blood being drawn.. pain pain pain.. the stupid woman was looking and feeling for my vein at my anti-cubital fossa aka inside of the elbow there.. she had trouble feeling it and was telling me that my vein pretty hidden and deep.. so i told her that the last time they drew my blood was at the top side of my palm where u can see my veins super clearly near my knucles there.. she just said "oh i see.. mmm.. " and continued feeling for my vein at my fossa area.. wtf man!!! she inserted the freaking huge needle into the fossa area and no blood came.. so she pull out a needle abit and pushed it in back in another direction.. like WTF!!!!! here i was afraid of needles, injection, and pain and sometimes blood and there she was pulling out abit and trying to find my freaking vein and she was purely trying her damn luck lahx.. wad the shit man.. she finally figured that i was in pain so she pulled it out and started looking for the vein in the top of my palm area which was wad i suggested.. and like wth man.. she was wearing her glove and touching and looking for sumting in the drawers.. like omg!!! can you pls use ur ungloved hand to find the thing and not use the gloved hand to touch anf find then use the same hand without changing gloves and touch me and draw my blood.. omg man!!!! i wonder if she got even change gloves inbetween patients.. then she finally found the canular thingy she needed and happily poked my hand with another freaking huge needle.. my blood just came pouring out into the tube.. i was sniffing cuz i had flu and my nose was filled with mucus.. she tot i was crying.. then she look at me and smile and ask me "pain ah?" and i was like "ya.." and she just cont to smile.. waa lao.. damn sadist lahx.. stupid woman.. she draw two tubes full of blood.. wth!!! usually they only draw like half a tube and that blady blood sucker deprieved me of my blood.. waa so pain lahx.. that stupid boy kept looking at me and started grimacing.. rarrrr.. then when i left, the ppl was looking at my expression to see whether pain or not.. of cuz pain lahx.. if it was anywhere more private i would have cried already.. i so scared lahx.. i can feel my heart beat so fast can.. rarrr..
then when leaving with mum was complaining to mum about how inefficient and unhygienic that woman was.. mum was like " aiyo.. u so complain queen u noe" i was duh.. wth.. then went to makan lunch.. and then go pasar malam to buy cheese hotdog and taiwanese hotdog.. yummy!!!! haha.. then came home and was chatting with kinlai online.. girl ah, if u buying goldie puppy muz tell me ok.. then can have doggie outing with mine and germaine doggies and whoever have dogs in our class.. haha..
yayyy.. quiz time..
yest do one quiz on facebook and this is the results
Facebook test
Nothing seems to bother you - you sail through life crisis free. It's not that your life doesn't have its ups and downs, it's just that you handle everything without unnecessary drama and antics. You approach each day fresh, not worrying about yesterday or tomorrow. You are confident that you can handle anything that comes your way and experience has shown that you are absolutely right about this.
Thrill Seeker
You are interested in anything that is exciting and pleasurable. You're not afraid to indulge yourself - you live by your own set of rules and don't allow yourself to get hung on what others think. For the most part, you are independent and do whatever you please to do. Trying to stop you from doing something only makes you want it even more. At the end of the day - you live for life's most thrilling moments.
It's a good thing that you are filled with energy and ambitions (that others sometimes find exhausting) because you're continually looking for a new adventure and exciting experience. You struggle with a continual feeling of restlessness which constantly pushes you to the next level of excitement. Once you have accomplished one thing, you are eager to accomplish something more exciting, riskier and distinguishable.
You are a cuddle bug - from a warm hug shared with your best friend to steamy sex with your partner, you enjoy every bit of human contact that you can get. You demonstrate your love for others most fluidly through physical one-on-one contact and you feel the most loved when you are being touched. You feel disconnected when you are physically isolated from others. You're a people person and a lover of all things human.
started off with bio.. stupid wandi and jovy kept bullying me.. rarrr.. thanx to them i was entertained thru-out bio.. haha..
then went to break with swee leng and cassie and yiqi joined us.. haha.. yiqi=itchy(according to cassie.. stop calling her itchy and u will stop feeling itchy.. haha.. that poor girl!!!)
haha.. then went to rot at the vending machine table which currently is the only place that has a working plug in the whole LTK-H bench tables.. can the electricians or technicians whoever fix the damn plugs.. already so little plugs available outside LTK and to make things worse the plugs are spoiled..rarrr..
managed to download super mario into my lappy.. haha.. then we started playing on mine and grace's lappy.. haha.. so fun.. too bad my mario partner aka MK not there.. haha.. then yiqi and cassie could not study anymore for their bio test so they oso started playing.. haha.. so farnie..
went for 3 hr lect and so bored so during mini-breaks and stuff we started playing again.. behind us like all our frens were like spectators lahx.. haha.. so farnie.. two lappies playing the same thing.. we were like a bunch of deprieved childhood ppl... haha.. damn farnie..
then went for meeting but was 2 hr early and saw vic stoning in the lib too.. so whipped ot lappy and started playing mario.. vic saw and oso joined in.. haha.. so farnie.. she was like "ooohhhh.. arrggghhh.. fuck!" haha.. damn farnie lahx.. sounds damn wrong lahx.. haha.. wth!!! haha.. then angie and jianning came.. angie was using my lappy and shopping online for bags and vic oso join in.. so i went over to look.. so suay cuz both mine and jianning lappys charging so the wires were behind us on the wall and inbetween us.. so when i walk i nv see the wires and tripped.. lucky nv fall.. but damn loud when my hand bang onto the table and the fake wall.. haha.. aiyo.. so pai sehx lahx.. rarrrr.. so many ppl looking.. rarrrrr.. then after meeting walked to ck with vic and khairul and went home with khairul.. was playing on his psp.. racing game.. my fav!!!! haha.. i love racing car or bike games.. but most of my frens who have psp dun have racing games.. they have fight fight kill kill treasure hunt games.. haha..
reached home and saw my ex-neighbours at home.. and the two small boys started bullying me once i stepped foot into my house.. i like whole day kenna bullied lahx.. sad man.. then when they left, mum's stupid fren and her relatives came.. i hate them lah.. hated her ever since the first time i saw her... rarrrr.. she and her stupid daughter and the daughter's even more stupid bf!!! and her sister, sister's husband and son.. the son small boy so cute.. he came all the way to my room just to say hi to me.. haha... the rest all i dun like except for the small boy..
then this morning went to sata for the hiv and hep C test thingy for the sponsorship... waa lao paid $20 for consultation during which the doc only said two things..
1) that the results of these tests will be sent to the government and u dun have a choice for this..
2) there is a window period for the test meaning that if i am pronounced postive or negative it may change after the window period..
like wth!!! i already know all these info.. so basically i paid $20 for sumting that i already know and i waited for 1 1/2 hr for a 1 min "consultation".. wth!!! then paid another $42 for the actual test itself.. overall is still cheaper compare to the clinic below my house(which cost a bomb) and wayyyyyy cheaper compared to wad sri paid($103+ at raffles medical group) and when sri sms me how much she paid she added in the cents oso.. haha.. could have killed the stupid woman who was drawing my blood.. that blady woman... rarr.. and that stupid teenage boy who was looking at my blood being drawn.. pain pain pain.. the stupid woman was looking and feeling for my vein at my anti-cubital fossa aka inside of the elbow there.. she had trouble feeling it and was telling me that my vein pretty hidden and deep.. so i told her that the last time they drew my blood was at the top side of my palm where u can see my veins super clearly near my knucles there.. she just said "oh i see.. mmm.. " and continued feeling for my vein at my fossa area.. wtf man!!! she inserted the freaking huge needle into the fossa area and no blood came.. so she pull out a needle abit and pushed it in back in another direction.. like WTF!!!!! here i was afraid of needles, injection, and pain and sometimes blood and there she was pulling out abit and trying to find my freaking vein and she was purely trying her damn luck lahx.. wad the shit man.. she finally figured that i was in pain so she pulled it out and started looking for the vein in the top of my palm area which was wad i suggested.. and like wth man.. she was wearing her glove and touching and looking for sumting in the drawers.. like omg!!! can you pls use ur ungloved hand to find the thing and not use the gloved hand to touch anf find then use the same hand without changing gloves and touch me and draw my blood.. omg man!!!! i wonder if she got even change gloves inbetween patients.. then she finally found the canular thingy she needed and happily poked my hand with another freaking huge needle.. my blood just came pouring out into the tube.. i was sniffing cuz i had flu and my nose was filled with mucus.. she tot i was crying.. then she look at me and smile and ask me "pain ah?" and i was like "ya.." and she just cont to smile.. waa lao.. damn sadist lahx.. stupid woman.. she draw two tubes full of blood.. wth!!! usually they only draw like half a tube and that blady blood sucker deprieved me of my blood.. waa so pain lahx.. that stupid boy kept looking at me and started grimacing.. rarrrr.. then when i left, the ppl was looking at my expression to see whether pain or not.. of cuz pain lahx.. if it was anywhere more private i would have cried already.. i so scared lahx.. i can feel my heart beat so fast can.. rarrr..
then when leaving with mum was complaining to mum about how inefficient and unhygienic that woman was.. mum was like " aiyo.. u so complain queen u noe" i was duh.. wth.. then went to makan lunch.. and then go pasar malam to buy cheese hotdog and taiwanese hotdog.. yummy!!!! haha.. then came home and was chatting with kinlai online.. girl ah, if u buying goldie puppy muz tell me ok.. then can have doggie outing with mine and germaine doggies and whoever have dogs in our class.. haha..
yayyy.. quiz time..
yest do one quiz on facebook and this is the results
Facebook test
Nothing seems to bother you - you sail through life crisis free. It's not that your life doesn't have its ups and downs, it's just that you handle everything without unnecessary drama and antics. You approach each day fresh, not worrying about yesterday or tomorrow. You are confident that you can handle anything that comes your way and experience has shown that you are absolutely right about this.
Thrill Seeker
You are interested in anything that is exciting and pleasurable. You're not afraid to indulge yourself - you live by your own set of rules and don't allow yourself to get hung on what others think. For the most part, you are independent and do whatever you please to do. Trying to stop you from doing something only makes you want it even more. At the end of the day - you live for life's most thrilling moments.
It's a good thing that you are filled with energy and ambitions (that others sometimes find exhausting) because you're continually looking for a new adventure and exciting experience. You struggle with a continual feeling of restlessness which constantly pushes you to the next level of excitement. Once you have accomplished one thing, you are eager to accomplish something more exciting, riskier and distinguishable.
You are a cuddle bug - from a warm hug shared with your best friend to steamy sex with your partner, you enjoy every bit of human contact that you can get. You demonstrate your love for others most fluidly through physical one-on-one contact and you feel the most loved when you are being touched. You feel disconnected when you are physically isolated from others. You're a people person and a lover of all things human.
i agree with almost everything esp about the frienship part.. that is like absolutely true.. haha.. wow.. super impressed with this test... cuz this test was just to basically choose pics that to you answer the qs most.. and end result is this.. wowww.. try it guys.. its on facebook.. haha..
another quizzz..
1. Your name plus "ness"?♥ roshininess
2. Two feelings at the moment?♥ sleepy and stressed
3. What are you listening to right now?♥ bouncy bouncy smack smack-don and drew
4 . Done anything you regret so far this week?♥nothing regretable cuz i noe i did my best
5. Describe where you are right now?♥ in my room on my bed with my lappy on my lap
6. The highlight of your week?♥ playing mario??!! haha..
7. What are you craving to have right now?♥ cookies and cream ice cream..
8. Who were the last people you ate with?♥ mum..
9. What are you scared of?♥ pain, heights, gore, horroe movies.. and sometimes blood..
10 . Last songs you sang out loud?♥ mmm.. dunno.. long time nv sing out loud..
11. Are you thinking of someone right now?♥ nope..
14. Who is the last person you talked to?♥ small bro; asking him to close my room door..
15. Last thing you downloaded on yourcomputer?♥ super mario.. haha.
16 . Have you changed much this year?♥ i think i have.. more mature and studious i think..
19. Hug or kiss?♥ hugs.. they are more meaningful to me..
23. Who was the last person to text message you?♥ sri..
24. Where was the last place you went to besides where you are?♥ sata and CWP
26 . Do you speak any other language other than english?♥ tamil, chinese and abit of malay
27. Last thing you watched on TV?♥ 15 mins of "green forest my home" reruns..
28. Do you dress for style or comfort?♥ comfort
29 . Name someone with the same b-day as you?♥ michelle chong..
30. Ever had a drunken night in mexico?♥ nope..
31. Whats the craziest thing you've done?♥ for today, i got myself poked my a stupid woman!!!
32. Favorite color(s)?♥ alot..
33. Who's your favorite cereal?♥ cookie crisps.. yummy
34. What is your favorite MichaelJackson song?♥ not from that era.. haha..
35. Who do you love?♥alot of ppl.. haha..
36. Any plans right now?♥ ya.. study for upcoming exams..
37. What are your plans for tonight?♥ watch vids..
38. What are you looking forward to tomorrow?♥ study day!!!
39. Last time you smiled?♥ just now..
40. Who do you wanna be with right now?♥ bavi!!! haha..
couple of qs missing i noe.. ask the friendster person!!
1. How's your life lately?`very very stressful thanx to all the exams..
2. When was the last time you went out?`in the morning..
3. What movies u wanna watch?`so many.. fred claus, enchanted, good luck chuck etc..
4.What was the last movie you saw?`long time ago.. wild hogs..
5.The last place you went?`CWP.. sata..
6. Last person u saw?`my small bro.. he just came into the room..
7.Missing someone?`alot of ppl but mainly bavi!!! rarrr..
8.What made you smile today?`ehhh.. the stupid conversation between me and mum..
9. Are you scared to fall in love?`i guess..
10.Ever thought you were in love?`nope..
11. Fallen in love before?`nope..
12. What is your status right now?`single..
13 . What were you doing this morning at 7 am?`sleeping like pig
14.What were you doing this morning at 10 am?`at sata..
15. What were you doing this morningat 12pm?`still at sata
16.Do you have a tattoo?`nope.. and will nv have.. too painful..
17. Things you have to do everyday?`bath!!! surf the net.. chat, sms.. etc..
18 . Are you a type of person who easily gets hurt?`i think so.. mum says im sensitive..
19. The last thing you said to one ofyour girlfrends?`see ya on monday to vic.. haha..
20. Rate your day 1-10.`8=lousy thanx to stupid woman who dunno how to draw blood..
21. Did anything exciting happen today?`nope.. unless you count drawing blood exciting..
22. Type something that is on your mind?`news broadcast on 987 fm.. haha..
23. How many things in your past do you regret?`1..
24. Quarrel with someone recently?`mmm.. no i think.. unless u count mum not talking to me
for no reason 2 days ago...
25.Do you have a best friend?`duh!!!
26. Would you want 1 best friend or many normal friends?`both.. im greedy..
27 What do you want to be when you grow up?`i like to be in counsellor-ship thingy.. so not
planning to be a nurse forever..
28. Do you like your life?`ok i guess..
29. Has one of your friends ever stabbed you in the back?`dunno whether to count that as back
stab but no one has betrayed my trust as far as i noe..
30.Do you have more friends that are boys.`nope.. more GFs def.. haha..
31. last person you chat on the phone?`dunno.. forget already.. either bavi or cass..
32. how long have you had friendster?`since 2004..
33. Have you ever skipped school?`nope.. unless you count tapping card and sitting outside ltk..
34. What is the last person you message?`big bro: at home why??
35. any plans for today?` surf net.. watch vids.. sleep..
36. any plans for tomorrow?`study day!!! i feel like a freaking nerd.. rarrr..
37. any songs u lyk?`no favs..
38. what time is it?`8.57pm
Thursday, November 22, 2007

taken by cassie a week ago!! im so not posing ok!!
yesterday was quite fun!!! met cassie for makan-ing breakfas in the morning.. grace joined us, then joey(cassie's classmate) oso joined us.. then me, grace and kinlai stoned at table while preparing for proj preparation.. culture presentation was pretty fun with the chiobu swee leng in her qipao.. haha.. pretty pretty girl.. haha.. should have taken pic of her.. haha.. then my group presentation for 1090.. rushed there.. then finish and went to makan makan with germaine, samantha, bizhen, kinlai, ester, sharifa aka mummy and grace.. then went home with kinlai... reaced home arnd 3.45 then sleep all the way till 8 to go to toilet then go back to sleep again till this morning.. yayyyyy.. so happy managed to catch up with my sleep.. haha..
met cassie this morning then walk to skool.. then met mummy and walk to class with her.. haha.. stupid girl.. dun wanna go sick doc even thou her mum gave her money to.. stupid mummy i have.. haha.. 1093 class quite ok.. super bored after a while so me, yinting and grace(the two smallest girls in my class) started arm wrestling.. for such small girls, they have some tremendous arm power man.. but in the end i still won.. then i and mummy vs.. haha.. i won again.. yayyy.. she won when we wrestle on our left hand.. haha.. then psycho lec.. quite boring and farnie at times.. sian sian sian.. then went to see ccb..
yayyyyy.. i got the mentorship thingy.. together with khalilah, norusha and jovy... the person i wanted to get nv get it and the person i dun want to get got it.. haiz.. pretty happy thou.. but the thingis confirm will be tired after that cuz include the camp for mentorship i have a 6 day camp after which still have overnight thingy at cassie's house(haven ask parents yet thou), going to malaysia and parents and bros (oso haven confirm), gathering stuff, going out with pri-mates and christmas parties and finally not forgetting studying and project time.. rarr.. jam-packed hols.. like already planning for my two weeks break.. haha.. this is bad man.. i din get into the vietnam trip.. sad but i guess im not regretting cuz i still have one more year to try for that.. haha.. hope to go next year..
anyway after that went to tapao food with grace and makan-ed with mummy, zawani and mk.. wandi came along after a while.. after makan nothing to do.. lucky grace brought her lappy.. so yayyy.. super mario.. haha.. stupid mk and grace, dun let me read the story in the game.. haha.. kills them.. mk can happily bully me dun let me play in peace and keep distracting me till i lose so he can have his turn.. haha.. evil-nesss... then during his turn, i had my revenge.. haha.. hee hee hee-evil laughter-... pokes at his weak point till he almost fall off his seat.. mission accomplished.. anyway he lose even faster than me.. haha.. then finally managed to get to level 3 then die.. haiz.. sian.. gonna ask cass to ask gabe to download for me into my lappy.. cassie, help me ask ok.. i need some entertainment.. haha..
then tut and sub group 4 presentation.. wandi borrowed my jacket and mummy's shawl.. haha.. damn farnie.. had a blast during their role-play.. haha.. the moment he opens his mouth everyone laughs.. mk the best.. laugh till the sky drop oso he wun stop.. haha.. now my jacket has the wandi smell.. haiz.. then went home with cass, grace and yaso(cassie's fren) then nor joined.. then zhao-ed home.. dunno wads wrong with mum.. dun wanna talk then dun talk lahx.. do i look like i care.. u need something down then u ask small bro to come ask me to check something online.. u scold me when i ask him to pass a msg to you.. now u oso do the same wad.. so wad happened to example u are supposed to set??!!! wth!!!
anyway.. a quiz as promised..
1. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead?♥yup.. i think thats sweet and more meaningful than when they kiss you on ur lips..
2. A big poofy dress or a short partydress?♥ errr.. short(knee length) party dress i guess
3. What would you do if you received a long love letter?♥ read and react..
4 . Group dates or single dates?♥ dunno..
5. Do you hate it when guys act different around their friends?♥ehhhh.. i think no diff so far...
6. Are diamonds a girl’s best friend?♥yea.. but i prefer money thou.. at least u wun heartache when u think of bring it out.. haha.
7. Is your hair up or down today?♥down..
8. Do you straighten your hair?♥ only once for fun.. haha..
9. Favorite mascara?♥none.. dun where any..
10. Do you get your nails done?♥on my own.. just simple nail polish..
11. Small or large purses?♥medium..! haha
12. In your purse, what are your must haves?♥money!!!! and ic and ezlink card.. haha..
13 . Jeans or sweats?♥ jeans!!!
14. Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry?♥ like who doesnt.. than walk arnd naked and barefoot ah??!!
15 . Do you text message a lot?♥yea.. ALOT!!! last month's bill- 919 smses.. wowowowow man.. haha..
16 . What would you do if you got pregnant?♥that will nv happen unless im married.. haha..
17. What’s your favorite color?♥ alot..
18 . Heels or flats?♥ flats.. i wan unpain feet at the end of the day.. haha..
19. Did you ever cry during a romantic movie?♥like duh.. haha.. im emo!! haha
20. Would you ever leave the housewithout make-up on?♥of cuz.. i was born without them and i can live like that too.. haha..
21. Walmart or Target?♥neither.. haha..
22. Do you wear collared shirts?♥ yea..
23 . Do you like preppy boys?♥ preppy???? i guess not if they are like preppy girls. haha..
24. Do you think lip gloss is the best?♥yep.. simple and nice.. sumtimes got diff flavours too.. haha..
25 . Do you own any big sunglasses?♥nahhh..
26. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?♥1/2 hour
27. Do you like to wear band-aids?♥ ok lahx.. depends.. cloth material nope.. those with nice nice design yea.. haha
28. Do you like skater boys?♥think wad?? i avril lavigne ah.. haha.. nope lahx..
29. Do you often wish there was something you could change?♥yep.. the fact that we nv grow up and stay in sec 4 forever and forever amen(mr eric style)!!!
30. Gold or silver?♥ white gold.. =)
31 . Do you like to receive flowers?♥ i guess.. and depends who its coming from.. hehe.. my first rose came from thanyalak!! yay!!! love ya girll..
ok thats it.. tmr's gonna be LECTURE DAY!!!!! rarrrr.. 5 hours of lecture.. rarrrrrr..
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
bio exam finally over.. sucky though..pretty pissed with myself.. haiz..
anyway yest my fren was super depressed over sumting.. dun worry too much k.. maybe sumtings if not meant to be then maybe really not meant to be.. at least you noe that its not cuz of u or ur bf but its cuz of your dad.. so ya.. stay strong yea.. im always here!!!hehe..
yest was a normal day.. and basically mug day for bio.. bizhen gave me a lollipop(pudding flavoured) while we were studying during the 3hour break.. haha.. thanx girl.. yummy lolli.. so long since i ate one.. last time i ate one was like in sec 4.. haha.. then lab class.. went out with grace and sat at the table.. then fadzillah(aka fad) wanted to go to the toilet.. so she open the door and saw us sitting outside instead of going back to class.. so she went like "oorhhhhhh" and shakes her finger in the -orrrr hhorr- way.. then she turned the wrong way and almost bang on the wall.. haha.. then she was like "oops!!!" and turned the other way.. haha.. that girl really farnie lahx.. haha.. very cute oso.. makes me laugh man.. haha.. then waited for cass to end class then went home with her.. kept going high lahx.. haha.. so farnie..
today, while waiting for cassie, saw mdm mas.. super shocked to see her.. went to sae hi and she oso shocked to see me there.. haha.. farnie lahx she.. mdm mas rawks man..
skool normal.. just very stresses cuz of bio.. shant tok about that.. thanx to bavi and cassie for being there for me today.. u guys keep me sane in this insane environment.. haha.. anyway.. i feel very blessed.. ever since skool started this sem, i find myself interacting with the rest of my classmates way more than last sem.. last sem im always in my threesome with nor and SL.. now i have grown more with the rest of my classmates.. really happy.. haha.. made pretty good frens with ppl like kinlai since attachments and others like haymahn(my nyp gf haha), germaine, grace, BZ and the rest.. haha.. and of cuz i love my ah-ma aka mummy aka sharifa to bits cuz she is so nice and farnie.. and found out that she doesnt like baboon oso.. ok lahx.. cannot sae dun like.. "i dun like her and i dun not like her... ppl treat me nice, i oso treat them nice.." thats wad she said.. kinda sounded to me like she dun like so ya.. haha.. reshem actually tot we were like best frens!!! like omg man.. -faints-.. i guess alot of ppl think that way till they finally realise that i so dun.. so ya.. haha.. anyway, another fren almost broke down.. dun worry about liars!!!! went to yck with cass and her buddies, kinlai, reshem, jovy, grace and sharifa.. haha.. farnie bunch of peeps..
then went home and stone.. went to see wad mum cook.. aiyo faint.. she cook indian tomato soup again.. rarrrr.. with stir-fried sotong indian style.. faint.. haiz.. i was like "u cooked sotong!!!!!!!" she was like" i noe u cant eat and will start complaining thats why i fried fish separately for you".. i still wanted to faint.. she cook the selar kuning fish aka nasi lemak fish.. the one with loads and loads of bones.. haha... i so sian of eating fish so was like "can i just eat the sotong and if get rashes then get lahx".. like so wth right.. haha..mum was like "wadddd!!! dun play ah... " haha... so i went and took one small piece and ate and showed my mum.. her eyes were like going bigger and bigger lahx.. haha.. so i put abit of sotong on a plate with rice and ate.. mum and bro were keep looking at me like as if my rashes are gonna pop up immediately.. haha.. by the time ate finish already felt very itchy at my arms and neck.. rarrrr.. lucky no rashes.. just itchy itchy only.. so irritating.. then mum and dad and bro went out.. told them to buy m back mee goreng.. dunno from where they buy from the mee goreng not nice at all.. rarrrr..
anyway.. just realised sumting.. i very long time nv do quiz lehx.. rarrrrr.. haiz.. nvm.. tmr will try to find a quiz.. haha.. need some sleep.. makaning breakfast with cassie and grace tmr.. yayyyyy..
anyway yest my fren was super depressed over sumting.. dun worry too much k.. maybe sumtings if not meant to be then maybe really not meant to be.. at least you noe that its not cuz of u or ur bf but its cuz of your dad.. so ya.. stay strong yea.. im always here!!!hehe..
yest was a normal day.. and basically mug day for bio.. bizhen gave me a lollipop(pudding flavoured) while we were studying during the 3hour break.. haha.. thanx girl.. yummy lolli.. so long since i ate one.. last time i ate one was like in sec 4.. haha.. then lab class.. went out with grace and sat at the table.. then fadzillah(aka fad) wanted to go to the toilet.. so she open the door and saw us sitting outside instead of going back to class.. so she went like "oorhhhhhh" and shakes her finger in the -orrrr hhorr- way.. then she turned the wrong way and almost bang on the wall.. haha.. then she was like "oops!!!" and turned the other way.. haha.. that girl really farnie lahx.. haha.. very cute oso.. makes me laugh man.. haha.. then waited for cass to end class then went home with her.. kept going high lahx.. haha.. so farnie..
today, while waiting for cassie, saw mdm mas.. super shocked to see her.. went to sae hi and she oso shocked to see me there.. haha.. farnie lahx she.. mdm mas rawks man..
skool normal.. just very stresses cuz of bio.. shant tok about that.. thanx to bavi and cassie for being there for me today.. u guys keep me sane in this insane environment.. haha.. anyway.. i feel very blessed.. ever since skool started this sem, i find myself interacting with the rest of my classmates way more than last sem.. last sem im always in my threesome with nor and SL.. now i have grown more with the rest of my classmates.. really happy.. haha.. made pretty good frens with ppl like kinlai since attachments and others like haymahn(my nyp gf haha), germaine, grace, BZ and the rest.. haha.. and of cuz i love my ah-ma aka mummy aka sharifa to bits cuz she is so nice and farnie.. and found out that she doesnt like baboon oso.. ok lahx.. cannot sae dun like.. "i dun like her and i dun not like her... ppl treat me nice, i oso treat them nice.." thats wad she said.. kinda sounded to me like she dun like so ya.. haha.. reshem actually tot we were like best frens!!! like omg man.. -faints-.. i guess alot of ppl think that way till they finally realise that i so dun.. so ya.. haha.. anyway, another fren almost broke down.. dun worry about liars!!!! went to yck with cass and her buddies, kinlai, reshem, jovy, grace and sharifa.. haha.. farnie bunch of peeps..
then went home and stone.. went to see wad mum cook.. aiyo faint.. she cook indian tomato soup again.. rarrrr.. with stir-fried sotong indian style.. faint.. haiz.. i was like "u cooked sotong!!!!!!!" she was like" i noe u cant eat and will start complaining thats why i fried fish separately for you".. i still wanted to faint.. she cook the selar kuning fish aka nasi lemak fish.. the one with loads and loads of bones.. haha... i so sian of eating fish so was like "can i just eat the sotong and if get rashes then get lahx".. like so wth right.. haha..mum was like "wadddd!!! dun play ah... " haha... so i went and took one small piece and ate and showed my mum.. her eyes were like going bigger and bigger lahx.. haha.. so i put abit of sotong on a plate with rice and ate.. mum and bro were keep looking at me like as if my rashes are gonna pop up immediately.. haha.. by the time ate finish already felt very itchy at my arms and neck.. rarrrr.. lucky no rashes.. just itchy itchy only.. so irritating.. then mum and dad and bro went out.. told them to buy m back mee goreng.. dunno from where they buy from the mee goreng not nice at all.. rarrrr..
anyway.. just realised sumting.. i very long time nv do quiz lehx.. rarrrrr.. haiz.. nvm.. tmr will try to find a quiz.. haha.. need some sleep.. makaning breakfast with cassie and grace tmr.. yayyyyy..
Sunday, November 18, 2007
okieeeeee.. cont from yest cuz bro wanted to use lappy last nite till now.. so yea..
yest took 75 home from great world city.. i kinda hate taking 75 nowadays when im out with cass.. ok maybe not hate the bus ride but hate the feeling when i take the bus.. cuz last time for about 1 1/2 yrs took that bus home with tracy and candice.. so everytime i go home from tiong after being out with cass i have to take 75.. so when i sit at certain seats, or at the busstop or when pass by certain place it will make me rmb of the many memories i had, like chatting in the busstop, and seeing candice shaking her legs to prevent getting bitten by the damn mosquitoes, talking crap with tracy and candice and going high after eating chocs.. and it sucks ok.. cuz i know i can never go home with them again at the same time like after school 3.30 that kinda thingy.. like super nostalgia.. hates the feeling.. tried to sleep so i wun rmb these feelings but it doesnt work.. it just keeps pouring into me and in the end i din sleep in the bus.. worse part was when i took 851 to rush down for fp, i passed by novena church and almost wanted to cry.. was thinking of mission day and when we were so simple minded and friendship and having fun was the main in our minds.. rmb the time when i made bebe kiss the church's garden place floor during makan time when we were playing truth and dare.. waa sehx.. these things really sux lahx ok.. time can never turn back and moments will never be the same! -rarrrrr.. im crying-
anyway.. bro sent me to skool today.. he lost his way so we went all the way to upper serangoon then realise wrong way... cuz dad sent me to skool b4 and bro nv drive to nyp from home.. usually when he fetch me its usually from ghim moh then head down to nyp.. so we just lost our way.. and kinlai had to wait for me for so long.. sorry girl.. then the thing started and mk was late.. stupid mahx.. took train.. first train was at 6.15 and he had to be in skool by 6.30 so like damn happily late.. haha.. waa lao.. then quite ok lahx.. the elderly pretty farnie.. at first i dunno how to tok to them cuz i cant talk to elderly very well.. prefer kids anyday.. but they quite a nice and farnie bunch so had loads of fun.. haha.. we ended our work like super early cuz my group of elderly going to temple for prayers so they not going for the health fair.. so yayyyyy.. we end early.. makan makan then went to join SL, germaine, BZ, kinlai and haymahn.. haha.. quite ok lahx..
then went to meet mum at cwp to go to the pasar malam to buy stickers.. walking to cwp, then someone come and pat pat my shoulder pretty hard.. turned back and saw RINA CHOO... waa.. so shocked to see her.. she oso shocked to see me there.. haha.. we just stood there looking at each other and laughing.. haha.. so farnie.. then hug hug and talk talk for a while.. she wanted to come crash my classes during her hols.. then realise we both have the same days hols except that hers is 3 weeks mine in 2 weeks so in the end she still can come crash.. u are welcome to crash anyday man.. haha.. waaa.. love you girl.. so long nv see you leh.. how long ah?? lost count already.. haha..
after that mum and i went to makan makan at foodcourt and walk walk arnd and bought some stuff.. everytime i see something im like "mum buy me this.. " haha.. and my mum like really considering to buy me stuff.. at first got certain thing she dun wanna buy me.. so i was like "u very long time nv buy for me things.. buy me this lahx.. " haha.. so farnie.. then went to minitoons and saw some stuff and call mum buy me but she sae that want dun wan.. then she saw pooh cups and ask me whether i want.. i was like cannnnn.. but alreay have at home.. haha.. so in the end we walk walk see wad other things can buy.. bought some stuff then headed to pasar malam.. woowwwww.. my fav place man.. but once again most of the pooh stickers i already have.. only had 2 that i nv see b4 so bought that.. and some other stuff.. loads of finger food like this malay keropok fish stick thingy(my fav!), taiwanese sausage, cheese hotdog, and putu piring(my fav!) at diff intervals duh!!! all at once can die.. haha.. then mum was like we eat all that might as well eat a full meal.. haha.. thats true too.. but like snacks.. haha.. amazing thing was, mum nv sae anything about me buying all my pooh stuff.. she just smile and shake her head.. haha... sorry man.. its my "hobby".. haha.. i only paid for my pooh stuff all the rest she pay.. haha.. yayyyyy..
so this are the things i bought:
`2 hang ten t-shirts(love the colours)
`one 7-colour winnie the pooh pen
`admin card holder(cuz mine broke)
`2 pooh stickers
`2 pooh ez-link card holders(yayyyyy)
yay!!!! so tempted to buy more things but scared run out of money then no pocket money for tmr.. haha.. haiz..
haha.. ok.. better start on my continuation of my revision!!!!! im so tired... rarr..
to bavi: thanx for being there for me when i needed someone to talk to about wad im going thru!!! thanx girl... love you loads.. =)
yest took 75 home from great world city.. i kinda hate taking 75 nowadays when im out with cass.. ok maybe not hate the bus ride but hate the feeling when i take the bus.. cuz last time for about 1 1/2 yrs took that bus home with tracy and candice.. so everytime i go home from tiong after being out with cass i have to take 75.. so when i sit at certain seats, or at the busstop or when pass by certain place it will make me rmb of the many memories i had, like chatting in the busstop, and seeing candice shaking her legs to prevent getting bitten by the damn mosquitoes, talking crap with tracy and candice and going high after eating chocs.. and it sucks ok.. cuz i know i can never go home with them again at the same time like after school 3.30 that kinda thingy.. like super nostalgia.. hates the feeling.. tried to sleep so i wun rmb these feelings but it doesnt work.. it just keeps pouring into me and in the end i din sleep in the bus.. worse part was when i took 851 to rush down for fp, i passed by novena church and almost wanted to cry.. was thinking of mission day and when we were so simple minded and friendship and having fun was the main in our minds.. rmb the time when i made bebe kiss the church's garden place floor during makan time when we were playing truth and dare.. waa sehx.. these things really sux lahx ok.. time can never turn back and moments will never be the same! -rarrrrr.. im crying-
anyway.. bro sent me to skool today.. he lost his way so we went all the way to upper serangoon then realise wrong way... cuz dad sent me to skool b4 and bro nv drive to nyp from home.. usually when he fetch me its usually from ghim moh then head down to nyp.. so we just lost our way.. and kinlai had to wait for me for so long.. sorry girl.. then the thing started and mk was late.. stupid mahx.. took train.. first train was at 6.15 and he had to be in skool by 6.30 so like damn happily late.. haha.. waa lao.. then quite ok lahx.. the elderly pretty farnie.. at first i dunno how to tok to them cuz i cant talk to elderly very well.. prefer kids anyday.. but they quite a nice and farnie bunch so had loads of fun.. haha.. we ended our work like super early cuz my group of elderly going to temple for prayers so they not going for the health fair.. so yayyyyy.. we end early.. makan makan then went to join SL, germaine, BZ, kinlai and haymahn.. haha.. quite ok lahx..
then went to meet mum at cwp to go to the pasar malam to buy stickers.. walking to cwp, then someone come and pat pat my shoulder pretty hard.. turned back and saw RINA CHOO... waa.. so shocked to see her.. she oso shocked to see me there.. haha.. we just stood there looking at each other and laughing.. haha.. so farnie.. then hug hug and talk talk for a while.. she wanted to come crash my classes during her hols.. then realise we both have the same days hols except that hers is 3 weeks mine in 2 weeks so in the end she still can come crash.. u are welcome to crash anyday man.. haha.. waaa.. love you girl.. so long nv see you leh.. how long ah?? lost count already.. haha..
after that mum and i went to makan makan at foodcourt and walk walk arnd and bought some stuff.. everytime i see something im like "mum buy me this.. " haha.. and my mum like really considering to buy me stuff.. at first got certain thing she dun wanna buy me.. so i was like "u very long time nv buy for me things.. buy me this lahx.. " haha.. so farnie.. then went to minitoons and saw some stuff and call mum buy me but she sae that want dun wan.. then she saw pooh cups and ask me whether i want.. i was like cannnnn.. but alreay have at home.. haha.. so in the end we walk walk see wad other things can buy.. bought some stuff then headed to pasar malam.. woowwwww.. my fav place man.. but once again most of the pooh stickers i already have.. only had 2 that i nv see b4 so bought that.. and some other stuff.. loads of finger food like this malay keropok fish stick thingy(my fav!), taiwanese sausage, cheese hotdog, and putu piring(my fav!) at diff intervals duh!!! all at once can die.. haha.. then mum was like we eat all that might as well eat a full meal.. haha.. thats true too.. but like snacks.. haha.. amazing thing was, mum nv sae anything about me buying all my pooh stuff.. she just smile and shake her head.. haha... sorry man.. its my "hobby".. haha.. i only paid for my pooh stuff all the rest she pay.. haha.. yayyyyy..
so this are the things i bought:
`2 hang ten t-shirts(love the colours)
`one 7-colour winnie the pooh pen
`admin card holder(cuz mine broke)
`2 pooh stickers
`2 pooh ez-link card holders(yayyyyy)
yay!!!! so tempted to buy more things but scared run out of money then no pocket money for tmr.. haha.. haiz..
haha.. ok.. better start on my continuation of my revision!!!!! im so tired... rarr..
to bavi: thanx for being there for me when i needed someone to talk to about wad im going thru!!! thanx girl... love you loads.. =)
Saturday, November 17, 2007
photos upload from the past few days.. yayyyy..
today went to sign bond.. so boring.. my guarantors were falling asleep during the breifing thingy.. haha.. so farnie.. then rushed down to FP.. yayy.. miss the kids.. cassie had loads of fun yea.. haha.. so farnie.. then after that went do study at esplanade library cafe.. and as usual whenever me and cassie study there is always food.. so bought chocs b4hand and bought nachos at the cafe.. cassie bought this drink that just taste like vanilla ice cream to me.. i shall try the cookies-and cream ice blended next time.. haha.. then study study and kept going high.. moved from chairs to sofa and was like -sit and sleep-.. haha.. cuz the sofa so nice to sit... thats really a nice place to sleep.. i mean study.. haha.. wth.. anyway cassie gave bio a new name.. bio aka sleep inducer.. haha.. cuz we felt so sleepy.. but so farnie cuz we felt sleepy and awake at the same time cuz we kept going high.. haha.. then makan makan and marina square and walk walk and saw some pooh stuff.. yay... so nice.. haha..
then came home and rotting ever since cuz super tired and im going to sleep soon.. tmr have to wake up so early.. like 4.30 max 5 to reach skool yck by 6.15 ... rarrrrrr.. i need my beauty sleep..
written on my hand is roshini in myanmar language(haymahn drew)
written on haymahn hand is haymahn in english(i drew)
roshini written in myanmar language
germaine and me at the kovan centre beside coffeeshop.. haha.. my smile damn forceful man.. maybe im just tired.. haha..
my legs and the table at the cafe where we were studying.. nice place..
me and cass while on a mini break.. break time=camwhore session.. haha..
wooooowwww.. 8 more lectures to go.. have to finish all my revision by tmr then monday juz read thur everything again and finally tue exam.. no fair.. cassie's exam on fri.. no fair.. i object.. rarr.. need slightly more time to study lehx.. haha.. aiyo..
today went to sign bond.. so boring.. my guarantors were falling asleep during the breifing thingy.. haha.. so farnie.. then rushed down to FP.. yayy.. miss the kids.. cassie had loads of fun yea.. haha.. so farnie.. then after that went do study at esplanade library cafe.. and as usual whenever me and cassie study there is always food.. so bought chocs b4hand and bought nachos at the cafe.. cassie bought this drink that just taste like vanilla ice cream to me.. i shall try the cookies-and cream ice blended next time.. haha.. then study study and kept going high.. moved from chairs to sofa and was like -sit and sleep-.. haha.. cuz the sofa so nice to sit... thats really a nice place to sleep.. i mean study.. haha.. wth.. anyway cassie gave bio a new name.. bio aka sleep inducer.. haha.. cuz we felt so sleepy.. but so farnie cuz we felt sleepy and awake at the same time cuz we kept going high.. haha.. then makan makan and marina square and walk walk and saw some pooh stuff.. yay... so nice.. haha..
then came home and rotting ever since cuz super tired and im going to sleep soon.. tmr have to wake up so early.. like 4.30 max 5 to reach skool yck by 6.15 ... rarrrrrr.. i need my beauty sleep..
Friday, November 16, 2007
14 more lectures to study till tuesday.. rarr!!!!
day started normally but the problem i purposely left home later than usual like 20 mins later.. so irritating cuz i still reach yck at 8.25.. left home 20 mins later just to reach 5 mins later than usual time.. waa so irritating.. cant seem to be ever late when i want to.. haha... juz so weird lahx.. haha.. then walk walk to skool..
Went to lec and super pissed.. cuz someone sat at my usual sitting area.. rarr.. so angry... everytime i look at that side i so angry.. stupid ppl... sit at my place.. hope my ass sore till hell.. haha.. i so evil.. but seriously.. i and nor were complaining nd complaining after that when we went for makan makan.. but SL was so quiet.. then when walking to class then only she sae she so angry till she dunno wad to say oso.. thats why while me and nor complaining she nv sae anything.. haha.. then went for tut and it was that fatherly teacher again.. haha.. "isnt it isnt it" haha.. so farnie.. then break and went to stone in lec class then went out and was sitting with sharifa, mk, nor and zawani.. haha.. love sharifa to bits man.. she juz cheers me up with her farnie-ness.. haha.. then went for lec.. 1093 video watching was ok except for the male genitalia.. basically the girls(which was like soooooooo many like about 20 girls compared to 1 guy) were all disgusted.. haha.. reshem was so farnie lahx.. hayati's face was damn damn damn screwed.. haha.. so farnie man.. then 1089 lects were very fun cuz aaron kept entertaining us and reshem made group13 famous.. haha.. damn farnie lahx.. siao man.. today's class all quite entertaining.. then briefing for the sunday event thingy and guess wad.. im in the same group as mk and khalilah.. so was telling mk"eh.. after that we go seletar reservoir go fishing k".. haha.. and he was like " ok on.. sure sure.. see im so serious.. i bring my special fishing rod then we go.." and sharifa whi was walking just infront turned and sae " eh.. mk.. u shut lahx k.." in that really farnie way.. haha.. damn siao man.. those two.. that time she pinch his "breast(if he has one considering he is sooooo skinny)".. haha.. and he was rubbing it for the rest of the day.. and that looked damn wrong man.. haha.. then after that went for meeting.. yay!!! i miss bod meetings..
tmr got showdown.. rotaract club VS csc.. haha.. damn them.. dunno wads their prob.. boss and sri was like super super super pissed.. vic came after her elec and all the time she was saying "fuck fuck fuck".. haha.. which was pretty bad.. so anyway its showdown tmr.. dunno wads gonna happen cuz i not going.. she should have sri along with her tmr but so wasted cuz sri and i going to the same place so cant go.. haha.. haiz.. anyway after tmr's thingy i gonna rush down for FP to see wads happening then go out with cassie to study.. stupid jianning was cont to bullying me today.. angie ask me wad happen.. and i sae and that woman happily laugh and laugh.. nv say anything oso.. evil angie.. rarr.. then after that went down to help sri with the board and went to makan with cassie dinner.. then went back to study at the library.. belle came along and had a bitch fit.. haha.. that girl.. then study study till 8.45 like that and library almost closing..
then when leaving skool, me and cassie walked out thru the carpark way.. so when on the pathway i started bounce-walking.. and call cass to join in.. the we left right left right bounce-walk.. haha.. so farnie.. waa.. we damn stress already.. haha.. then i ran and jump and touch the height limit thingy at the carpark exit.. haha.. that was like 2m.. so yea, i can reach.. haha.. then we crapping all the way till yck.. waaa.. felt so good to have a crapping partner.. used to be tracy in sec skool.. haha.. tracy, miss you girl.. and now its cassie.. haha..
reached home.. then was finding my medical report cuz needed it.. find and find cant find.. so irritating.. so went to mum and said this, "ma.. dun scold me ah.. u noe where i put my medical report??? cuz i noe i put in my certificate file but i cant find it.. " and she started nagging and scolding me all the way.. rarrr.. so i went to really dig and find in my cert file again and guess was.. found it inbetween the plastic folders of my cert file.. haha.. so i went back and told mum, "waa lao ma.. u know wad.. just now find in my file 3 time cant find.. then after u start scolding me, i check my file again and the report suddenly appear.. waa.." haha.. so farnie lahx.. waa lao.. so suay.. she scold me then only can find.. haha.. haiz...
ok lahx.. i need to sleep now.. if not tmr, mum sure whack me awake in the morning.. rarr.. sleepy sleepy... zzzzzzzzzzz...
stoning ever since.. so bavi's tag and i changed my lappy wallpaper to my blogskin's picture to see if got kenna stretch till ugly.. guess wad.. its juz nice.. so perfect.. waaa.. so nice lahx.. haha.. so permanently changed my wallpaper till i decide to find another one.. but i think the pic and the words are really nice and emo and stuff.. haha..
day started normally but the problem i purposely left home later than usual like 20 mins later.. so irritating cuz i still reach yck at 8.25.. left home 20 mins later just to reach 5 mins later than usual time.. waa so irritating.. cant seem to be ever late when i want to.. haha... juz so weird lahx.. haha.. then walk walk to skool..
Went to lec and super pissed.. cuz someone sat at my usual sitting area.. rarr.. so angry... everytime i look at that side i so angry.. stupid ppl... sit at my place.. hope my ass sore till hell.. haha.. i so evil.. but seriously.. i and nor were complaining nd complaining after that when we went for makan makan.. but SL was so quiet.. then when walking to class then only she sae she so angry till she dunno wad to say oso.. thats why while me and nor complaining she nv sae anything.. haha.. then went for tut and it was that fatherly teacher again.. haha.. "isnt it isnt it" haha.. so farnie.. then break and went to stone in lec class then went out and was sitting with sharifa, mk, nor and zawani.. haha.. love sharifa to bits man.. she juz cheers me up with her farnie-ness.. haha.. then went for lec.. 1093 video watching was ok except for the male genitalia.. basically the girls(which was like soooooooo many like about 20 girls compared to 1 guy) were all disgusted.. haha.. reshem was so farnie lahx.. hayati's face was damn damn damn screwed.. haha.. so farnie man.. then 1089 lects were very fun cuz aaron kept entertaining us and reshem made group13 famous.. haha.. damn farnie lahx.. siao man.. today's class all quite entertaining.. then briefing for the sunday event thingy and guess wad.. im in the same group as mk and khalilah.. so was telling mk"eh.. after that we go seletar reservoir go fishing k".. haha.. and he was like " ok on.. sure sure.. see im so serious.. i bring my special fishing rod then we go.." and sharifa whi was walking just infront turned and sae " eh.. mk.. u shut lahx k.." in that really farnie way.. haha.. damn siao man.. those two.. that time she pinch his "breast(if he has one considering he is sooooo skinny)".. haha.. and he was rubbing it for the rest of the day.. and that looked damn wrong man.. haha.. then after that went for meeting.. yay!!! i miss bod meetings..
tmr got showdown.. rotaract club VS csc.. haha.. damn them.. dunno wads their prob.. boss and sri was like super super super pissed.. vic came after her elec and all the time she was saying "fuck fuck fuck".. haha.. which was pretty bad.. so anyway its showdown tmr.. dunno wads gonna happen cuz i not going.. she should have sri along with her tmr but so wasted cuz sri and i going to the same place so cant go.. haha.. haiz.. anyway after tmr's thingy i gonna rush down for FP to see wads happening then go out with cassie to study.. stupid jianning was cont to bullying me today.. angie ask me wad happen.. and i sae and that woman happily laugh and laugh.. nv say anything oso.. evil angie.. rarr.. then after that went down to help sri with the board and went to makan with cassie dinner.. then went back to study at the library.. belle came along and had a bitch fit.. haha.. that girl.. then study study till 8.45 like that and library almost closing..
then when leaving skool, me and cassie walked out thru the carpark way.. so when on the pathway i started bounce-walking.. and call cass to join in.. the we left right left right bounce-walk.. haha.. so farnie.. waa.. we damn stress already.. haha.. then i ran and jump and touch the height limit thingy at the carpark exit.. haha.. that was like 2m.. so yea, i can reach.. haha.. then we crapping all the way till yck.. waaa.. felt so good to have a crapping partner.. used to be tracy in sec skool.. haha.. tracy, miss you girl.. and now its cassie.. haha..
reached home.. then was finding my medical report cuz needed it.. find and find cant find.. so irritating.. so went to mum and said this, "ma.. dun scold me ah.. u noe where i put my medical report??? cuz i noe i put in my certificate file but i cant find it.. " and she started nagging and scolding me all the way.. rarrr.. so i went to really dig and find in my cert file again and guess was.. found it inbetween the plastic folders of my cert file.. haha.. so i went back and told mum, "waa lao ma.. u know wad.. just now find in my file 3 time cant find.. then after u start scolding me, i check my file again and the report suddenly appear.. waa.." haha.. so farnie lahx.. waa lao.. so suay.. she scold me then only can find.. haha.. haiz...
ok lahx.. i need to sleep now.. if not tmr, mum sure whack me awake in the morning.. rarr.. sleepy sleepy... zzzzzzzzzzz...
stoning ever since.. so bavi's tag and i changed my lappy wallpaper to my blogskin's picture to see if got kenna stretch till ugly.. guess wad.. its juz nice.. so perfect.. waaa.. so nice lahx.. haha.. so permanently changed my wallpaper till i decide to find another one.. but i think the pic and the words are really nice and emo and stuff.. haha..
Thursday, November 15, 2007
yayyyyy.. new blog skin.. haha.. so nice.. ooooo.. haha..
cass was like how come last time so bright with pooh and now so dark all black black.. haha... answer to that is : no more nice nice pooh one mahx.. and this one so nice and pretty!!!
haha.. anyway today had 1093 lesson in the morning.. but spent the whole time finishing my hw for 1093 while SL was doing on grace.. haha.. helped out abit abit paid attention abit abit.. haha.. then very farnie.. cuz was looking at the direction of sharifa but not at her.. she tot i looking at her so she show me the pig face by using her finger and pushing her nose up.. then i said this "u dun do that already look like one" meaning even if she dun do the pig face she already look like pig.. haha.. then she say," ohhh.. so now like that lahx.. ok.. no more love for you..." haha.. so farnie.. so i act drama oso.. was like "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh... no love.. oh noooo.. i oso deprieved.. i want more love.."-and stretches out my hand in the drama way- haha.. so farnie.. she is damn fun and a really nice person.. haha..
then psycho lecture.. donus show us his primary skool photo.. haha.. twice managed to get the right person.. yay.. i so clever.. haha.. then makan makan and off to library to do proj.. then we tok tok and do proj and tok tok and stuff.. haha.. then sharifa was complaining that her leg dry skin.. i was like -lifts up my right leg and shows- "my leg even worse" and then reshem asks about the 50cent size scar on my foot.. haha.. and like suddenly so interrested on my foot.. haha.. so i told them lahx.. and as usual all laughed at the part where my dad fainted on almost got admitted himself.. haha..
then when off to study with cassie.. jianning came along and was sitting alone then call him sit with us.. he did then went off to join boss and her fren.. then came back cuz realised need to charge his lappy and my table side have.. haha.. so that stupid boy sat opp me and happily keep bully me.. u wait ah.. i tell angie.. make sure she nienie u.. haha.. damn lahx he.. keep say me... at first say he see me already wanna laugh and sae more farnie things about me.. then he and cass tag team against me somemore.. u evil duo!! .. then really lehx.. see me and cass tok tok he smile and laugh.. then when i look at him he burst into a bigger laughter.. waa..jianning u so evil.. call boss give you more report to write.. hehe.. then vic came along and toktok haha.. farnie girl but she sounded sick.. hope she is ok.. haiz.. then we were toking about stc houses like isabel, ignatius, joseph that kind and cass's snr happened to sit beside us oso join us.. haha.. so fun lahx.. keep saying cass from the loser house aka joseph house.. haha.. so farnie.. then saw yiqi sit alone oso then call her come join us too.. the way she study damn cool lahx.. she just have to open the book and stare and she can understand everything, no need to write notes or anything.. waa.. so pro girl.. if only i like you.. haha.. then left and zhao-ed home...
came home and soooo freaking pissed.. so hungry and come home to see like almost no food.. like wth man.. yest tomato soup thingy(my most hated food in the indian food) and 4 small like really small pieces of chicken that look so orphaned.. waa.. so pissed lahx.. so started screamin my head off on how i had to survive on 5 bucks today and come home to eat like food that i dun really like.. so pissyfying.. rarr.. no noodles to cook oso.. so so so sad.. no choice have to eat that.. so eat lahx.. then keep grumbling grumbling lahx.. so angry.. then mum came into the room after like 20 mins later and gave me money to go down buy food.. and i was like" waa.. eh.. how come so nice ah..haha.. " and she was like " i noe you hungry mahx.. and i oso never cook anything much.. ".. haha.. so weird.. i guess she realised i was really pissed and i was starving when i reached home and found no food.. anyway, din feel like eating anymore so just like keep the money so tmr got more money.. haha.. thanx yea..
im so bored and i need my sleep so tmr can study more...still need to study alot more.. 2 proj due and one exam next week.. how stressful... i wanna be in secondary school.. i rather be there forever and forever and forever then do so many proj and tests.. rarr.. but then again, i would have missed the opportunity to meet all the great ppl that i have come to be such good friends with in poly.. so ya..i guess its win win.. ok.. wth am i blabbering.. bio is doing too much damage to my brain!!! rarr!!!
sleep sleep sleep roshini..
ps: no quizzes cuz really dun have any nice quizz.. so sad..
pps: there is something wrong with the friends links.. will try to fix them soon k.. hehe..
cass was like how come last time so bright with pooh and now so dark all black black.. haha... answer to that is : no more nice nice pooh one mahx.. and this one so nice and pretty!!!
haha.. anyway today had 1093 lesson in the morning.. but spent the whole time finishing my hw for 1093 while SL was doing on grace.. haha.. helped out abit abit paid attention abit abit.. haha.. then very farnie.. cuz was looking at the direction of sharifa but not at her.. she tot i looking at her so she show me the pig face by using her finger and pushing her nose up.. then i said this "u dun do that already look like one" meaning even if she dun do the pig face she already look like pig.. haha.. then she say," ohhh.. so now like that lahx.. ok.. no more love for you..." haha.. so farnie.. so i act drama oso.. was like "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh... no love.. oh noooo.. i oso deprieved.. i want more love.."-and stretches out my hand in the drama way- haha.. so farnie.. she is damn fun and a really nice person.. haha..
then psycho lecture.. donus show us his primary skool photo.. haha.. twice managed to get the right person.. yay.. i so clever.. haha.. then makan makan and off to library to do proj.. then we tok tok and do proj and tok tok and stuff.. haha.. then sharifa was complaining that her leg dry skin.. i was like -lifts up my right leg and shows- "my leg even worse" and then reshem asks about the 50cent size scar on my foot.. haha.. and like suddenly so interrested on my foot.. haha.. so i told them lahx.. and as usual all laughed at the part where my dad fainted on almost got admitted himself.. haha..
then when off to study with cassie.. jianning came along and was sitting alone then call him sit with us.. he did then went off to join boss and her fren.. then came back cuz realised need to charge his lappy and my table side have.. haha.. so that stupid boy sat opp me and happily keep bully me.. u wait ah.. i tell angie.. make sure she nienie u.. haha.. damn lahx he.. keep say me... at first say he see me already wanna laugh and sae more farnie things about me.. then he and cass tag team against me somemore.. u evil duo!! .. then really lehx.. see me and cass tok tok he smile and laugh.. then when i look at him he burst into a bigger laughter.. waa..jianning u so evil.. call boss give you more report to write.. hehe.. then vic came along and toktok haha.. farnie girl but she sounded sick.. hope she is ok.. haiz.. then we were toking about stc houses like isabel, ignatius, joseph that kind and cass's snr happened to sit beside us oso join us.. haha.. so fun lahx.. keep saying cass from the loser house aka joseph house.. haha.. so farnie.. then saw yiqi sit alone oso then call her come join us too.. the way she study damn cool lahx.. she just have to open the book and stare and she can understand everything, no need to write notes or anything.. waa.. so pro girl.. if only i like you.. haha.. then left and zhao-ed home...
came home and soooo freaking pissed.. so hungry and come home to see like almost no food.. like wth man.. yest tomato soup thingy(my most hated food in the indian food) and 4 small like really small pieces of chicken that look so orphaned.. waa.. so pissed lahx.. so started screamin my head off on how i had to survive on 5 bucks today and come home to eat like food that i dun really like.. so pissyfying.. rarr.. no noodles to cook oso.. so so so sad.. no choice have to eat that.. so eat lahx.. then keep grumbling grumbling lahx.. so angry.. then mum came into the room after like 20 mins later and gave me money to go down buy food.. and i was like" waa.. eh.. how come so nice ah..haha.. " and she was like " i noe you hungry mahx.. and i oso never cook anything much.. ".. haha.. so weird.. i guess she realised i was really pissed and i was starving when i reached home and found no food.. anyway, din feel like eating anymore so just like keep the money so tmr got more money.. haha.. thanx yea..
im so bored and i need my sleep so tmr can study more...still need to study alot more.. 2 proj due and one exam next week.. how stressful... i wanna be in secondary school.. i rather be there forever and forever and forever then do so many proj and tests.. rarr.. but then again, i would have missed the opportunity to meet all the great ppl that i have come to be such good friends with in poly.. so ya..i guess its win win.. ok.. wth am i blabbering.. bio is doing too much damage to my brain!!! rarr!!!
sleep sleep sleep roshini..
ps: no quizzes cuz really dun have any nice quizz.. so sad..
pps: there is something wrong with the friends links.. will try to fix them soon k.. hehe..
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
6 more days to bio test..
yest was just pretty boring.. rarr..
baboon pissed me off really badly.. one day, that person so gonna get it.. there will come a day when she realises that she has been on my nerves since god knows how long..
anyway, my fren is going thru a rough patch.. so to my fren(u noe who u ah.. u dunno i whack you ah.. haha) to ****, chill girl.. dun take it too hard.. just "whack the fella" yea.. haha.. im always here yea.. rarr..
then today damn sucky.. one of my group mates pissed me off too.. wads wrong with you.. wad.. did u not realise that i was freaking pissed juz by the tone of my voice.. how many times do i have to tell you to keep ur freaking gadget.. "oh i dinno today have meeting till this morning".. wad kind of a reaking excuse its that.. we already said meeting next wed, just that we nv confirm the time.. "i left my research at home".. and ya i will be an idiot to believe.. to think that i tot u would have improved since last sem.. well sad to say, u have not improved one single bit.. rarr!!!! bad mood bad mood.. !!!! another one said she would type the damn script 2 weeks ago.. and after two weeks said that u not typing cuz you dun have printer anyway.. u can always type it then send to someone else to rpint or save in thumbdrive to print rite.. u werre the one who offered to type it out.. and today you brought the script home again to rewrite which i seriously hope you do if not it will just piss me off even more.. seriously wads wrong.. im damn pissed..
anyway, today when going to skool freaking heavy rain lahx.. waa lao.. lower part of my jeans all wet.. met cassie and went to eat brunch.. haha.. ate prata.. its pretty not bad u noe.. waa.. so long nv eat.. plus its not as oily as outside where the prata is literally submerged in oil.. haha.. cass ate yong tofu with loads of chilli.. haha.. then cough and cough happily.. haha.. then went for lecture.. waa.. long lecture man.. damn long long.. sian sian... then break then go do proj.. then tut.. i think that group's presentation was pretty good and that made me realise that our script has many missing bits and stuff.. rarr.. saw SY and zube outside my tut class.. i think they using that classroom and our tcher is oso their tcher.. haha.. then after tut we sae meet outside to discuss next meeting for proj meeting.. then i and kinlai go toilet and when come back all dissappear lehx.. like wtf lahx.. waa lao.. really couldnt take it after that.. went to elab to use com while waiting for jeslin and YQ to meet boss then go for the vietnam trip thingy.. in the office or "interview" room, there was this winnie the pooh and tigger(one each) smarties choc dispenser thingy.. so cute.. "mummy" said she bought it from hongkong.. waaa.. so sad.. if have in singapore i sure go buy.. haha.. so cute lahx.. rarr..
then went home and stone till now lahx.. throat so pain.. planning to watch finish the vids today so tmr i can just directly start on my revision so that wun be distracted to watch more movies!!! blegh!!!
yest was just pretty boring.. rarr..
baboon pissed me off really badly.. one day, that person so gonna get it.. there will come a day when she realises that she has been on my nerves since god knows how long..
anyway, my fren is going thru a rough patch.. so to my fren(u noe who u ah.. u dunno i whack you ah.. haha) to ****, chill girl.. dun take it too hard.. just "whack the fella" yea.. haha.. im always here yea.. rarr..
then today damn sucky.. one of my group mates pissed me off too.. wads wrong with you.. wad.. did u not realise that i was freaking pissed juz by the tone of my voice.. how many times do i have to tell you to keep ur freaking gadget.. "oh i dinno today have meeting till this morning".. wad kind of a reaking excuse its that.. we already said meeting next wed, just that we nv confirm the time.. "i left my research at home".. and ya i will be an idiot to believe.. to think that i tot u would have improved since last sem.. well sad to say, u have not improved one single bit.. rarr!!!! bad mood bad mood.. !!!! another one said she would type the damn script 2 weeks ago.. and after two weeks said that u not typing cuz you dun have printer anyway.. u can always type it then send to someone else to rpint or save in thumbdrive to print rite.. u werre the one who offered to type it out.. and today you brought the script home again to rewrite which i seriously hope you do if not it will just piss me off even more.. seriously wads wrong.. im damn pissed..
anyway, today when going to skool freaking heavy rain lahx.. waa lao.. lower part of my jeans all wet.. met cassie and went to eat brunch.. haha.. ate prata.. its pretty not bad u noe.. waa.. so long nv eat.. plus its not as oily as outside where the prata is literally submerged in oil.. haha.. cass ate yong tofu with loads of chilli.. haha.. then cough and cough happily.. haha.. then went for lecture.. waa.. long lecture man.. damn long long.. sian sian... then break then go do proj.. then tut.. i think that group's presentation was pretty good and that made me realise that our script has many missing bits and stuff.. rarr.. saw SY and zube outside my tut class.. i think they using that classroom and our tcher is oso their tcher.. haha.. then after tut we sae meet outside to discuss next meeting for proj meeting.. then i and kinlai go toilet and when come back all dissappear lehx.. like wtf lahx.. waa lao.. really couldnt take it after that.. went to elab to use com while waiting for jeslin and YQ to meet boss then go for the vietnam trip thingy.. in the office or "interview" room, there was this winnie the pooh and tigger(one each) smarties choc dispenser thingy.. so cute.. "mummy" said she bought it from hongkong.. waaa.. so sad.. if have in singapore i sure go buy.. haha.. so cute lahx.. rarr..
then went home and stone till now lahx.. throat so pain.. planning to watch finish the vids today so tmr i can just directly start on my revision so that wun be distracted to watch more movies!!! blegh!!!