had a blast today..
met kinlai and siying to go to zubi's house.. our dear jie was damn late(by 1 hour) thanx to her stupid curtain.. haha..
went to zubi's house for raya.. haha.. her parrot is really farnie lahx.. a yakult drinking parrot.. so cool.. haha.. then zhao-ed to my house abt 6.45 like that to play with my dog.. sy and kinlai damn farnie lahx.. haha.. then they cam-whored with my dog.. haha.. kinlai was doing this dog-whack or sumting like that.. haha.. forgot wad was it.. haha.. those two really love dogs.. haha.. farnie girls.. then left at like 8+.. kinlai took cab cuz she was super late and the bus was too crowded.. haha..
and then came home and back to stoning..
found another quiz.. so yea.. cassie go high.. haha..
Can you answer questions about the1st person on your featured friends(friendster)?
1) What's his/her full name?-cassandra kwek shu min
2) Does he/she have a boy/girlfriend?-yup..
3) Do you know a secret about him/her which no one else knows?-mmm.. i dunno.. got anot ah cassie? haha..
4) How old is the person?-17
5) Has he/she ever cooked for you?-yup.. pasta last year.. haha..
6) Is this person older than you?-nope.. younger by less 2 months.. haha
7) When was the last time you thought about them?- mmm.. just now when sms-ing her.. haha..
8) Are you related to this person?-as frens..
9) Are you really close to him/her?-pretty..
10) Do you have a nickname for each other?-she rosy, rosh and "rossssy ah"(in the cassie way) and i juz call her cass or cassie..
11) How many times do you talk to this person in a week?-almost everyday cuz we see each other in skool.. haha..
12) Do you think they will repost this?-i guess so.. she is into quizes lately.. haha..
13) Could you live with this person?-maybe.. shouldnt be prob.. haha..
14) Why is this person your number one?-dunno.. need to have reason one ahx..
15) Have you seen this person cry?-yup..
16) How long have you known the person?-since sec 3 so should be 3 years..
17) Have you ever been to the mall with this person?-yup.. so many times.. haha..
18) Have you ever had a sleepover together?-camps counts???
19) If you ever moved away, would you miss this person?-def..
20 ) Have you ever given this person something?-yup.. v-dae and b-dae gifts and my love for a fren.. haha.. waa..
21) Have you ever done something stupid or illegal with this person?-we do all kinda stupid things.. haha..
22) Do you know everything about this person?-i dun think all.. one can nv noe all abt another person..
23) Would you date this person's siblings ?-nope.. her sibling is her sis.. im perfectly straight lor!!.. i bet her sis is too.. haha..
24) Have you ever made something with this person?-yup.. big bro's prezzie..
25) Have you fought with this person before?-ehhh.. not sure.. have anot ah cass??
26) Have you gone skinny dipping with this person?-haha.. no way.. i not that adventurous.. haha..
27) Does this person have a fetish?-yea.. with bands.. haha..
28) Is this person on drugs?-nope.. unless u count mints as drugs.. haha..
29) Do you know the person's shoe size?-7 i think..
30) Have you ever worn this person's clothes? -nope.. im too big and tall to wear her clothes.. haha..
31) Have you and this person madeup a hand shake?-ehh.. nope..
32) If it was "Freaky Friday", would you switch bodies with this person?-mmm.. dunno lehx.. i will prob die with all the band stuff she is into cuz im not a band person.. haha.. no offence cassie.. haha..
33) Has this person ever seen you dance?-haha.. dunno lehx.. haha.. i seldom dance..
34) Have you ever heard this person sing?-all the time.. she is from choir like duh!
35) Do you know this person's Friendster password?-nope..
36) Do you know this person's bestfriend?- grace.. but nv see her b4..
Sunday, October 28, 2007
how wonderful!!!
both my brothers's computers crash.. big bro sae wad lightning strike then comps just suddenly crash.. super suay lahx.. so big bro used my lappy yest.. sad thing is that small bro and mum if need to use comp will use mine oso.. rarr!! dun wan small bro to use my lappy cuz he will confirm screw it up.. rarr!!!
going to go to zubi's house later for raya but scared that last minute mum wun allow cuz she is not exactly in the best mood.. arggghhh.. so irritating..
ok.. quiz time..
First school uniform that comes to mind: chij uniform..
First period that comes to mind: assembly.. haha
First subject that comes to mind: biology...
First biology teacher that comes into mind: mrs leong and dr yong..
First form teacher that comes to mind: mr eric
First English teacher that comes to mind: mrs francis
First Chinese teacher that comes to mind: err.. dun take chi..
First physics teacher that comes to mind: mr tan lin how
First math teacher that comes to mind: mr low(old low)
First school that comes to mind: chij stc
First cafeteria food hat comes into mind: fun choy and low mai kai.. haha..
First friend from any school that comes to mind: sherryn from fhps
Must have accessory for school: errr.. school bag??!!
Shoes or slippers: slippers in poly..
Liquid paper or correction: correction tape
Sling bag or haversack: sling bag
General outfit for school: jeans and shirt..
Longest lunch break ever: like 4 or 5 hours.. freaking long man..
First school crush: dunno..
Best memories: sec 4 in stc and juz hanging out together having parties for simple and lame reasons.. haha..
both my brothers's computers crash.. big bro sae wad lightning strike then comps just suddenly crash.. super suay lahx.. so big bro used my lappy yest.. sad thing is that small bro and mum if need to use comp will use mine oso.. rarr!! dun wan small bro to use my lappy cuz he will confirm screw it up.. rarr!!!
going to go to zubi's house later for raya but scared that last minute mum wun allow cuz she is not exactly in the best mood.. arggghhh.. so irritating..
ok.. quiz time..
First school uniform that comes to mind: chij uniform..
First period that comes to mind: assembly.. haha
First subject that comes to mind: biology...
First biology teacher that comes into mind: mrs leong and dr yong..
First form teacher that comes to mind: mr eric
First English teacher that comes to mind: mrs francis
First Chinese teacher that comes to mind: err.. dun take chi..
First physics teacher that comes to mind: mr tan lin how
First math teacher that comes to mind: mr low(old low)
First school that comes to mind: chij stc
First cafeteria food hat comes into mind: fun choy and low mai kai.. haha..
First friend from any school that comes to mind: sherryn from fhps
Must have accessory for school: errr.. school bag??!!
Shoes or slippers: slippers in poly..
Liquid paper or correction: correction tape
Sling bag or haversack: sling bag
General outfit for school: jeans and shirt..
Longest lunch break ever: like 4 or 5 hours.. freaking long man..
First school crush: dunno..
Best memories: sec 4 in stc and juz hanging out together having parties for simple and lame reasons.. haha..
Saturday, October 27, 2007
haiz.. long week..
pretty fun thou.. tuesday was normal but ended at 5.. so was dead by the time reached home.. so tiring.. then wed ended at 2 but got meetings and stuff so went home at 8++..
thursday was so fun.. haha.. cuz skool ended at 11 so we went to the court as part of our module thingy.. b4 that went to pizza hut at amk to makan as a class.. damn farnie lahx.. specially for the 23 of us, the pizza hut ppl arranged the tables so we like in this lonnnnnnnnng dining area in the middle of the restaurant.. haha.. damn the freaking cool lahx.. omg.. was sitting in between jovy and kinlai and opp the new classmates(whom i found out really nice ppl).. haha.. stupid jovy keep bullying and kinlai said that both of us could really communicate.. kinlai, u muz be mad.. we were arguing like mad and u sae we can communicate.. haha.. wth!!! haha.. farnie man.. then went to buy shoes with sharifa and we and our huge feet.. haha.. had a blast man.. then zhao-ed to court.. the first court room we entered was ok lahx except for the fact that it was very boring cuz it was long and slowwwwww.. so i and kinlai got out.. then i realise that the issue in the court room was on the straits time.. haha.. so read the article and understood the whole thing.. so sad for the guy.. the after that went to meet cassie.. and we walk walk and makan.. then zhao-ed home..
friday oso pretty fun.. went for project meeting.. really farnie cuz loads of things happen.. started of at bugis market for breakfast than went to bugis library children section cuz no other available space.. then went to eat lunch at banquet at raffles hospital and finished up project at there oso.. then walk walk at bugis street with kinlai and sharifa till time to meet cassie.. then meet cassie at cityhall and walk walk arnd citylink mall while waiting for sri to come.. and guess who we bumped into.. omg.. edlyn, yangwei and huimin.. haha.. wad a pleasant surprise.. it felt so good to see them cuz i missed them man.. edlyn was like bestie group in sec 2 and yangwei is the kuku-est girl and my fav tickle girl.. haha.. and huimin thou we not very close, we meet in the morning every single day(except for weekend) for two years straight till i go off to meet the others.. so ya.. omg man.. i was like omg.. realy felt so good to see them after such a long time.. haha.. so hug hug and toktok for a while then cont walking.. then saw meishan, the sec 4 student councillor during orientation who was in-charge of my class when i was in sec one.. haha.. then sushmita walked past us like okkkk.. haha... then sri finally came like 45 mins later.. and we quickly rushed to smu for meeting.. thought we will be late one.. in the end we were like 2nd earliest lahx.. waa lao.. rush for nothing.. haha.. bunch of farnie ppl and thats why i like interact /rotaract club.. haha.. then finish meeting and went to makan with cass cuz was super hungry.. haha.. then walked to outside esplanade to take bus.. cass dropped at gwc to meet brenda.. dad called and scolded me for me being so late.. like wth.. then mum called and ask me where was i.. i told her and i ask her to wait for me at the 75 bus stop with duchess.. she was like no way.. and i bribe her.. told her if she wait for me then i buy her slurpee.. she laugh lahx.. waa lao.. anyway she walk home with me.. haha.. gave my bag to her cuz shoulder was too painful.. she was like "shouting" at me why my bag so heavy.. haha.. like duh inside got lappy mahx.. then went home and no slurpee in the end.. hehe.. went home bath and sleep.. -snores-
good mum.. din wake me up till like 11+ when she needed to go grocery shopping.. i was still like in sleep mode lahx.. so left the house with her.. waa lao.. my hair so messy oso nv tell me.. i got comb my hair but the bed hair wad still there kinda thing.. so was like desperately trying to flatten and neaten my hair.. shit man.. so messy.. and can u believe it.. grocery shopping for like 3 hours.. thank god dad only came to fetch us after we bought everything.. if not sure kenna blasted for shopping for so long.. shopping for groceries somemore.. haha.. managed to get everything that i wanted thou.. yay.. lucky dad din come if not sure cannot buy.. haha.. shopping bill came up to abt 180 bucks.. out of this only like $30 is my things.. hehe.. still wanted to buy more things but mum din allow.. so sad.. should have bought my cookie crisps..
waa... ok.. gotta do some stuff.. cassie,no quiz for this post.. haha..
pretty fun thou.. tuesday was normal but ended at 5.. so was dead by the time reached home.. so tiring.. then wed ended at 2 but got meetings and stuff so went home at 8++..
thursday was so fun.. haha.. cuz skool ended at 11 so we went to the court as part of our module thingy.. b4 that went to pizza hut at amk to makan as a class.. damn farnie lahx.. specially for the 23 of us, the pizza hut ppl arranged the tables so we like in this lonnnnnnnnng dining area in the middle of the restaurant.. haha.. damn the freaking cool lahx.. omg.. was sitting in between jovy and kinlai and opp the new classmates(whom i found out really nice ppl).. haha.. stupid jovy keep bullying and kinlai said that both of us could really communicate.. kinlai, u muz be mad.. we were arguing like mad and u sae we can communicate.. haha.. wth!!! haha.. farnie man.. then went to buy shoes with sharifa and we and our huge feet.. haha.. had a blast man.. then zhao-ed to court.. the first court room we entered was ok lahx except for the fact that it was very boring cuz it was long and slowwwwww.. so i and kinlai got out.. then i realise that the issue in the court room was on the straits time.. haha.. so read the article and understood the whole thing.. so sad for the guy.. the after that went to meet cassie.. and we walk walk and makan.. then zhao-ed home..
friday oso pretty fun.. went for project meeting.. really farnie cuz loads of things happen.. started of at bugis market for breakfast than went to bugis library children section cuz no other available space.. then went to eat lunch at banquet at raffles hospital and finished up project at there oso.. then walk walk at bugis street with kinlai and sharifa till time to meet cassie.. then meet cassie at cityhall and walk walk arnd citylink mall while waiting for sri to come.. and guess who we bumped into.. omg.. edlyn, yangwei and huimin.. haha.. wad a pleasant surprise.. it felt so good to see them cuz i missed them man.. edlyn was like bestie group in sec 2 and yangwei is the kuku-est girl and my fav tickle girl.. haha.. and huimin thou we not very close, we meet in the morning every single day(except for weekend) for two years straight till i go off to meet the others.. so ya.. omg man.. i was like omg.. realy felt so good to see them after such a long time.. haha.. so hug hug and toktok for a while then cont walking.. then saw meishan, the sec 4 student councillor during orientation who was in-charge of my class when i was in sec one.. haha.. then sushmita walked past us like okkkk.. haha... then sri finally came like 45 mins later.. and we quickly rushed to smu for meeting.. thought we will be late one.. in the end we were like 2nd earliest lahx.. waa lao.. rush for nothing.. haha.. bunch of farnie ppl and thats why i like interact /rotaract club.. haha.. then finish meeting and went to makan with cass cuz was super hungry.. haha.. then walked to outside esplanade to take bus.. cass dropped at gwc to meet brenda.. dad called and scolded me for me being so late.. like wth.. then mum called and ask me where was i.. i told her and i ask her to wait for me at the 75 bus stop with duchess.. she was like no way.. and i bribe her.. told her if she wait for me then i buy her slurpee.. she laugh lahx.. waa lao.. anyway she walk home with me.. haha.. gave my bag to her cuz shoulder was too painful.. she was like "shouting" at me why my bag so heavy.. haha.. like duh inside got lappy mahx.. then went home and no slurpee in the end.. hehe.. went home bath and sleep.. -snores-
good mum.. din wake me up till like 11+ when she needed to go grocery shopping.. i was still like in sleep mode lahx.. so left the house with her.. waa lao.. my hair so messy oso nv tell me.. i got comb my hair but the bed hair wad still there kinda thing.. so was like desperately trying to flatten and neaten my hair.. shit man.. so messy.. and can u believe it.. grocery shopping for like 3 hours.. thank god dad only came to fetch us after we bought everything.. if not sure kenna blasted for shopping for so long.. shopping for groceries somemore.. haha.. managed to get everything that i wanted thou.. yay.. lucky dad din come if not sure cannot buy.. haha.. shopping bill came up to abt 180 bucks.. out of this only like $30 is my things.. hehe.. still wanted to buy more things but mum din allow.. so sad.. should have bought my cookie crisps..
waa... ok.. gotta do some stuff.. cassie,no quiz for this post.. haha..
Monday, October 22, 2007

-lost my voice-
gosh.. my voice today was like gone and worse than the past few days..
everyone was like asking me wad happen to my voice cuz my voice was really bad..
haha.. thanx guys for ur concern...
was talking to bavi in the morning.. stupid girl.. keep saying she dun understand wad i saying.. ppl already making so much effort to talk make me repeat some more.. haha.. pandi..
then met cassie at yck and walked to school.. was invited to zu's house for raya-ing together with the rest.. haha..
lab lesson today very farnie.. the lecturer actually sat on the floor with us lehx.. like so dots man.. haha.. so weird lahx.. the moment she sat on the floor to teach, we started with our our on convos.. then she cont with last weeks's revision.. aiyo so boring lahx.. sian.. then i started coughing really badly and the lecturer ask me whether i sick.. i said yes.. then she ask me go eat vitamin C.. i was like "ooook...." cuz SL oso call me go eat vitamin C.. haha.. then stupid jovy started irritating me again juz like last week.. -stabs him again and again- then the lecturer was like demo-ing on suctioning and guess wad reshem said.. she said "teacher, can we practice suctioning on her(and points to me) cuz she got alot of phlegm.." like siao le she.. haha.. but i noe she joking only lahx.. i was like nooooooooooooo.. cannnnnooooooooooooot.. haha..
then on the way saw zu and sy and eileen and their class.. then was toking with sy and zu then eileen ask me" eh.. wad happen to ur voice" and i had repeat myself again and they and some of their frens were like laughing at me lahx.. -kills them-..
went to meet jas to pass her some stuff.. and waited for one hour to bavi to come so can go home with her.. so sweet.. bavi gave me a purple heart-shaped helium balloon.. LOVE YA BAVI AND THANX!!! so happy to see her again.. haha.. gave her and her bro chocs.. hehe..
then came home and stoning ever since.. dun worry bavi.. u will get ur photo montage tmr!!!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
hope you like the gifts cuz i really dunno wad to get guys hehe.. all i could think of was this like doraemon which like the shops din sell..
today went to cca again.. pretty ok.. but one thing made me pissed and made me feel that somehow nyprac was not appreciated for the help we have done for sprac.. felt so WTH!!! haiz.. sri and cass agreed too.. seriously.. wads wrong with you guys!!!
then after the thingy went westmall with cass to buy bro's prezzie.. we went to makan first cuz cass was dying of hunger.. haha.. the chilli was woots man.. haha.. yummy.. we ate like 3 chilli plates of it.. wowowowowowowowowow... haha... shouldnt be eating chilli since my voice was worse than on saturday but i din really bother.. haha.. seriously dinno wad to buy.. so bought this b-dae handphone keychain thingy.. hehe.. then still dunno wad to buy cuz they din have much stuff for guys lahx.. so like oh no.. then they had this place where you can like juz go and buy this thingy and colour it with this fabric colour glue type of liquid.. so nice.. the works of me and cassie.. hehe.. thanx girl.. pretty nice.. then zhao-ed home and gave bro lahx.. haha.. he kinda looked shocked that i was giving him something thou.. u better treasure it hor.. i made it one lehx.. ok lahx.. i made part of it.. hehe..
then went out to swenson with bro, jas and mum.. baked rice was nice except that the chicken slices were tooooooo salty for some reason.. weird.. but the cookies summit(cookies and cream sundae thingy) was like yummy man.. i and jas bought the same thing.. bro bought the birthday one.. mum bought the hazel nuts ice cream thingy which tasted more like coffee to me.. haha.. taste buds all gone wrong and all thanx to damn flu.. then went to lib and got out within 1/2 hr cuz too cold.. and when leaving bpp saw tracy and her mum.. she tapped me and i turned and saw her.. omg saw long nv see her.. muz go out with her soon too.. haha and went to cwp to check out something then zhao home..
so sad.. me and cassie tmr cant break together.. cuz like all the classes and breaks like crash.. i practically spent my whole first week with her.. even week-ends.. haha.. coolios..
was reading bavi's tag and i felt so sad suddenly cuz somehow i feel like now both of us are only talking thru phone, sms and thru my blog.. so sad.. cant meet.. i dun care bavi.. makan with me soon if not i dun fren you.. haha.. miss ya girl..
quiz time..
You have to use 3 words to answer eachquestion.No more, no less. It’s harder than youthink.
1. Where is your cell phone?-on my blanket
2. Your girlfriend/boyfriend?- i not attached
3. Your hair?-recently got cut
4. Where is your father?-working right now
6. Your favorite thing to do?-outing with friends
7. Your dream last night?-attachments, wound, belinda
8. Your favorite drink?-singapore tap water
9. Your dream car?-a yellow car
10. The room you’re in?-is damn messy
12. Your fears?-heights and pain
14. Who did you hang out with yesterday?-list goes on
15. What aren’t you good at?-ask my frens
16. Muffins?-with chocs, yummy
17. One of your wish list items?-check the list
19. The last thing you did?-eat at swenson's
20. What are you wearing?-u sae lehx??!!
22. Your pet?-name is duchess
23. Your computer?-rawks big time
24. Your life?-sux big time
25. Your mood?- O K lahx..
26. Missing?-all my frens
27. What are you thinking about right now?-dun tell you
28. Your carno?-huh??!! explain "carno"
29. Your work?- is nursing student
30. Your summer?-its raining here..
31. Your relationship status?-single and merry
32. Your favorite color(s)?-E T C..
33. When is the last time you laughed?-just now yea..
34. Last time you cried?-really not sure..
35 . School?-S H S..
haha.. think i managed well.. some qs missing thou..
ok.. gonna sleep soon cuz skool from 9-6 tmr.. thank god like have 2 hour break then one 1 hour break again.. if not sure die!!!
ps: bavi!!! call me soon!!!
hope you like the gifts cuz i really dunno wad to get guys hehe.. all i could think of was this like doraemon which like the shops din sell..
today went to cca again.. pretty ok.. but one thing made me pissed and made me feel that somehow nyprac was not appreciated for the help we have done for sprac.. felt so WTH!!! haiz.. sri and cass agreed too.. seriously.. wads wrong with you guys!!!
then after the thingy went westmall with cass to buy bro's prezzie.. we went to makan first cuz cass was dying of hunger.. haha.. the chilli was woots man.. haha.. yummy.. we ate like 3 chilli plates of it.. wowowowowowowowowow... haha... shouldnt be eating chilli since my voice was worse than on saturday but i din really bother.. haha.. seriously dinno wad to buy.. so bought this b-dae handphone keychain thingy.. hehe.. then still dunno wad to buy cuz they din have much stuff for guys lahx.. so like oh no.. then they had this place where you can like juz go and buy this thingy and colour it with this fabric colour glue type of liquid.. so nice.. the works of me and cassie.. hehe.. thanx girl.. pretty nice.. then zhao-ed home and gave bro lahx.. haha.. he kinda looked shocked that i was giving him something thou.. u better treasure it hor.. i made it one lehx.. ok lahx.. i made part of it.. hehe..
then went out to swenson with bro, jas and mum.. baked rice was nice except that the chicken slices were tooooooo salty for some reason.. weird.. but the cookies summit(cookies and cream sundae thingy) was like yummy man.. i and jas bought the same thing.. bro bought the birthday one.. mum bought the hazel nuts ice cream thingy which tasted more like coffee to me.. haha.. taste buds all gone wrong and all thanx to damn flu.. then went to lib and got out within 1/2 hr cuz too cold.. and when leaving bpp saw tracy and her mum.. she tapped me and i turned and saw her.. omg saw long nv see her.. muz go out with her soon too.. haha and went to cwp to check out something then zhao home..
so sad.. me and cassie tmr cant break together.. cuz like all the classes and breaks like crash.. i practically spent my whole first week with her.. even week-ends.. haha.. coolios..
was reading bavi's tag and i felt so sad suddenly cuz somehow i feel like now both of us are only talking thru phone, sms and thru my blog.. so sad.. cant meet.. i dun care bavi.. makan with me soon if not i dun fren you.. haha.. miss ya girl..
quiz time..
You have to use 3 words to answer eachquestion.No more, no less. It’s harder than youthink.
1. Where is your cell phone?-on my blanket
2. Your girlfriend/boyfriend?- i not attached
3. Your hair?-recently got cut
4. Where is your father?-working right now
6. Your favorite thing to do?-outing with friends
7. Your dream last night?-attachments, wound, belinda
8. Your favorite drink?-singapore tap water
9. Your dream car?-a yellow car
10. The room you’re in?-is damn messy
12. Your fears?-heights and pain
14. Who did you hang out with yesterday?-list goes on
15. What aren’t you good at?-ask my frens
16. Muffins?-with chocs, yummy
17. One of your wish list items?-check the list
19. The last thing you did?-eat at swenson's
20. What are you wearing?-u sae lehx??!!
22. Your pet?-name is duchess
23. Your computer?-rawks big time
24. Your life?-sux big time
25. Your mood?- O K lahx..
26. Missing?-all my frens
27. What are you thinking about right now?-dun tell you
28. Your carno?-huh??!! explain "carno"
29. Your work?- is nursing student
30. Your summer?-its raining here..
31. Your relationship status?-single and merry
32. Your favorite color(s)?-E T C..
33. When is the last time you laughed?-just now yea..
34. Last time you cried?-really not sure..
35 . School?-S H S..
haha.. think i managed well.. some qs missing thou..
ok.. gonna sleep soon cuz skool from 9-6 tmr.. thank god like have 2 hour break then one 1 hour break again.. if not sure die!!!
ps: bavi!!! call me soon!!!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
to granny!!!
hehe.. miss you granny..
today went for cca.. pretty interesting.. haha.. rtn koh was like killing two birds with one stone.. haha.. do com service and promote his company's product at the same time.. the wonders of the brain of a businessman who does com services aka vic's sugar daddy.. hehe... so farnie.. i went to help out with the spraying thingy cuz like many ppl were cleaning up.. so yea.. quite fun.. haha.. vic, cass, jianning and this sajc guy did the spraying for the main room.. i did part of the activity room.. haha.. first try was like wth man!!! so diff.. so passed on to krisha and SL to do.. the SL like damn tired so i took over for like 1 huge wall and 3 small walls.. when finish one part i stood and "admired" my work and see whether got the wet coat or not.. then mr yamazaki(employer from rtn koh's japan office) came and told me that he can see the wet coat and that muz stand from the side then can see the wet coat.. i was like "ooo.. ok".. haha.. then he sae i spray very good.. haha.. yay!! -pats myself on the back- well done roshini!! haha.. i think he is nice.. haha.. i dunno wad to call him so i was like "-pokes lightly at his deltoid muscle(those who dunno check it out.. hehe)- errmmm.. how do i call you?" and he was like "mmm.. my name?" and i said ya.. then he told me his name lahx.. then after that he ask me for my name and i was like "roshini" and he was trying to pronounce my name.. haha.. then he ask me if i chinese.. i was like huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.. haha.. "no.. im indian".. then he said "indian???!!!" and have the qs mark face.. haha.. then after a while he noticed that my name was printed on my shirt sleeve(interact club shirt) and he pointed to that and said "thats ur name?" and i was like "yup.. hehe" haha.. all i can sae is jap ppl are damn de cute even thou he is old.. haha.. so farnie..
then syimah and vic bought four tiles for nyprac.. cass went to help out in the drawing.. haha.. like the "NYP".. but i guess the paint ran out so the drawings were not solid like that other ppl's tiles.. then photo taking then zhao..
went to stone till cass meets gabe and we bought sweettalk.. haha.. then we went to see donut making at the shop.. like omg man.. so freaking cool lahx.. looked damn oily as they were frying it.. din want to buy at first cuz looked super oily.. then we saw all the pretty donuts and decided to buy.. hehe.. i bought the oreo one and cass bought the choc and custard thingy.. then walk walk and found a place to sit.. omg man.. thats like the most delicious donut i have tasted.. haha.. super yummy.. haha.. and its not as oily as i thought.. plus inside the donut have this cream thingy.. i call it cream but cass says its custard.. anything oso can.. yummy is most impt.. haha.. then got this random guy ask us to do survey.. took dmn long for his survey lahx.. haha.. very farnie cuz he is from tp and juz doing part-time surveying for more pocket money i guess.. then like half way thru his fren called and he said sorry while he answer the call.. and dunno wad his fren sae but his reply was " no lahx.. im stuck at this fucking hot place doing surveys..!!" i and cass were like omg man.. haha.. -faints- farnie guy.. cass asked for his no. hehe.. cassie... wad were you thinking.. hehe.. survey thingy finally ended and gabe has arrived.. so cass went to meet him and i zhao-ed home..
arrggggghhhhhhhhhh.. temp went up to 38.5 again.. rarr!! din bother to take meds cuz too lazy and anyway i noe it will go back to normal... hehe.. damn it.. cough and cough till i almost vomitted twice.. so irritating..
tmr big bro b-dae.. haven buy anything cuz dunno wad to buy for a guy who is turning 21.. nv bought anything for a guy's b-dae b4 except for chocs.. haha.. thinking of buying something doraemon cuz he into doraemon recently.. but scared later mum scold me for being so childish.. cuz the thing is he turning 21 mahx so turning into an adult.. aiyo.. dunno wad to buy.. rarr!!! cass had better help me choose tmr..
rarr!!! someone is torturing for all the smallest things.. dunno wads ur prob.. when u pissed u show ur anger on me.. like hello... u can show ur anger on ur younger son too u noe.. blady hell.. so irritating.. ppl using com and chatting with frens oso want to come and see wad we chatting abt... there is something called privacy u noe.. and watching vids oso so kpo.. rarr!!! give me a break pls...
1. What phone are you using?-motorola L72
2.Your dream phone?-dunno.. when i see a phone i like that will be it.. haha..
3. Single, Taken or Married?-single
4 .What did you do today?-spray tio2 on the walls on a student care centre!!! yay!!
5. Who's the last person you talked to on the phone?-cass
6. Who is the last person you msg 2day?-victoria
7. What time is it now?-10.46 pm
8. Any plans for friday?-skool then sleep.. hehe..
9. Who's on your who I want to meetlist?-everyone except baboon.. hehe..
10. Who's the 3rd person that sent you an sms?-hasyimah aka boss..
11. What song are you listening to now?-supermassive blackhole by muse on 987 fm..
12. What are your nicknames?-roshini, roshii, rosy, rosie, rosh, ros, chilli(by sit naing)
13. Who's the last person that sent you a testimonial?-joleena..
14. Do you like your school?-ermm.. ok lahx.. prefer stc def..
15. Any teacher you hate?-mdm wong.. hehe..
16. What is your weakest subject?-so far in poly would be psycho..
17. What do you want to be?-an all rounder.. hehe..
18. Any plans later on?-yea.. sleep early cuz have to wake up at 6.30 tmr..
19. Where would you like your future house to be?-by the sea where i can see and sun rise and set.. oooo.. hehe
20. Do you have any interest in politics?-nope.. can nv understand its whole idea.. haha..
zzzzzzzz.. -snores-
hehe.. miss you granny..
today went for cca.. pretty interesting.. haha.. rtn koh was like killing two birds with one stone.. haha.. do com service and promote his company's product at the same time.. the wonders of the brain of a businessman who does com services aka vic's sugar daddy.. hehe... so farnie.. i went to help out with the spraying thingy cuz like many ppl were cleaning up.. so yea.. quite fun.. haha.. vic, cass, jianning and this sajc guy did the spraying for the main room.. i did part of the activity room.. haha.. first try was like wth man!!! so diff.. so passed on to krisha and SL to do.. the SL like damn tired so i took over for like 1 huge wall and 3 small walls.. when finish one part i stood and "admired" my work and see whether got the wet coat or not.. then mr yamazaki(employer from rtn koh's japan office) came and told me that he can see the wet coat and that muz stand from the side then can see the wet coat.. i was like "ooo.. ok".. haha.. then he sae i spray very good.. haha.. yay!! -pats myself on the back- well done roshini!! haha.. i think he is nice.. haha.. i dunno wad to call him so i was like "-pokes lightly at his deltoid muscle(those who dunno check it out.. hehe)- errmmm.. how do i call you?" and he was like "mmm.. my name?" and i said ya.. then he told me his name lahx.. then after that he ask me for my name and i was like "roshini" and he was trying to pronounce my name.. haha.. then he ask me if i chinese.. i was like huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.. haha.. "no.. im indian".. then he said "indian???!!!" and have the qs mark face.. haha.. then after a while he noticed that my name was printed on my shirt sleeve(interact club shirt) and he pointed to that and said "thats ur name?" and i was like "yup.. hehe" haha.. all i can sae is jap ppl are damn de cute even thou he is old.. haha.. so farnie..
then syimah and vic bought four tiles for nyprac.. cass went to help out in the drawing.. haha.. like the "NYP".. but i guess the paint ran out so the drawings were not solid like that other ppl's tiles.. then photo taking then zhao..
went to stone till cass meets gabe and we bought sweettalk.. haha.. then we went to see donut making at the shop.. like omg man.. so freaking cool lahx.. looked damn oily as they were frying it.. din want to buy at first cuz looked super oily.. then we saw all the pretty donuts and decided to buy.. hehe.. i bought the oreo one and cass bought the choc and custard thingy.. then walk walk and found a place to sit.. omg man.. thats like the most delicious donut i have tasted.. haha.. super yummy.. haha.. and its not as oily as i thought.. plus inside the donut have this cream thingy.. i call it cream but cass says its custard.. anything oso can.. yummy is most impt.. haha.. then got this random guy ask us to do survey.. took dmn long for his survey lahx.. haha.. very farnie cuz he is from tp and juz doing part-time surveying for more pocket money i guess.. then like half way thru his fren called and he said sorry while he answer the call.. and dunno wad his fren sae but his reply was " no lahx.. im stuck at this fucking hot place doing surveys..!!" i and cass were like omg man.. haha.. -faints- farnie guy.. cass asked for his no. hehe.. cassie... wad were you thinking.. hehe.. survey thingy finally ended and gabe has arrived.. so cass went to meet him and i zhao-ed home..
arrggggghhhhhhhhhh.. temp went up to 38.5 again.. rarr!! din bother to take meds cuz too lazy and anyway i noe it will go back to normal... hehe.. damn it.. cough and cough till i almost vomitted twice.. so irritating..
tmr big bro b-dae.. haven buy anything cuz dunno wad to buy for a guy who is turning 21.. nv bought anything for a guy's b-dae b4 except for chocs.. haha.. thinking of buying something doraemon cuz he into doraemon recently.. but scared later mum scold me for being so childish.. cuz the thing is he turning 21 mahx so turning into an adult.. aiyo.. dunno wad to buy.. rarr!!! cass had better help me choose tmr..
rarr!!! someone is torturing for all the smallest things.. dunno wads ur prob.. when u pissed u show ur anger on me.. like hello... u can show ur anger on ur younger son too u noe.. blady hell.. so irritating.. ppl using com and chatting with frens oso want to come and see wad we chatting abt... there is something called privacy u noe.. and watching vids oso so kpo.. rarr!!! give me a break pls...
1. What phone are you using?-motorola L72
2.Your dream phone?-dunno.. when i see a phone i like that will be it.. haha..
3. Single, Taken or Married?-single
4 .What did you do today?-spray tio2 on the walls on a student care centre!!! yay!!
5. Who's the last person you talked to on the phone?-cass
6. Who is the last person you msg 2day?-victoria
7. What time is it now?-10.46 pm
8. Any plans for friday?-skool then sleep.. hehe..
9. Who's on your who I want to meetlist?-everyone except baboon.. hehe..
10. Who's the 3rd person that sent you an sms?-hasyimah aka boss..
11. What song are you listening to now?-supermassive blackhole by muse on 987 fm..
12. What are your nicknames?-roshini, roshii, rosy, rosie, rosh, ros, chilli(by sit naing)
13. Who's the last person that sent you a testimonial?-joleena..
14. Do you like your school?-ermm.. ok lahx.. prefer stc def..
15. Any teacher you hate?-mdm wong.. hehe..
16. What is your weakest subject?-so far in poly would be psycho..
17. What do you want to be?-an all rounder.. hehe..
18. Any plans later on?-yea.. sleep early cuz have to wake up at 6.30 tmr..
19. Where would you like your future house to be?-by the sea where i can see and sun rise and set.. oooo.. hehe
20. Do you have any interest in politics?-nope.. can nv understand its whole idea.. haha..
zzzzzzzz.. -snores-
hey hey!!!
nv blog for so long cuz was too lazy to blog and too busy watching vids the moment i touch my lappy.. haha.. yay!!! rom-com my fav!!!
anyway updates of past few days...
nothing much happened juz that cass crashed my lecture and i crashed hers.. haha.. damn toot lahx.. so farnie.. then got this stupid someone who keeps disturbing me since school reopen-ed.. rarr.. -kills you if u dun stop shaking me when u need my attention-,-shake me somemore and i will shake u oso till ur brain exchanges place with your intestines- rarr!!! then changing of sub-groups.. major headache for germaine cuz she was having a tough time pleasing everyone.. wandi kenna chicken pox.. muz take care..
then yest went to attachment seniors house for raya!! haha.. like bai nian like that.. haha.. cass join us till we reach woodlands cuz she sup to meet bebe at like 5.. haha.. so much time left.. haha.. then very farnie cuz she and XF decide to play house of the dead at the arcade.. haha.. aiyo.. arcade freaks lahx.. haha... esp XF.. then cass left to meet bebe and we continued playing.. then met karno then go khai's house.. haha.. that idiot ahx.. trick us.. so fun to bully juniors hor!!! -kills you- anyway happy for u guys lahx.. haha.. so pei!! haha.. bet kin lai will be shocked at the news.. haha.. muz tell her personally so can see her reaction.. haha.. then after that went to woodlands interchange to meet farhanah( SN from attachment).. they were smoking so me,XF, SY stood like at an distance cuz we dun like the smell.. waa then damn scary lahx.. got this guy come and like ask them something and check their ciggies.. i was like omg wad juz happened.. gosh.. first time i see this kinda happening.. apparently that guys were checking if they were smoking fake ciggies or ciggies that were like brought in from other countries.. haha.. wth!!
then went to karno's house.. then left for farhanah's house.. which was at yishun.. took cab there cuz was pretty late.. took like 2 cabs cuz got 6 of us.. then after malay version of bai nian-ing there and watching ghost whisperer till finish it was like already 11.10 like that.. so late.. so again took cab home with khai, SY and XF.. karno couldnt cuz cab can carrie only 4 peeps mahx.. like wth.. poor him have to go home on his own.. haha.. by the time reached home was like 11.35 .. haha.. so tired but fun yea..
reached home and first thing i did was pee cuz of the all the drinks that i drank.. omg.. waa.. relieve.. haha.. then took my temp cuz was feeling super feverish.. 39.3!!! omg -faints- .. took my old meds.. dun say sorry cass.. its not ur fault.. its cuz my immunity low mahx.. and the weather din exactly help.. haha.. chill yea.. 3 times sick in 7 months.. haha.. muz record down the times i were sick man.. on fan only at level 1 but still so cold.. freezes man.. rarr!!!
okies.. now muz zhao for cca.. yay!!! so long nv go for cca.. misses it so much.. haha..
ps: will def put quiz in my next post k.. haha..
nv blog for so long cuz was too lazy to blog and too busy watching vids the moment i touch my lappy.. haha.. yay!!! rom-com my fav!!!
anyway updates of past few days...
nothing much happened juz that cass crashed my lecture and i crashed hers.. haha.. damn toot lahx.. so farnie.. then got this stupid someone who keeps disturbing me since school reopen-ed.. rarr.. -kills you if u dun stop shaking me when u need my attention-,-shake me somemore and i will shake u oso till ur brain exchanges place with your intestines- rarr!!! then changing of sub-groups.. major headache for germaine cuz she was having a tough time pleasing everyone.. wandi kenna chicken pox.. muz take care..
then yest went to attachment seniors house for raya!! haha.. like bai nian like that.. haha.. cass join us till we reach woodlands cuz she sup to meet bebe at like 5.. haha.. so much time left.. haha.. then very farnie cuz she and XF decide to play house of the dead at the arcade.. haha.. aiyo.. arcade freaks lahx.. haha... esp XF.. then cass left to meet bebe and we continued playing.. then met karno then go khai's house.. haha.. that idiot ahx.. trick us.. so fun to bully juniors hor!!! -kills you- anyway happy for u guys lahx.. haha.. so pei!! haha.. bet kin lai will be shocked at the news.. haha.. muz tell her personally so can see her reaction.. haha.. then after that went to woodlands interchange to meet farhanah( SN from attachment).. they were smoking so me,XF, SY stood like at an distance cuz we dun like the smell.. waa then damn scary lahx.. got this guy come and like ask them something and check their ciggies.. i was like omg wad juz happened.. gosh.. first time i see this kinda happening.. apparently that guys were checking if they were smoking fake ciggies or ciggies that were like brought in from other countries.. haha.. wth!!
then went to karno's house.. then left for farhanah's house.. which was at yishun.. took cab there cuz was pretty late.. took like 2 cabs cuz got 6 of us.. then after malay version of bai nian-ing there and watching ghost whisperer till finish it was like already 11.10 like that.. so late.. so again took cab home with khai, SY and XF.. karno couldnt cuz cab can carrie only 4 peeps mahx.. like wth.. poor him have to go home on his own.. haha.. by the time reached home was like 11.35 .. haha.. so tired but fun yea..
reached home and first thing i did was pee cuz of the all the drinks that i drank.. omg.. waa.. relieve.. haha.. then took my temp cuz was feeling super feverish.. 39.3!!! omg -faints- .. took my old meds.. dun say sorry cass.. its not ur fault.. its cuz my immunity low mahx.. and the weather din exactly help.. haha.. chill yea.. 3 times sick in 7 months.. haha.. muz record down the times i were sick man.. on fan only at level 1 but still so cold.. freezes man.. rarr!!!
okies.. now muz zhao for cca.. yay!!! so long nv go for cca.. misses it so much.. haha..
ps: will def put quiz in my next post k.. haha..
Monday, October 15, 2007
woots.. first day of school in sem 2..
was walking to skool and toking with bavi on the phone at the same time...
hahax.. stupid girl.. then rab and nor came and they were like 'omg.. u cut ur hair.. ' haha
yea.. haha.. then went to throw sumting and saw rizal.. farnie guy.. he came at 7.30 to queue for books and like bought the books only at 8.35 .. i was like wth!!! haha.. lucky i din bother queuing.. haha.. i so clever.. intro to sociology.. not so bad i guess.. at least the lecturer can keep me awake even thou got pesky jovy who keeps kicking my chair with his super long legs.. rarr!!! -stabs him-
then after lec met cassie cuz she have like 3 hours break and i have 2 hours break.. haha.. she kinda like ran-walk and hug me.. haha.. cassie! love ya too!! .. haha.. everyone was like looking but as written on my wallet "i give no two hoots".. haha.. myuk rawks.. (ok im random).. haha..
then makaned and went to college bookshop to buy mints and fullscap.. and saw sofi there.. haha.. yay!! so long nv see her.. siao woman.. she was laughing at us when we told her that we end like at 4 cuz apparently she already ended skool then and the time then was only like 11.50 .. wth.. i so jealous.. haha.. then toktok then left for class and think cass went for her class too(come crash my class girl).. haha.. 3 new ppl in my class but one of the new ppl was absent..
then can go home le.. yay!! then saw XF at lift.. he was like "ROSHINI" for the whole wide whole to hear.. haha.. lucky not many ppl if not so malu.. -kills you too- made a new fren(so called), XF's fren lahx.. haha.. lame-ness.. then went home with nor.. haiz.. so boring.. and sun was so bright.. then when almost reaching home started raining again.. managed to reach home b4 started pouring.. lucky me.. no umbrella somemore.. cant afford to get sick again.. sick 3 times in 7 months.. thats bad.. and now with 9 mods if kenna sick so had to catch up with the topics(gosh, i sound like a nerd).. haha..
came home and stupid dad started blasting at me for no reason.. -punches him too- rarr!! juz stoned in front of lappy then went to watch america's funniest home videos.. mum came shouting at me asking me not to laugh so loud.. haha.. i was in the room with the door closed she was in the hall but she could hear my laughter.. haha.. omg.. really damn farnie wad.. cant help it.. america's farniest home videos nv fail to cheer me up.. juz goes to show how americans can make a fool out of themselves(not being racist or wadeva ok.. juz saying that cuz its AMERICA's funniest home videos so duh!).. haha..
then went to check out cassie's blog and her replies for the quiz stuff is like stupidly farnie lahx.. haha.. and yea.. if pearl becomes a doc she will make a very good doc.. haha.. cassie, at the most latest quiz qs 12, dun forget K's ass yea.. haha.. omg..-faints-.. haha... and i din realise that so many qs was missing when was doing the quiz oso lehx.. haha.. shows how slow am i.. hehe..
quiz time!
1. Have you ever had an argument with a teacher?-yup.. stupid tuition tcher telling me my eng is wrong.. hello.. the answer sheet said otherwise.. stupid..
2. Can you count in Roman numerals?-from 1 to 6
3. Are you bilingual?-im triple-lingual(if there is such a word).. haha..
4.Do you know how your car's engine works?-no car and cantbe bothered to noe..
5. Can you program the time on a VCR?-vcr?? u mean dvd player..??
6. How many email addresses do you have?-3..one hotmail and one gmail and one skool email(but dunno wads the add thou.. haha)..
7. Do you own a slinky?-nope..
8. Do you talk to yourself?-ehhhh.. maybe..
9. Do you have a tough time remembering people's names?-nope.. unless they look-alike..
10. Did you go stag to your Senior Prom?-huh???!!!
11. Is any leftover delivery food currently residing in your refrigerator?-nope..
12. Are you high maintenance?-not necessary.. haha
19. How many keys are on your key ring?-3 or 4..
20. How much money is in your wallet?-currently 15 bucks i think..
21. What is your favorite spice or seasoning?-mmm.. cheese.. haha..
22. What does your name mean?- i have no idea..
23. Do you give your pets holiday presents?-ehh.. sometimes..
26. Do you sleep on your side? Stomach? Back?-all.. haha.. i toss and turn all the time.. no fixed position..
27. Have you attended a high school reunion yet?-mini one yes.. try to meet up with them as much as possible.. whole class not yet..
29. Would you rather change your past or know your future?-neither.. future wun be a future if u noe wads gonna happen.. past is something for u to fall back on and look at how far u have come..
31. Would you pick up a hitchhiker?-dunno.. maybe..
32. Would you consider yourself a worrier?-yup.. i worry constantly.. i have frown lines even when im not worrying..
33. Do you notice when your crush/significant other changes something about themselves?-yup..
34. Do your first impressions of people usually stick?-most of the times..
35. What movie can you watch over and over?-dunno wads the title.. but its those animal animal movie.. haha..
36. Do you like to cook?-yea.. hate washing up dishes thou.. haha..
37. Do plants die in your care?-nv bothered.. was nv a plant person..
38. What's one thing you feel you must do in your life before it ends?-tell my dearies and darlings how much i love them and throw a huge party.. haha
*stupid thingy having missing qs again.. rarr!! credits for this quiz goes to esther cuz frenster dun have anymore nice quiz.. haha..
ps:to those who call me to link you guys.. sorry yea.. my template thingy got sumting wrong so cant link you guys as of now.. =( soon yea..
was walking to skool and toking with bavi on the phone at the same time...
hahax.. stupid girl.. then rab and nor came and they were like 'omg.. u cut ur hair.. ' haha
yea.. haha.. then went to throw sumting and saw rizal.. farnie guy.. he came at 7.30 to queue for books and like bought the books only at 8.35 .. i was like wth!!! haha.. lucky i din bother queuing.. haha.. i so clever.. intro to sociology.. not so bad i guess.. at least the lecturer can keep me awake even thou got pesky jovy who keeps kicking my chair with his super long legs.. rarr!!! -stabs him-
then after lec met cassie cuz she have like 3 hours break and i have 2 hours break.. haha.. she kinda like ran-walk and hug me.. haha.. cassie! love ya too!! .. haha.. everyone was like looking but as written on my wallet "i give no two hoots".. haha.. myuk rawks.. (ok im random).. haha..
then makaned and went to college bookshop to buy mints and fullscap.. and saw sofi there.. haha.. yay!! so long nv see her.. siao woman.. she was laughing at us when we told her that we end like at 4 cuz apparently she already ended skool then and the time then was only like 11.50 .. wth.. i so jealous.. haha.. then toktok then left for class and think cass went for her class too(come crash my class girl).. haha.. 3 new ppl in my class but one of the new ppl was absent..
then can go home le.. yay!! then saw XF at lift.. he was like "ROSHINI" for the whole wide whole to hear.. haha.. lucky not many ppl if not so malu.. -kills you too- made a new fren(so called), XF's fren lahx.. haha.. lame-ness.. then went home with nor.. haiz.. so boring.. and sun was so bright.. then when almost reaching home started raining again.. managed to reach home b4 started pouring.. lucky me.. no umbrella somemore.. cant afford to get sick again.. sick 3 times in 7 months.. thats bad.. and now with 9 mods if kenna sick so had to catch up with the topics(gosh, i sound like a nerd).. haha..
came home and stupid dad started blasting at me for no reason.. -punches him too- rarr!! juz stoned in front of lappy then went to watch america's funniest home videos.. mum came shouting at me asking me not to laugh so loud.. haha.. i was in the room with the door closed she was in the hall but she could hear my laughter.. haha.. omg.. really damn farnie wad.. cant help it.. america's farniest home videos nv fail to cheer me up.. juz goes to show how americans can make a fool out of themselves(not being racist or wadeva ok.. juz saying that cuz its AMERICA's funniest home videos so duh!).. haha..
then went to check out cassie's blog and her replies for the quiz stuff is like stupidly farnie lahx.. haha.. and yea.. if pearl becomes a doc she will make a very good doc.. haha.. cassie, at the most latest quiz qs 12, dun forget K's ass yea.. haha.. omg..-faints-.. haha... and i din realise that so many qs was missing when was doing the quiz oso lehx.. haha.. shows how slow am i.. hehe..
quiz time!
1. Have you ever had an argument with a teacher?-yup.. stupid tuition tcher telling me my eng is wrong.. hello.. the answer sheet said otherwise.. stupid..
2. Can you count in Roman numerals?-from 1 to 6
3. Are you bilingual?-im triple-lingual(if there is such a word).. haha..
4.Do you know how your car's engine works?-no car and cantbe bothered to noe..
5. Can you program the time on a VCR?-vcr?? u mean dvd player..??
6. How many email addresses do you have?-3..one hotmail and one gmail and one skool email(but dunno wads the add thou.. haha)..
7. Do you own a slinky?-nope..
8. Do you talk to yourself?-ehhhh.. maybe..
9. Do you have a tough time remembering people's names?-nope.. unless they look-alike..
10. Did you go stag to your Senior Prom?-huh???!!!
11. Is any leftover delivery food currently residing in your refrigerator?-nope..
12. Are you high maintenance?-not necessary.. haha
19. How many keys are on your key ring?-3 or 4..
20. How much money is in your wallet?-currently 15 bucks i think..
21. What is your favorite spice or seasoning?-mmm.. cheese.. haha..
22. What does your name mean?- i have no idea..
23. Do you give your pets holiday presents?-ehh.. sometimes..
26. Do you sleep on your side? Stomach? Back?-all.. haha.. i toss and turn all the time.. no fixed position..
27. Have you attended a high school reunion yet?-mini one yes.. try to meet up with them as much as possible.. whole class not yet..
29. Would you rather change your past or know your future?-neither.. future wun be a future if u noe wads gonna happen.. past is something for u to fall back on and look at how far u have come..
31. Would you pick up a hitchhiker?-dunno.. maybe..
32. Would you consider yourself a worrier?-yup.. i worry constantly.. i have frown lines even when im not worrying..
33. Do you notice when your crush/significant other changes something about themselves?-yup..
34. Do your first impressions of people usually stick?-most of the times..
35. What movie can you watch over and over?-dunno wads the title.. but its those animal animal movie.. haha..
36. Do you like to cook?-yea.. hate washing up dishes thou.. haha..
37. Do plants die in your care?-nv bothered.. was nv a plant person..
38. What's one thing you feel you must do in your life before it ends?-tell my dearies and darlings how much i love them and throw a huge party.. haha
*stupid thingy having missing qs again.. rarr!! credits for this quiz goes to esther cuz frenster dun have anymore nice quiz.. haha..
ps:to those who call me to link you guys.. sorry yea.. my template thingy got sumting wrong so cant link you guys as of now.. =( soon yea..
Friday, October 12, 2007
omg!!! i hate the hairdresser...arrrggghh.. she chopped off my hair.. its like super the short now.. haiz... so sad..so short.. even shorter than the time i cut my hair last year and was thinking that then my hair was soooo short.. WTH!!! its so short i cant even tie it.. if tie, only got one small pathetic tail... haiz.. so depressing.. hair style is ok only thing that is not ok is the length.. -faints- i bet those who usually recognise me from the back by my hair will be super shocked.. haha.. esp jiaqian since i juz met her a few hours ago cuz she happened to be at the interview thingy oso.. haha.. haiz..
haven bought books yet cuz was told that some of the books were already out of stock.. so irritating.. anyway i ended at like 1++ so too lazy to buy books.. so came home and went to cut hair.. then at the salon got this newspaper article that toked abt the hair salons at my house here.. and mum was shocked at this fact.. there are actually 11 hair salons in the rows of shops at bangkit(which is below my house).. like omg.. i told my mum "see i told you".. haha.. she was like practically counting if there really was that many.. then i also reminded her the no. of clinics at my house here oso.. haha.. so farnie..
now stoning at home and caressing my poor short hair.. so sad.. haiz..
haven bought books yet cuz was told that some of the books were already out of stock.. so irritating.. anyway i ended at like 1++ so too lazy to buy books.. so came home and went to cut hair.. then at the salon got this newspaper article that toked abt the hair salons at my house here.. and mum was shocked at this fact.. there are actually 11 hair salons in the rows of shops at bangkit(which is below my house).. like omg.. i told my mum "see i told you".. haha.. she was like practically counting if there really was that many.. then i also reminded her the no. of clinics at my house here oso.. haha.. so farnie..
now stoning at home and caressing my poor short hair.. so sad.. haiz..
Thursday, October 11, 2007
im in a state of confusion now!!! cant make it my mind abt sponsorship and really dunno if i want one.. somedays, i feel like i want then other days i dun really want cuz i scared of the pressure that i will give me.. dunno whether if i can cope.. haiz.. mum keeps pressuring me without knowing my worries.. cant stand it.. rarr!! also worrying abt something else.. haiz.. stop worrying.. im so gonna have worry-lines soon.. haha..
khai invited me and nuh "family" and karno to her house for hari raya.. haha.. then we go crash at karno's house.. haha.. farnie girl..
my fren sent me an email about my horoscope..
this is how it goes!
TAURUS - The Enduring One Charming but aggressive. Can come off as boring, but they are not. Hard workers. Warm-hearted. Strong, has endurance. Solid beings who are stable and secure in their ways. Not looking for shortcuts. Take pride in their beauty. Patient and reliable. Make great friends and give good advice. Loving and kind. Loves hard - passionate. Express themselves emotionally. Prone to ferocious temper-tantrums. Determined. Indulge themselves often. Very generous.
so sad that i come across as boring at first! haha.. boo hoo hoo.. haha.. endurance-mmm.. newly learned tolerance one.. haha.. stable and secure-mmm.. am i?? not looking for shortcuts-when i pissed, i guess i still look for it but juz choose not to use.. haha.. pride in beauty-helloo.. who are you kidding??? no beauty to talk of.. haha.. prone to ferocious temper tantrums- so true! so far nobody has seen my super temper other than family members and someone.. my temper is horrible.. alot of ppl see me as the type who wun get angry.. thats becuz u have nv seen me angry mahx cuz sometimes i noe how to hide my anger.. haha.. indulge themselves often-so true oso.. i indulge by buying pooh stuff which mum totally hates.. she always think that i indulge most on food.. but its wrong cuz i try not to but expensive food cuz i find waste of money when its juz gonna come out as crap.. so i prefer buying something that i can keep.. haha.. very generous-mmm.. wad can i sae.. haha.. dun find myself as generous lahx.. haha..
im so bored!!!! so gonna do quiz again..
If you were born before 1993, then this survey should be easy for you to fill out!
If you weren't, dont even bother, you'll just be confused!
What spice girl were you into when you were young?-none! too young then.. haha..
Backstreet Boys or NSync? : none then!
Did you watch S Club 7? : yup.. when i was super bored lahx..
What was your favorite, Sandlot or Little Rascals? : dunno wads sandlot.. little rascals are ok..
Did you ever have light up sneakers? : yea.. so funkie but wouldnt wear it now thou..
What was your favorite thing about recess? (in kindergarten) : playing with my frens.. haha..
Cinderella or Snow White? : cinderella..
Did you wake up really early just to watch cartoons on Saturday morning? :omg.. ya.. with my bros.. haha..
What was your favorite holiday? : dec hols.. yay!
Did you ever try to stay up on Christmas just so you could see santa? never belived it it.
Did you ever watch Bill Nye the Science Guy? dunno who is he.. watched dexter's lab thou.. hehe..
What grade did you like the best? :p6 and sec 4
Ninja Turtles or Power Ranger? : neither.. eww..
What Power Ranger were you? : none!
What was your favorite thing to eat? : then it used to be... i dunno..
What was your favorite color(s)? : black and blue..
Barney or Sesame Street? : barney.. sesama street irritates the shit out of me regardless of how educational it was sup to be... errgghh..
Do you ever miss being a little kid? : duh! who doesnt.. carefree days...
What was your first pet's name? : no idea.. fishie i guess..
Who was your best friend in kindergarten? : shantini, hari i guess.. someone wants me to sae him but nahx.. haha..
Are you still friends with the person you were best friends with in the 3rd grade? : i take 3rd grade as in p3... nope.. changed skool so nv really became best frens or wadeva..
Where did you live when you were 9? : as of my 9th b-dae still living at cck but preparing to move to je.. haha..
What did you want to be when you grew up?: then i wanted to be a teacher.. haha.. so typical..
Do you know all of the words to the Fresh Prince theme song? : huh??!!
What was your all time favorite movie? : nv really watched movies when i was young..
Which did you like, 'AHH! Real Monsters?' or 'Are You Afraid Of The Dark' ? :neither.. both are lame..
Did you like War heads? : as in the super duper sour sweets.. nope..
Did you ever want to watch slwell at time live? : wads that??!!
Have you ever wondered what the "slime" was actually made of : huh??
Who was your favorite rugrat? : none.. not into rugrats..
ok this is so weird.. cuz i juz went down to buy food while half way doing the quiz.. then after bying food had to walk back to the lift to go to my house when i saw something really weird.. i sw a girl who looks exactly like me.. slightly skinnier than me, same height, clothes she was wearing looked almost the same as mine.. i was like super shocked.. i was like thinking as i was in the lift"omg.. did i juz look at me walk past" it felt like i was looking at myself walk past.. it felt so real.. wow.. but apparently she was with someone who looked like he was her dad or sumting.. thanx god the dad din look like my dad or i would have been even more freaked out.. haha
khai invited me and nuh "family" and karno to her house for hari raya.. haha.. then we go crash at karno's house.. haha.. farnie girl..
my fren sent me an email about my horoscope..
this is how it goes!
TAURUS - The Enduring One Charming but aggressive. Can come off as boring, but they are not. Hard workers. Warm-hearted. Strong, has endurance. Solid beings who are stable and secure in their ways. Not looking for shortcuts. Take pride in their beauty. Patient and reliable. Make great friends and give good advice. Loving and kind. Loves hard - passionate. Express themselves emotionally. Prone to ferocious temper-tantrums. Determined. Indulge themselves often. Very generous.
so sad that i come across as boring at first! haha.. boo hoo hoo.. haha.. endurance-mmm.. newly learned tolerance one.. haha.. stable and secure-mmm.. am i?? not looking for shortcuts-when i pissed, i guess i still look for it but juz choose not to use.. haha.. pride in beauty-helloo.. who are you kidding??? no beauty to talk of.. haha.. prone to ferocious temper tantrums- so true! so far nobody has seen my super temper other than family members and someone.. my temper is horrible.. alot of ppl see me as the type who wun get angry.. thats becuz u have nv seen me angry mahx cuz sometimes i noe how to hide my anger.. haha.. indulge themselves often-so true oso.. i indulge by buying pooh stuff which mum totally hates.. she always think that i indulge most on food.. but its wrong cuz i try not to but expensive food cuz i find waste of money when its juz gonna come out as crap.. so i prefer buying something that i can keep.. haha.. very generous-mmm.. wad can i sae.. haha.. dun find myself as generous lahx.. haha..
im so bored!!!! so gonna do quiz again..
If you were born before 1993, then this survey should be easy for you to fill out!
If you weren't, dont even bother, you'll just be confused!
What spice girl were you into when you were young?-none! too young then.. haha..
Backstreet Boys or NSync? : none then!
Did you watch S Club 7? : yup.. when i was super bored lahx..
What was your favorite, Sandlot or Little Rascals? : dunno wads sandlot.. little rascals are ok..
Did you ever have light up sneakers? : yea.. so funkie but wouldnt wear it now thou..
What was your favorite thing about recess? (in kindergarten) : playing with my frens.. haha..
Cinderella or Snow White? : cinderella..
Did you wake up really early just to watch cartoons on Saturday morning? :omg.. ya.. with my bros.. haha..
What was your favorite holiday? : dec hols.. yay!
Did you ever try to stay up on Christmas just so you could see santa? never belived it it.
Did you ever watch Bill Nye the Science Guy? dunno who is he.. watched dexter's lab thou.. hehe..
What grade did you like the best? :p6 and sec 4
Ninja Turtles or Power Ranger? : neither.. eww..
What Power Ranger were you? : none!
What was your favorite thing to eat? : then it used to be... i dunno..
What was your favorite color(s)? : black and blue..
Barney or Sesame Street? : barney.. sesama street irritates the shit out of me regardless of how educational it was sup to be... errgghh..
Do you ever miss being a little kid? : duh! who doesnt.. carefree days...
What was your first pet's name? : no idea.. fishie i guess..
Who was your best friend in kindergarten? : shantini, hari i guess.. someone wants me to sae him but nahx.. haha..
Are you still friends with the person you were best friends with in the 3rd grade? : i take 3rd grade as in p3... nope.. changed skool so nv really became best frens or wadeva..
Where did you live when you were 9? : as of my 9th b-dae still living at cck but preparing to move to je.. haha..
What did you want to be when you grew up?: then i wanted to be a teacher.. haha.. so typical..
Do you know all of the words to the Fresh Prince theme song? : huh??!!
What was your all time favorite movie? : nv really watched movies when i was young..
Which did you like, 'AHH! Real Monsters?' or 'Are You Afraid Of The Dark' ? :neither.. both are lame..
Did you like War heads? : as in the super duper sour sweets.. nope..
Did you ever want to watch slwell at time live? : wads that??!!
Have you ever wondered what the "slime" was actually made of : huh??
Who was your favorite rugrat? : none.. not into rugrats..
ok this is so weird.. cuz i juz went down to buy food while half way doing the quiz.. then after bying food had to walk back to the lift to go to my house when i saw something really weird.. i sw a girl who looks exactly like me.. slightly skinnier than me, same height, clothes she was wearing looked almost the same as mine.. i was like super shocked.. i was like thinking as i was in the lift"omg.. did i juz look at me walk past" it felt like i was looking at myself walk past.. it felt so real.. wow.. but apparently she was with someone who looked like he was her dad or sumting.. thanx god the dad din look like my dad or i would have been even more freaked out.. haha
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
3 days of doing nothing but stoning at home and watching vids.. waa.. damn boring man.. sian like hell..
stupid mum dun let me go out oso.. rarr!!! tmr sup to go out with two groups of ppl but can only choose one but clash and when i have decided who to go out with, mum has to come and sae i cant go!!! waa.. so pissy-fying.. and when told her have to go skool to buy books on fri she ask me how much.. i sae dunno cuz they dun really have booklist kinda thing and that u have to go there see.. she dun believe.. think wad??!! i wanna cheat your money ah.. wad am i to do if skool has this stupid system.. i bet prob have the cohort dun even noe that they sup to buy books on fri lahx.. damn it.. they put a damn poster on printing room and those who went back to skool during hols if got see then are supp to pass the msg arnd.. like wth?! rarr!!! damn crap lahx.. make me pissed only!!
coffee prince is farnie!! haha.. i like! but i think the 2 main guys look very old in the beginning.. then realise why.. they are supposed to be 29 and 31 years old.. no wonder! haha.. but then their soundtrack like not very nice.. feels quite boring at times.. i love rom-com dramas or movies.. my ultimate favs.. haha.. woots!
was talking to bavi yest and she ask me how come not doing anymore quizzes on my blog cuz apparently she likes reading the quizzes.. haha.. the answer is cuz no.1 during attachment period too tired to post with quizzes.. and no.2 im too lazy.. haha..
so bavi.. this quiz is for u.. haha.. will try to do more quiz in future posts k!! haha..
1. If your doctor told you TODAY that you were pregnant, what would you say?-"plz double check ur equipment before i sue u till ur pants drop!!!"
2 . Do you trust all of your friends?-i guess i do cuz i dun want to distrust them.. mostly!
3. Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love?-wads the point when the rest of the ppl i love are here??!!
4. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?-i guess so..
5. Name two things you would NOT tolerate in a relationship?-dishonesty and cheating
6 . Which one of your friends do you think would make the best doctor?-pearl(dun ask my why.. she was the first person to pop up in my mind.. haha) and maybe fel(my dearie.. haha)
7. Are you afraid of falling in love?-maybe.. prob afraid of the pain bah..
8. Is there someone who pops into your mind at random times?- heh heh..
9. Would you stop talking to your friends because you hooked up with a new person?- do i look like that type of person??!! no way!
10. When was the last time you flew in a plane?- like never..
11. What did the last text message you sent say?- "ok.. =) sorry yea.." to kinlai cuz mum dun let me go out!!
12. What features do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?-hair(haha.. dun ask me why?!) and smile..
13. Fill in the blank. I _______you inmy life..-love having
14. Att or Single?-single
15. If you were to wake up from being in a coma for a long period of time who would you call?- a chef cuz i will be dead hungry.. haha..
16. How many kids do you want to have?-never think so far..
17. Love Someone?-nope..
18. Where was your default picture taken?-in nuh ward XX staff room..
19. What's your middle name?-d/o ..haha.. no idea..
20. Honestly, what's on your mind right now?-too many things to list down..
21. If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be?-change my mum decision abt not letting me go out.. haha..
22 . Shoe size?-8 but then my attachment shoe size is 10.. waa.. stupid long toes..
23. What are you wearing right now?-navy blue shirt, grey/black shorts..
24. Righty or Lefty?-righty
25. Best place to eat?-ehhh.. my cooking??!! haha.. yummy.. i so thick skinn.. haha..
26. Favorite animal?-dogs, dolphins
29. Favorite juice?-apple orange juice..
30. Have you had the chicken pox?-yup when i was 5 or 6 i think..
31. Have you had a sore throat?-yea.. my sec skool frens have heard my "sexy" voice.. haha..
33. Who knows you the best?-sher and bavi..
34. Do you get along with your family?-some ppl sae yes but i beg to differ.. rarr!!
35. Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?-glasses.. they are my life partners.. haha..
36. Ever been in a fight with your pet?-ya.. dunno why but she just ignored me for one whole day last time.. haha.. then next day keep coming to me le.. siao siao one.. haha..
thats it.. outss!
stupid mum dun let me go out oso.. rarr!!! tmr sup to go out with two groups of ppl but can only choose one but clash and when i have decided who to go out with, mum has to come and sae i cant go!!! waa.. so pissy-fying.. and when told her have to go skool to buy books on fri she ask me how much.. i sae dunno cuz they dun really have booklist kinda thing and that u have to go there see.. she dun believe.. think wad??!! i wanna cheat your money ah.. wad am i to do if skool has this stupid system.. i bet prob have the cohort dun even noe that they sup to buy books on fri lahx.. damn it.. they put a damn poster on printing room and those who went back to skool during hols if got see then are supp to pass the msg arnd.. like wth?! rarr!!! damn crap lahx.. make me pissed only!!
coffee prince is farnie!! haha.. i like! but i think the 2 main guys look very old in the beginning.. then realise why.. they are supposed to be 29 and 31 years old.. no wonder! haha.. but then their soundtrack like not very nice.. feels quite boring at times.. i love rom-com dramas or movies.. my ultimate favs.. haha.. woots!
was talking to bavi yest and she ask me how come not doing anymore quizzes on my blog cuz apparently she likes reading the quizzes.. haha.. the answer is cuz no.1 during attachment period too tired to post with quizzes.. and no.2 im too lazy.. haha..
so bavi.. this quiz is for u.. haha.. will try to do more quiz in future posts k!! haha..
1. If your doctor told you TODAY that you were pregnant, what would you say?-"plz double check ur equipment before i sue u till ur pants drop!!!"
2 . Do you trust all of your friends?-i guess i do cuz i dun want to distrust them.. mostly!
3. Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love?-wads the point when the rest of the ppl i love are here??!!
4. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?-i guess so..
5. Name two things you would NOT tolerate in a relationship?-dishonesty and cheating
6 . Which one of your friends do you think would make the best doctor?-pearl(dun ask my why.. she was the first person to pop up in my mind.. haha) and maybe fel(my dearie.. haha)
7. Are you afraid of falling in love?-maybe.. prob afraid of the pain bah..
8. Is there someone who pops into your mind at random times?- heh heh..
9. Would you stop talking to your friends because you hooked up with a new person?- do i look like that type of person??!! no way!
10. When was the last time you flew in a plane?- like never..
11. What did the last text message you sent say?- "ok.. =) sorry yea.." to kinlai cuz mum dun let me go out!!
12. What features do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?-hair(haha.. dun ask me why?!) and smile..
13. Fill in the blank. I _______you inmy life..-love having
14. Att or Single?-single
15. If you were to wake up from being in a coma for a long period of time who would you call?- a chef cuz i will be dead hungry.. haha..
16. How many kids do you want to have?-never think so far..
17. Love Someone?-nope..
18. Where was your default picture taken?-in nuh ward XX staff room..
19. What's your middle name?-d/o ..haha.. no idea..
20. Honestly, what's on your mind right now?-too many things to list down..
21. If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be?-change my mum decision abt not letting me go out.. haha..
22 . Shoe size?-8 but then my attachment shoe size is 10.. waa.. stupid long toes..
23. What are you wearing right now?-navy blue shirt, grey/black shorts..
24. Righty or Lefty?-righty
25. Best place to eat?-ehhh.. my cooking??!! haha.. yummy.. i so thick skinn.. haha..
26. Favorite animal?-dogs, dolphins
29. Favorite juice?-apple orange juice..
30. Have you had the chicken pox?-yup when i was 5 or 6 i think..
31. Have you had a sore throat?-yea.. my sec skool frens have heard my "sexy" voice.. haha..
33. Who knows you the best?-sher and bavi..
34. Do you get along with your family?-some ppl sae yes but i beg to differ.. rarr!!
35. Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?-glasses.. they are my life partners.. haha..
36. Ever been in a fight with your pet?-ya.. dunno why but she just ignored me for one whole day last time.. haha.. then next day keep coming to me le.. siao siao one.. haha..
thats it.. outss!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
lonely day today cuz im the only student nurse in my ward and prob the whole of nuh who have to come on sat juz for make-up.. rarr!! haha
anyway today quite ok lahx.. its actually not busy one.. but suddenly busy becuz my side only have me, 2 sn and 1 en i/c of 2 rooms.. so like have to do everything in a rush.. haiz.. pretty tired.. was helping nurul so much and im so proud of myself.. haha.. i bathed 2 patients on my own and fed ng twice.. yay!! achievement on my last last day of attachment.. everyone there see me so poor thing cuz only one to come back.. haha.. i was like its ok.. miss you guys mahx.. hahax.. partly oso true.. it nv properly register in me that i wun be coming to work there anymore so like during thelast hour when i really had nothing to do and was juz standing arnd i went to tok to my cubicle patients.. haha... 2 getting discharged today.. yay!! one new one hu came in at 2+ so like i no need to bother so much cuz sn will do.. then all the aunties and uncles told me byebye and take care and study hard and all that like very touching lahx.. now i noe why XF cried yest.. haha.. its really very nice to see them joking and toking and laughing at the slightest joke and all.. i guess i will definitely miss them.. then last 15 mins maliza walk past me and see me nothing to do so juz told me to leave.. but i din want to cuz scared get into trouble so juz went to staff room to sit sit and tok with mr ng( a very nice en) and maliza(got to noe her better only this week).. then left at 3.00 sharp.. haha.. then say byebye again and the emos started flooding back in.. haha.. will nv forget the memories i had at my first ever attachments..
then too tired to go for meeting and anyway by the time i go there meeting prob over so told boss and she said ok.. so came home and was chatting with a very emo person who is currently depressed over something(dun kill me if u are seeing this).. haha.. take it easy and dun be so hard on urself.. yea =)
haiz.. im stoning with lappy on my lap and im sitting on my bed and leaning on the wall.. -classic stoning position- haha.. i wanna sleep.. juz now in the bus keep felling asleep and so scared that will miss my stop.. so was poking at my temples to try to keep me awake.. haha.. it worked i guess.. haha..
okies.. im gonna go read my book finish today and start on harry potter and the deathly hallows.. haha.. start so late rite.. i noe.. no laughing pls thank you! haha..
cyaz.. wooots!!
anyway today quite ok lahx.. its actually not busy one.. but suddenly busy becuz my side only have me, 2 sn and 1 en i/c of 2 rooms.. so like have to do everything in a rush.. haiz.. pretty tired.. was helping nurul so much and im so proud of myself.. haha.. i bathed 2 patients on my own and fed ng twice.. yay!! achievement on my last last day of attachment.. everyone there see me so poor thing cuz only one to come back.. haha.. i was like its ok.. miss you guys mahx.. hahax.. partly oso true.. it nv properly register in me that i wun be coming to work there anymore so like during thelast hour when i really had nothing to do and was juz standing arnd i went to tok to my cubicle patients.. haha... 2 getting discharged today.. yay!! one new one hu came in at 2+ so like i no need to bother so much cuz sn will do.. then all the aunties and uncles told me byebye and take care and study hard and all that like very touching lahx.. now i noe why XF cried yest.. haha.. its really very nice to see them joking and toking and laughing at the slightest joke and all.. i guess i will definitely miss them.. then last 15 mins maliza walk past me and see me nothing to do so juz told me to leave.. but i din want to cuz scared get into trouble so juz went to staff room to sit sit and tok with mr ng( a very nice en) and maliza(got to noe her better only this week).. then left at 3.00 sharp.. haha.. then say byebye again and the emos started flooding back in.. haha.. will nv forget the memories i had at my first ever attachments..
then too tired to go for meeting and anyway by the time i go there meeting prob over so told boss and she said ok.. so came home and was chatting with a very emo person who is currently depressed over something(dun kill me if u are seeing this).. haha.. take it easy and dun be so hard on urself.. yea =)
haiz.. im stoning with lappy on my lap and im sitting on my bed and leaning on the wall.. -classic stoning position- haha.. i wanna sleep.. juz now in the bus keep felling asleep and so scared that will miss my stop.. so was poking at my temples to try to keep me awake.. haha.. it worked i guess.. haha..
okies.. im gonna go read my book finish today and start on harry potter and the deathly hallows.. haha.. start so late rite.. i noe.. no laughing pls thank you! haha..
cyaz.. wooots!!
Friday, October 5, 2007
i feel like today was a total waste cuz i felt like i was skiving or sumting.. haha..
cuz when i went there meera wanted to "interview" me and menaga for her skills( for her CI course).. haha.. then XF juz joined us.. we were like totally skiving can.. haha.. anyway meera din get wad she wanted from us.. but we toked abt the ward ghost stories and the nurses there and stuff.. and meera was toking her abt how she started off as a nurse and all.. and i only have one thing to sae to her.. " i take my hat off you lady".. she like can be our role model or sumting lahx.. haha.. then sister wanted to tok to me.. my turn finally.. haha.. waited for so long.. was toking with her and apparently she din noe wad happened.. so ya.. on one hand, i felt super guilty to the patient and on the hand, i felt guilty becuz of my honesty i "hai"(caused) 2 ppl to get into trouble.. i really din noe wad to sae.. so went back to staff room and felt super emo.. haiz.. so i juz went to wash my face and came out.. then sat down and was telling them abt it and they tot i was crying.. haha.. then XF can say "i feel that u cry very fake lehx" when i wasnt even crying at all.. haha.. he sot liao.. haha..
then went out and carried on with stuff lahx.. haiz.. so sian.. but today nv really carry out my duties much cuz was busy with sister and meera was assessing my para.. then went for break then came back.. patients al very cute when we went to tell them today will be our last day at nuh.. they were all like shocked.. haha.. but very nice cuz they like shake hand and said bye bye and stuff and i heard that XF cried.. haha.. that xiao didi ah.. XF came back at like 8 even thou he was morning shift cuz he wanted to go out makan.. hahax.. in the end he makaning with stephen cuz kinlai going home and dad came to fetch me and SY home.. haha.. poor thing..
haiz.. im so tired.. afternoon shift today morning shift tmr for make up and still have meeting for cca.. i am so tempted to dun go tmr cuz i very very tired.. haiz..
ps: boss, if i dun go for meeting tmr, sorry ah.. cuz i very tired lahx.. i will make it up by helping out in more projects or sumting ok.. sorry girl.. =(
i feel like today was a total waste cuz i felt like i was skiving or sumting.. haha..
cuz when i went there meera wanted to "interview" me and menaga for her skills( for her CI course).. haha.. then XF juz joined us.. we were like totally skiving can.. haha.. anyway meera din get wad she wanted from us.. but we toked abt the ward ghost stories and the nurses there and stuff.. and meera was toking her abt how she started off as a nurse and all.. and i only have one thing to sae to her.. " i take my hat off you lady".. she like can be our role model or sumting lahx.. haha.. then sister wanted to tok to me.. my turn finally.. haha.. waited for so long.. was toking with her and apparently she din noe wad happened.. so ya.. on one hand, i felt super guilty to the patient and on the hand, i felt guilty becuz of my honesty i "hai"(caused) 2 ppl to get into trouble.. i really din noe wad to sae.. so went back to staff room and felt super emo.. haiz.. so i juz went to wash my face and came out.. then sat down and was telling them abt it and they tot i was crying.. haha.. then XF can say "i feel that u cry very fake lehx" when i wasnt even crying at all.. haha.. he sot liao.. haha..
then went out and carried on with stuff lahx.. haiz.. so sian.. but today nv really carry out my duties much cuz was busy with sister and meera was assessing my para.. then went for break then came back.. patients al very cute when we went to tell them today will be our last day at nuh.. they were all like shocked.. haha.. but very nice cuz they like shake hand and said bye bye and stuff and i heard that XF cried.. haha.. that xiao didi ah.. XF came back at like 8 even thou he was morning shift cuz he wanted to go out makan.. hahax.. in the end he makaning with stephen cuz kinlai going home and dad came to fetch me and SY home.. haha.. poor thing..
haiz.. im so tired.. afternoon shift today morning shift tmr for make up and still have meeting for cca.. i am so tempted to dun go tmr cuz i very very tired.. haiz..
ps: boss, if i dun go for meeting tmr, sorry ah.. cuz i very tired lahx.. i will make it up by helping out in more projects or sumting ok.. sorry girl.. =(
Thursday, October 4, 2007
you're aching, you're breaking ,,, and i can see pain in your eyes-"everybody's changing" by keane.. i think this line fits someone right now.. its will all go right in the end(i hope).. stay strong..
i seriously have nothing to do.. rarr.. haha.. so keep bloggin lor.. haha
went to buy chocs for us(using karno's remaining money) and for the nurses in my ward(my money duh) cuz technically tmr is my last day even thou i still have make-up on sat.. haha..
this week im like broke man.. never save any money.. keep spending haha.. thank god my pocket money is daily not weekly.. if not sure spend finish in like 2 days.. heh heh..
anyway went to bel's blog and was so touched by her's and fel's post.. love those dearies so much.. miss you guys.. cant believe that bel still rmb wad happened at taman.. haha.. she very cute.. she actually asked my permission to hug me cuz she was so afraid of the cave when we went caving.. haha.. and fel ah.. that girl.. haha.. forever comparing our b*** size lahx.. haha.. duh mine is bigger cuz im fat girl.. i so not the paisehx can.. haha.. touchy touchy.. haiz...
then went to cand's blog.. and she sounded like she was confused or something.. i hope u r ok girl.. i guess she miss stc and the ij thingy so much and cant really get into the whole MI thing probably.. no worries yea!
ok.. better go sleep even though its afternoon shift tmr! woots!!
i seriously have nothing to do.. rarr.. haha.. so keep bloggin lor.. haha
went to buy chocs for us(using karno's remaining money) and for the nurses in my ward(my money duh) cuz technically tmr is my last day even thou i still have make-up on sat.. haha..
this week im like broke man.. never save any money.. keep spending haha.. thank god my pocket money is daily not weekly.. if not sure spend finish in like 2 days.. heh heh..
anyway went to bel's blog and was so touched by her's and fel's post.. love those dearies so much.. miss you guys.. cant believe that bel still rmb wad happened at taman.. haha.. she very cute.. she actually asked my permission to hug me cuz she was so afraid of the cave when we went caving.. haha.. and fel ah.. that girl.. haha.. forever comparing our b*** size lahx.. haha.. duh mine is bigger cuz im fat girl.. i so not the paisehx can.. haha.. touchy touchy.. haiz...
then went to cand's blog.. and she sounded like she was confused or something.. i hope u r ok girl.. i guess she miss stc and the ij thingy so much and cant really get into the whole MI thing probably.. no worries yea!
ok.. better go sleep even though its afternoon shift tmr! woots!!
2 more days till end of attachment..
so sad sat no one do make up with me cuz no one mc.. haiz.. so depressing.. i will be so alone..
yest nite went to pasar malam to see if can got any new pooh stickers and stuff.. bought some mini ones.. then wanted to buy the big ones but mum started making a fuss and started scolding me there.. waa lao lahx.. its not as if i using her money oso.. stupid and its only 4 for $1 lahx.. siao.. so went home lahx..
then today attachment was ok lahx.. juz abit like gonna miss attachment and the people there cuz have been with them for 3 weeks straight.. haiz.. anyway.. nothing much except that there is another sucky sn.. hate her to the core.. and alot of nurses dun like this particular yr 2.. i oso dun like.. and i think this other student nurse is so irresponsible.. aiyo.. damn irritating..
very farnie with me,XF,SY and sister inside the staff room during the last fifteen mins till knock off.. haha.. we were skiving can.. and she din scold us.. heh heh.. we accompany her while having her lunch lor.. heh heh.. then tok tok.. she is quite nice when not scolding lahx.. haha.. duh.. who isnt??!! ok.. im toking rubbish..
anyway after that left with SY,XF and kinlai as usual.. haha.. and we missed 963 again.. always at the same spot then realise the 963 is at the bus stop but couldnt be bothered to run there.. haha.. too tired.. then were crossing the ZEBRA CROSSING and this lorry juz zoomed infront of us lahx.. i was like blady asshole and in my mind was scolding all kind of bad words.. i and XF were walking in front lahx.. so if we had walked faster we would have been knocked down by that super lorry driver.. i knew that XF was super pissed cuz he gave that killer stare at the lorry.. seriously lahx.. its becuz of drivers like him that accidents occur.. im super pissed lahx.. like wtf..
anyway then we went to bus stop and toktok as usual.. then kinlai left.. then left 3 of us.. 963 came and not much seats despite it being a bendy bus.. like wth.. haiz.. so tired.. SY sat first then i and XF stand.. then 2 ppl left at nus bus stop so i and XF quicky sat.. haha.. so both of us and SY were basically split by the aisle of the bus.. then when the person beside SY left i went to sit by her lahx.. then XF gave his boyish sticks-out-tongue look.. haha.. too bad.. girls are like that one mahx.. then went to westmall with both of them.. XF left earlier and stayed with SY till her ah-kor came.. then something super farnie happened which im not allowed to reveal here.. its juz super farnie farnie and SY was like super malu-ated.. haha.. her poor ah-kor.. haha..
then left for home and stopped at the stop b4 i usually get down cuz wanna buy stickers from pasar malam.. and guess wad.. i bought winnie the pooh huge 2008 calender.. haha.. so happy.. $2.50 only lehx.. thats why i sae i pasar malam queen mahx.. haha.. so happy.. showed mum and told her dun scold me anyway its my money so i told her if she dare throw away i will kill her.. haha.. so farnie lahx.. she show me her wth face.. haha.. stupid woman..
okies.. going to supermarket now to buy some stuff..
and before i forget.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CANDICE DEARIE! haha.. hope u enjoy ur day today.. wil give u ur prezzie when i see you yea.. loves loves.. =)
so sad sat no one do make up with me cuz no one mc.. haiz.. so depressing.. i will be so alone..
yest nite went to pasar malam to see if can got any new pooh stickers and stuff.. bought some mini ones.. then wanted to buy the big ones but mum started making a fuss and started scolding me there.. waa lao lahx.. its not as if i using her money oso.. stupid and its only 4 for $1 lahx.. siao.. so went home lahx..
then today attachment was ok lahx.. juz abit like gonna miss attachment and the people there cuz have been with them for 3 weeks straight.. haiz.. anyway.. nothing much except that there is another sucky sn.. hate her to the core.. and alot of nurses dun like this particular yr 2.. i oso dun like.. and i think this other student nurse is so irresponsible.. aiyo.. damn irritating..
very farnie with me,XF,SY and sister inside the staff room during the last fifteen mins till knock off.. haha.. we were skiving can.. and she din scold us.. heh heh.. we accompany her while having her lunch lor.. heh heh.. then tok tok.. she is quite nice when not scolding lahx.. haha.. duh.. who isnt??!! ok.. im toking rubbish..
anyway after that left with SY,XF and kinlai as usual.. haha.. and we missed 963 again.. always at the same spot then realise the 963 is at the bus stop but couldnt be bothered to run there.. haha.. too tired.. then were crossing the ZEBRA CROSSING and this lorry juz zoomed infront of us lahx.. i was like blady asshole and in my mind was scolding all kind of bad words.. i and XF were walking in front lahx.. so if we had walked faster we would have been knocked down by that super lorry driver.. i knew that XF was super pissed cuz he gave that killer stare at the lorry.. seriously lahx.. its becuz of drivers like him that accidents occur.. im super pissed lahx.. like wtf..
anyway then we went to bus stop and toktok as usual.. then kinlai left.. then left 3 of us.. 963 came and not much seats despite it being a bendy bus.. like wth.. haiz.. so tired.. SY sat first then i and XF stand.. then 2 ppl left at nus bus stop so i and XF quicky sat.. haha.. so both of us and SY were basically split by the aisle of the bus.. then when the person beside SY left i went to sit by her lahx.. then XF gave his boyish sticks-out-tongue look.. haha.. too bad.. girls are like that one mahx.. then went to westmall with both of them.. XF left earlier and stayed with SY till her ah-kor came.. then something super farnie happened which im not allowed to reveal here.. its juz super farnie farnie and SY was like super malu-ated.. haha.. her poor ah-kor.. haha..
then left for home and stopped at the stop b4 i usually get down cuz wanna buy stickers from pasar malam.. and guess wad.. i bought winnie the pooh huge 2008 calender.. haha.. so happy.. $2.50 only lehx.. thats why i sae i pasar malam queen mahx.. haha.. so happy.. showed mum and told her dun scold me anyway its my money so i told her if she dare throw away i will kill her.. haha.. so farnie lahx.. she show me her wth face.. haha.. stupid woman..
okies.. going to supermarket now to buy some stuff..
and before i forget.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CANDICE DEARIE! haha.. hope u enjoy ur day today.. wil give u ur prezzie when i see you yea.. loves loves.. =)
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
3 more days to end of attachment..
yest din blog cuz was sper tired.. rarr.. me,kinlai and SY went home then sleep till the next morning and juz woke up to eat dinner.. haha.. super the tired lahx.. haiz.. my poor legs...
yest normal day..nothing nuch or interesting happen.. juz that siti yest treat me super nice.. everything oso darling darling.. i wanna puke can.. apparently sister scolded her after we complain abt her lahx.. thats why she so nice yest.. but i saw her keep scolding my yr 2.. blady asshole.. nothing nothing oso scold..
today.. nothing much oso.. juz that got one of my patient very poor thing.. i feel so sad for her.. haiz.. but i guess as student nurses or juz nurses there is only so much u can do for her.. haiz.. that poor lady.. hope either she gets better or prob juz pass away sooner to end her suffering..
then makaned with kinlai and helped to tapao food for the others.. kinlai yest so poor thing oso lahx.. she one person go tapao for all of us cuz we too busy.. thanx girl.. so today i went with her.. was toking toking all the way.. haha..
then cont with work.. soba again left after 3 despite her shift ending at 1.. poor woman.. haha.. but she is pretty nice lahx.. everything oso call me to do with her so that she and i got partner.. then we oso chat chat.. haha.. nice AN.. and she lives so near me oso.. haha.. like i can juz walk to her house lahx if im not feeling lazy.. haha.. wow..
then at 2.59 juz one more min b4 off work XF like "shoo shoo" at me.. i was like "wad thing?! knock off le ah?" then i juz follow him go staff room. in the end he went to locker room 2.. so i was like"oh".. haha.. cuz someone wanted me to help him buy top-up card for online game thing so call XF to call me to help.. haha.. aiyo.. that person play and play non-stop.. haiz.. then even thou already sup to knock off juz go and help to buy lor.. then me and XF bought fruits to eat and bought some stuff that patients call us to help them buy.. haha.. so farnie... then karno call us go help him pass something to pharmacy.. then i was telling XF "waa lao.. we like overtime can.. " haha.. he oso agree.. but as if they care if we overtime or not lahx.. haha.. haiz..
then kinlai and sy were waiting for us at staff room.. thanx girls.. then we left.. kinlai went to buy drink and i went to see some pooh stuff at the shop.. and i bought a sticker that i din have.. yay... so happy.. but then that type of sticker at pasar malam is sell at 4 for $1.. i bought one for $1.. haha.. lose money.. but dun care.. for pooh i willing to spend.. if mum was there confirm kill me one.. haha.. then went home with SY and XF as usual.. tmr going with SY to westmall cuz she call me go.. haha.. i dun mind.. anyway fri is afternoon shift mahx.. haha.. so tired today..
came home.. mum put food for dad and i happily eat it and told mum to prepare another for dad.. haha.. i so clever.. later muz go shop shop buy some things.. i wanna go pasar malam oso.. haha.. so whether can add anything to my collection.. i am the pasar malam queen.. yay!! haha..
stoning.. ready to fall asleep anymoment now... but muz go shop shop then sleep.. haha.. muz sleep by 8pm.. sp early rite.. omg..-faints-.. haha..
woots!! cyaz =)
yest din blog cuz was sper tired.. rarr.. me,kinlai and SY went home then sleep till the next morning and juz woke up to eat dinner.. haha.. super the tired lahx.. haiz.. my poor legs...
yest normal day..nothing nuch or interesting happen.. juz that siti yest treat me super nice.. everything oso darling darling.. i wanna puke can.. apparently sister scolded her after we complain abt her lahx.. thats why she so nice yest.. but i saw her keep scolding my yr 2.. blady asshole.. nothing nothing oso scold..
today.. nothing much oso.. juz that got one of my patient very poor thing.. i feel so sad for her.. haiz.. but i guess as student nurses or juz nurses there is only so much u can do for her.. haiz.. that poor lady.. hope either she gets better or prob juz pass away sooner to end her suffering..
then makaned with kinlai and helped to tapao food for the others.. kinlai yest so poor thing oso lahx.. she one person go tapao for all of us cuz we too busy.. thanx girl.. so today i went with her.. was toking toking all the way.. haha..
then cont with work.. soba again left after 3 despite her shift ending at 1.. poor woman.. haha.. but she is pretty nice lahx.. everything oso call me to do with her so that she and i got partner.. then we oso chat chat.. haha.. nice AN.. and she lives so near me oso.. haha.. like i can juz walk to her house lahx if im not feeling lazy.. haha.. wow..
then at 2.59 juz one more min b4 off work XF like "shoo shoo" at me.. i was like "wad thing?! knock off le ah?" then i juz follow him go staff room. in the end he went to locker room 2.. so i was like"oh".. haha.. cuz someone wanted me to help him buy top-up card for online game thing so call XF to call me to help.. haha.. aiyo.. that person play and play non-stop.. haiz.. then even thou already sup to knock off juz go and help to buy lor.. then me and XF bought fruits to eat and bought some stuff that patients call us to help them buy.. haha.. so farnie... then karno call us go help him pass something to pharmacy.. then i was telling XF "waa lao.. we like overtime can.. " haha.. he oso agree.. but as if they care if we overtime or not lahx.. haha.. haiz..
then kinlai and sy were waiting for us at staff room.. thanx girls.. then we left.. kinlai went to buy drink and i went to see some pooh stuff at the shop.. and i bought a sticker that i din have.. yay... so happy.. but then that type of sticker at pasar malam is sell at 4 for $1.. i bought one for $1.. haha.. lose money.. but dun care.. for pooh i willing to spend.. if mum was there confirm kill me one.. haha.. then went home with SY and XF as usual.. tmr going with SY to westmall cuz she call me go.. haha.. i dun mind.. anyway fri is afternoon shift mahx.. haha.. so tired today..
came home.. mum put food for dad and i happily eat it and told mum to prepare another for dad.. haha.. i so clever.. later muz go shop shop buy some things.. i wanna go pasar malam oso.. haha.. so whether can add anything to my collection.. i am the pasar malam queen.. yay!! haha..
stoning.. ready to fall asleep anymoment now... but muz go shop shop then sleep.. haha.. muz sleep by 8pm.. sp early rite.. omg..-faints-.. haha..
woots!! cyaz =)
Monday, October 1, 2007
haiz.. somehow i feel that today din go so well.. haiz..

my loves.. yay!!
posted to a cubicle that i dun really like.. damn shit
haiz.. no choice..
my ex-patient so clever noe that i will confrim be posted to there..
then today he so sweet.. cuz i look after him for 2 weeks mahx.. so he call me then give me chocs.. but of cuz i nv take lahx.. i juz told him that it was my duty to take care of him and thou i will miss him im glad that he is going home.. haha.. then he sae why i so bad cuz he giving me juz as a fren but i dun wanna take.. haha.. then i told him i cant take and dun feel like eating chocs then run away to my cubicle.. haha.. my patient so cute.. hope he gets super healthy soon.. jia you!
then meeting with sister at "scolding alley" today.. haiz..
she lecture us and told us she very de tempted to fail all of us.. then she sae one of us confirm will fail.. its confirm plus chop already.. haiz.. so scared.. somehow i have a feeling it will be me cuz of a mistake i made.. rarr!! scary.. either me or my fren are at risk.. damn embarrassing if first attachment already fail.. rarr!!
anyway, feel so sad.. boo-hoo-hoo.. shant tok abt that cuz too depressing..
met sher at westmall today.. she so clever.. she meet SY already she noe wad happen.. like as if i have been telling her everything that happened which i swear i din.. somehow she saw SY face and noe everything like as if she can read her/my mind or something.. pro-ness lahx.. then went to see doc cuz she not feeling well.. then went back to westmall to meet weiwei.. so long nv see her.. haha.. last time i saw her was 29 march 2007.. haha.. still rmb the date.. i so pro.. then we camwhored at the taxi stand at westmall... dunno why oso.. so farnie lahx.. haha..

haha.. one of the photos.. weiwei me and sher.. pri-skool besties.. amazing that i stil go out with my pri-skool besties??? haha.. everytime i tell my frens that i going out with pri-skool frens or my best infinite fren is my pri-skool bestie, they will be like 'wow.. still keep in touch ah'.. haha..
then i zhao-ed home cuz mum will kill me if i go home any later and anyway i have morning shift tmr.. rarr!! tired..
'family photo' of attachment.. yay..

my loves.. yay!!