Yours Truly

this is so lame

haha.. ok.. this is so lame but im gonna do it..
im gonna type my notes for safety module on my blog.. haha.. so freakin lame i noe..

definition of infection
- the invasion of the body by pathogens(infectious agents) or micro-organism which is capable of causing diseases.
-it may or may not be contagious.

types of infection

  1. local-confined to one area
  2. systemic-spread around the body and can be fatal
  3. primary-an initial source of infection
  4. secondary-infected by another source of infection of micro-organism during the course of infection.
  5. acute-intense illness of short duration-from few hourse to few weeks-predictable for a specific diseases.
  6. chronic-ilness of long duration-from months to years.

clinical characteristics of an infection

  1. fever
  2. pulse and respiratory rate increased
  3. anorexia
  4. nausea
  5. vomitting
  6. headache
  7. apathy
  8. fatigue and general malaise
  9. fluches and hot appearance
  10. furred(white) and dry tongue
  11. enlarged and tender lymph nodes closed to site of infection
  12. rashes
  13. rigors and chills
  14. redness
  15. swelling
  16. pain

body defences against infection

  1. natural immunity
  2. acquired immunity

chain of infection

  1. infectious agent(virus)
  2. reservoir(place)
  3. portal of exit
  4. mode of transmission(thru airborne, water borne etc)
  5. portal of entry
  6. host
  7. and back to 1.

thats only lecture1.. and i too lazy to type the rest.. haha.. wth..