woohoo!!! this is my 250th post!! haha.. and i just made a new tumblr account:
more cool functions.. but i will still cont on this blog cuz im used to tumblr as of yet.. haha..
anyway, my nights are finally over! 1st night was just horrible!! 5 new admissions!! omfg man! and all come in with like less than 1 hour interval.. even the HO and MO oncall oso see us till sian.. super tiring first night.. throw in some crazy patients who suck the life out of you, by 3am i was shagged out.. admissions, dr's orders, callbells, irritating pts who wants to get out of bed on their own etc etc etc.. even kenna threatened by them that they going to call police in the morning. seriously psycho man.. another pt even did "exorcism" on the noisy++ pt.. super farnie.. wad a night..
2nd night, less busy.. only one admission but loads of callbells... at 5.50am veron shocked the shit outta me.. i was so freaked out i didnt want to do anymore para and told sara to cont for me for the beds nearest to the windows.. apparently this was wad happened.. we actually have 2 disposal rooms near our rooms.. becuz we are the middle room we can choose whichever disposal room we want go to.. so veron chose the back disposal room where there are windows and nearby trees.. she went to take plastic bag to throw rubbish for the meds trolley.. when she entered the disposal room, she saw the "thing" sucking on the bags of blood(there was a pile of blood bags used for blood transfusion).. she just quickly sae her prayers, went to the cupboard, got the plastic bag out and quickly came back to the room.. and she told me first while i was half way doing para.. waa sehx.. i was like holding tears in my eyes cuz i was so freaked out lahx.. at first i dun believe cuz how can someone see a ghost and not freak out.. but apparently she can see ghost and she is a strong hearted lady who believes in her prayers.. so like ok.. then sara blur blur dunno wads going on until i told her..
3rd nite.. the most relaxing nite.. nothing much to do except the usual para, callbells, feeding and entertaining irritating pts.. i think i was so annoyed that it showed on my face and veron asked me if i was pissed.. the thing is i wasnt pissed.. i was annoyed cuz of some pts.. irritating.. haiz.. then suddenly one pt like got sudden dementia or something and scared sara so sara went to switch on the main lights and veron tot something happened.. hahaha.. it was a good 3rd thou.. 2nd night veron treated to tea.. 3rd night i treat.. nice tea by the uncle.. poor sara so shagged by her baby that she just fell asleep..
6 more weeks of prcp and it will all be over.. seriously thou, i dun really feel like i learnt alot of things knowledge wise, but im more adaptable to the flow of things and will like automatically do things..
cant wait for payday.. feel so broke now esp since i lost 50 bucks.. curse the person who stole it.. and i miss the girls.. cant wait for the zoo/bird park outing!! can we have the zoo one cuz i dun like birds!! hahahah