thursday.. poly buddies gave me pressie! hehe.. its a cute winnie the pooh psp holder and a winnie the pooh mouse!!! the mouse uber cute lahs!!! i tried it after i got back home and it lit up with yellow and red colour!! damn cool!! my current pooh mouse lights up with blue and red colour!! hehe thanx GIRLS!! love you guys!!!
club crawl 2nd day.. i just set up the booth then went off for project meeting as well as class.. the next moment i got back was at 4.30.. really thanx to everyone esp sri, xinyan, peishi, burt and zhenhe who came down to help man.. really sorry i couldnt be there majority of the time.. but still job well done! next event club orientation! siann..
packed up the booth and stoned in the clubroom while waiting for boss, vic and angie to come.. hehe.. so long nv see them!! yayyy!! then after a crazy session in the clubroom we left school and headed to bugis for seoul garden... on the way in the train i ws asked to open my prezzie!! hehehe.. loves it.. angie got me pooh cushion thing that is uber cute!! and boss and vic got me a ripcurl wallet!!! YAYYY!! one item striked off from my wishlist!! hehe.. thanx guys!! and according to chinese believe(which my mum believes oso) when give someone wallet inside must put thing.. so the first thing i tot was "HUH!!! you give me money ahhh!!" hahaha.. but actually both boss and vic put their passport photo in the wallet.. hahhaa.. i left it in there and didnt take it out even thou im using it now.. ahha..
seoul garden session was crazy!! haha. uber loads of fun and laughter.. haha.. kenna bullied so many times too.. hahha.. I LOVE MY SENIORS!!!! hehehe muackz!! left for home after 9++ cuz they had to work tmr except for angie who is having off day and i start school at 8 oso.. siannn..
friday! school started at 8 again and ended at 2.. the moment lecture starts its sleeping time for me cuz every single day i sleep at 2 or 3 am and wake up at 6am to head for school.. freaking tired man.. and as usual i think by now fafa's hp is flooded thanx to pics of me sleeping!! darn!! i tried deleting after i finally managed to kope her hp but i dunno where the pics ah.. damn it! and plus she can still sae "rosy, today got 3 more pics! hehehe" kill you ah mummy!!!
after school, poly buddies headed to grand cathay to catch "17 again".. to me not very nice.. but the guys are not bad looking.. hahha.. the guy who acted as the older zac efron is quite handsome when he was younger lahx! ohh damn.. wad happen to him after he reach middle age!! hahaha.. and the guy who acted as zac efron's son oso quite cute.. hahahaha.. anyway, i was so tired and trying hard not to fall asleep during the movie... kin tot i was angry with her or something.. haha.. angry with you for wad lahx girl?? hahaha.. after movie.. went our separate ways.. i went shopping with ger cuz i needed to buy frens' pressies.. hehe.. bumped into fizah at the craft shop.. haha.. then ate dinner with ger.. and off for home.. slept all the way home.. like some shagged pig man!! oh goodness.. i really am very very very tired.. its like written on my face or something.. haha..
got home.. stoned.. did my fren's pressie!! i love the final product.. hope she likes it too.. showed two of my frens and my mum and they said its nice.. hehe.. yayy. first time doing something like totally handmade with no instructions or any help.. im a creativity noob.. cant really do creative stuff.. so im really happy with the final product! yayy.. took about 2 hours to do it.. then it hit me how shagged i really was zonking away while clearing my table.. off to sleep at 12+..
saturday.. woke up at 1.46pm to previous hp vibrations.. but ignored it and cont sleep then wake up again.. a few missed calls and msgs.. called back and msged back.. sadded.. bbq party cancelled cuz of some reasons.. but in the end arranged to meet up with ABC(Andrea, Bebe, Candice) and tracy.. yayness!!uber long nv see them!! hehe.. was talking to candice on the phone and she tot i was sick or something cuz i was using my bed voice! hahahaha.. after i explained she was like "ROSY!! wad time already still sleeping!! wake up lahx!" hahaha.. so farnie... yea.. eventually i went back to sleeping after more msg-ing.. hehe.. and in the end, late to meet tracy.. hahaha.. sorry girl.. was 30 mins late.. shop shop and headed for bugis to meet ABC! walkwalk more and tracy had to leave to meet chester! thanx girl for the bag of goodies from korea and beijing!!! so far i have tried the red wine pocky and its freaking yummy man!!! *slurps*
after loads of gossip session, sent her off to the mrt station and we went to "ma maison" which is a jap restaurant.. recommended by bebe! the interior is like WOAHHHH!!! very nice!! i love the way they deco'd the restaurant!! and the food is good too.. bebe did the ordering cuz she noes best.. we can leave all the food thingy to bebe to settle man.. haha.. tried escargots for the first time!! yummy!! alot nicer then the choot choot!! haha.. yummy-ness.. seriously.. the food is good!! haha.. the jap lady at the cashier is oso damn nice lahx.. hahaha..
then walk walk and headed to TCC to chill and chat.. gossip alot alot alot and tok alot alot alot.. so happy to finally see them and catch up on stuff.. hehe.. left around 10+.. candice and i headed home together.. reached home around 11+ and wanted to blog.. but super slow to load pics.. dunno why oso.. thats why now then blog.. sian!! in the end went to sleep..
ohh.. and ya! thanx tracy and candice for being the masterminds for the supposed surprise party! hehe.. thanx all for inviting my poly and primary school frens too! hehhee.. sadly my poly buddies all sick lahx! ahaha.. its ok.. another time we can have bbq again! haha.. thanx loves!!
sunday.. went JB with mum.. collected train tix.. mum kept insisting to head over to the other side to buy some altar stuff and i was VERY VERY pissed at her cuz it was going to rain any moment now.. in the end we were caught in the freaking rain with not much shelter around.. damn pissifying!!! pulled a long face all the way.. i really hate the rain cuz i hate getting my feet wet.. its diff when you are at like a beach or seaside.. but when you are out shopping or just hanging out and it starts to rain and ur feet get wet.. waa.. pisses me off like crazy man.. damn it..
in the end finally got back to city sq! shopping starts!!hehe.. bumped into josie at the shoe shop.. i was looking at the shoe beside her only and i din realise it was her and i just walked away and she called me back! muahahha.. apparently she was shopping with chaiyin who was next door at the bread shop.. haha.. said hi to chaiyin chatted a while more with josie then went off.. hehe..
bought yet another pair of sandles which pissed the shit out of mum cuz i always buy sandles/shoes/slippers when i go out.. ahhaa.. too bad! then bought pooh sticker! yayy!! one slack pants and a sweater cum top thing.. bought pooh wrapping papers and a thank you card for my uncle! thats all! hehe.. mum kept saying she was hungry! goodness.. in that few hours we ate like 3 times can.. dunno why mum so hungry oso.. and i kept complaning cuz i wanted to shop more than i wanted to eat! rarrrr.. left about 6+ reached home at 7++.. dumped everything at home and left for BPP to get my toiletries! oh freak.. i spent like 46+ on my toiletries at watsons! but its worth it cuz it was on sale and i just stocked up for 2 months! hehe.. mum bought a new purse thingy from minitoons and i bought the mini-lanyard for my camera.. still haven found a camera pouch that i really like.. saded..
ok thats it!! no more spending rosh!! save the moolahx!! you need it!! rarr!!!
for this whole week, only once i wore tshirt i think and the rest of the days i was dressed more feminine with like tops and sandles and fafa was like "rosy! ur hormones changing ah?" and i was like "huh??!!" and she was like "like dress more feminine nowadays!!" haha.. everyday go out mahx!! HAHAHA!! so dress nicer lor.. might be going back to my tshirt days if im too lazy too dress up in the morning.. haha..
pics below!!
West Coast Park Outing cum B-dae celebration!
makan session with sec school frens(aka postponed b-dae bbq session)
ok.. more thank yous!
personal thank you to pearl tan!! i forgot to add her name in in my previous post even thou she wished me 2 days b4 my birthday.. tried to edit it in immediately but stupid blogger kept showing me error! but still, THANX ALOT GIRL!!! =DDD
thank you- sammie, qiann, ester-jie, kin, bibi, ger, boss, angie, vic, andrea, candice, bebe, tracy, sher, weiwei, zeff-korkor, nurani(super surprising!! haha.. so long nv see her!! haha) fang!! thank guys!!
alright.. before i off to bed have to save khalilah's songs into her thumbdrive before she starts haunting me again! hahaha.
school starts at 8am!!! sian!!!!
personal thank you to pearl tan!! i forgot to add her name in in my previous post even thou she wished me 2 days b4 my birthday.. tried to edit it in immediately but stupid blogger kept showing me error! but still, THANX ALOT GIRL!!! =DDD
thank you- sammie, qiann, ester-jie, kin, bibi, ger, boss, angie, vic, andrea, candice, bebe, tracy, sher, weiwei, zeff-korkor, nurani(super surprising!! haha.. so long nv see her!! haha) fang!! thank guys!!
alright.. before i off to bed have to save khalilah's songs into her thumbdrive before she starts haunting me again! hahaha.
school starts at 8am!!! sian!!!!