2nd week of work is ok i guess.. ENrouzel is hell load of fun! haha.. forever kenna bully by her.. haha.. cuz she is like super short.. slightly below my shoulder.. and when we go to the linen trolley bay i always hit my head cuz i always forget to bend down.. and she forever laughs at me!! rarr.. "see lahx.. some times too tall oso not good!!" she will sae.. then she will happily walk into the linen trolley cupboard and say "see.. i have no problem!!" hahaha.. then when sponging or changing diapers for patient i have to bend alot cuz rouzel doesnt need to raise the bed cuz just nice for her but for me its too low and she will go like "ok lahx i raise the bed for you.. pity you.. you have to bend so much later get back pain.. " hahaha.. damn farnie.. and sweet.. with her around its always fun fun fun despite the crazy rush hours of work to do.. i seriously think the staff will die if no students man.. just imagine the no. of callbells that go off man.. gosh..
and im so happy at work too cuz i got praised by patient.. hehe.. ok lahx.. i sound so thick skinned cuz i post that patient praise me.. hehe.. but dun care cuz i happy!! haha.. he was telling his relative that im very good and i get 3stars while another EN gets 2 stars!! reason is cuz i dun "cheat" him and etc!! muahahha.. and the patient is very nice actually after you get to noe him! haha.. he oso very fun and will still joke with you and all even thou he is like on maximum ward management.. poor uncle.. i hope he is still there when i go back to work tmr unless he gets discharged to a hospice.. haiz..
managed to serve subQ calcitonin and also do NGT insertion! fucking scary when inserting can!!! im so thankful to my patient who actually tahan-ed it!! he got kenna inserted b4, but i understand that its super uncomfortable cuz usually pt's hate it like crazy and they usually put up a fight.. but this uncle was super co-operative.. in fact, we had to remove it and insert again cuz cannot aspirate anything.. and he just tahan-ed and teared!! i love you uncle!!! thank you soo soo soo sooo soo much!!! muackz!! hehe.. ok abit exaggerating but i really felt extremely thankful!! and i pity the uncle oso cuz he seems like a nice person.. so sad.. why do nice ppl get sick.. haiz..
ohohoh!! i have to blog about it and when nurul sees this, she is going to kill me!! hahaha.. nurul wore sgh scrubs on wednesday i think cuz her zip broke while she was changing b4 work.. hahaha.. so for the entire day she was in scrubs.. and i have to sae the scrub were really fugly man.. the pants looks like male patients pants.. hahaha.. nuh scrubs are alot nicer.. hahah..
then one of the days(wed oso i think), i bought ayam penyat up to the ward to eat and i was crying while i was eating cuz of the chilli!!! super hot lahx!!! i really cried man!!! and SSNlim and ENrouzel were like laughing at me lahx.. super embarrassing.. and i finished my bottle of water and thats like 700-800mls of water i think.. super spicy!! and the auntie really anyhow put the chilli i think so the chilli was on my rice, chicken, vege everywhere!! oh gosh.. evil SSN and EN!! rarrr.. haha..
anyway, friday had to go school cuz got error in our adult nursing grades.. all our grades are going up so yay!! went to school with nenek zawani! muahah.. so long nv see her!!! then after school, went off with nurul to PS for makan and shopping while killing time to head to work.. went to cotton-on to see shoes! then to espirit cuz nurul wants to see bags.. saw this bag that she super like and asked the sales assistant for it.. after a while the sales assistant came out with another bag and said "sorry, i couldnt the bag that you wanted." and blah blah blah.. then she said "actually we have the bag, just that i cant find it" like WTF!! nurul and i were like -WADDD!!!!!- seriously.. and i told nurul, its like saying "i got ur medication, but i dun want to give you" you noe.. that kinda thing.. seriously man.. faints.. so anyway, heading to work and nurul's bf wanted to bet that train is faster than bus.. so i took the bus and nurul took the train.. in the end we reached at the same time.. hahah.. farnie!!
supp to end work one hour early, and we decided to head to PS again to get buy my shoes and try getting her bag again.. but apparently no one told our SSN so the wards SSNs all dunno till i informed them.. then me and nurul stayed on cuz we felt bad in a way as well cuz they were fucking busy with admissions.. esp my side cuz suddenly got 2 admissions after dinner break and one ngt insertion and plus add all the callbells, night medications to be served, iv drips to put up, diapers to change, urine bags to empty, there is just too much things to do.. so we stayed on till we got chased away by SSN lim.. haha.. so yea.. after that quickly change and rush down to ps! yayy!! got our stuff and plus a dorothy perkins jeans each! great fun shopping with her man! hahah.. and headed home.. on the way home, in the bus i saw my mum's fren who works at sgh too but as HA and she lives super near so we talked all the way home.. hehe..
things i spent on:
-cotton on shoes-15
-dorothy perkins jeans-35
saturday, met up with sher, ernest, yew wah, yinchai(a while only cuz he had to go off for church) and enping(a while oso.. haha).. met up at wheelock, stonned at far east, isetan, pacific plaza and headed to clarke quay to meet my poly buddies.. crazy nonsense on the way there man.. haha.. stoned at starbucks while waiting for poly buddies to come.. then makaned with poly buddies!!! finally!!! super long nv see them!! really missed them alot!! esp sammie and ger cuz really long nv see them.. at least i see qiann and kin and ester everyday at work thou not for long and i went to redang with bibi but oso got miss her of cuz.. sammie is really the longest nv see man.. haha.. anyway, pics are with ger and sammie.. hehe..
after dinner, went to stone at haagen daaz(dunno how to spell.. and i also saw liliyana and her bf! haha)) and had that ice cream fondue that i had with sher, weiwei and the whole gang weeks back.. hehe.. yummy!!! then walkwalk and decided to go drinking.. kin, ger and sammie had to go off.. sher, ern and yw joined us for drinking and we all headed to yello jello retro bar.. nice place but music is wayyyyyyyyyyy too LOUD!!! we had to scream to talk to each other.. and my throat was starting to hurt..
our drinks:
me: tequila sunrise(same drink which bibi had in redang! but this had tooooo much tequila in it.. couldnt really taste the fruit juice part! haha.. )
qiann: salty dog
bibi:sex on the beach(her usual and her fav! haha)
yw: screwdriver (when the waiter serve, he told me that the screwdriver was the tequila sunrise so i happily took a sip then only when he come and serve my real tequila sunrise, he corrected the error! haha.. sorry yw! haha.. koped ur drink happily.. ahha..)
ern: blue morroco(i dun really like that taste! haha)
sher: milk(yes.. she didnt want to drink yest.. the waiter gave her the WAD!! face.. but i agree with wad sher said.. if they are going to "WADDD" when ppl order milk then they shouldnt put it in the menu as well.. ahah.. told my mum and she oso went like "but it was on the menu wad!! then of cuz sherryn is entitled to order to milk lahx! MUAHAHAH!!!)
yea.. anyway after that, all rushed to catch the last train.. and i happily missed my last bus cuz i walked the wrong way.. good thing got night rider from there and its stops right in front my house!! so yyayyy!! hahah.. only bad thing is it cost $3.50 and cannot use consession so damn! but it still beats having to pay for cab.. so ok lahx.. haha.. anyway, i think my drink seriously too much tequila cuz i was like tachy and my face was burning from the moment i left my frens till i was halfway home.. damn hot.. and half way drinking i was feeling palpitations somemore.. maybe cuz i drink too fast oso lahx.. i usually slowly drink but cuz everyone need to catch the last bus/train home so drank faster..
got home around 12.25 like that.. msged mum when i was waiting for the bus so that she wun worry and at least she noes im on my home.. so ok lahx.. din scold me or anything.. plus in the afternoon when i was leaving the house i told her i would be late and i joked and said that i maybe overnighting at sher's place.. today she really rmb then she ask me"ehh.. i tot you say you overnighting at sher's place" and i was like "huhhh. i was joking only.. sher has church then need to wake up early somemore.. of cuz i come back home lahx.. hahaha.. and plus you will allow mehx!" and she gave me the "why not" face.. haha.. i guess she is trusting me more nowadays i guess.. so thats good.. and i told her that i went drinking last night and her eyes grew damn big and she gave me the "orh hor!!" face.. haha.. but she noes that i drink occasionally so ok i guess.. haha.. anyway, its not like i drink all the time.. occasionally only mahx.. like once a month.. only thing is march drink more than once cuz at redang we oso drink!! hahah.. cuz the ambience damn nice to drink esp with the live band around and the beach nite view.. waa.. nice.. hehe..
msn-ed alot last nite.. damn shagged.. yw say i very zai cuz i can drink.. i think normal i guess.. cuz like bibi and qiann oso can hold their alchohol, so normal lahx.. wun like drunk or anything.. haha.. its only one glass.. still can handle.. haha.. if one glass cannot handle then -faint- already man.. haha..
off for bed.. i must say, after i drink, i sleep alot better!!! usually i toss and turn for one hour at least b4 falling asleep.. but yest, dreamless sleep.. shiok man!! haven been sleeping well lately cuz of dunno why loads of farnie dreams and in my subconscious sleepy mind i think why am i dreamin these weird dreams.. on friday nite i dreamt of xiaowei!! best part is xiao wei is like sher's fren lahx.. not my fren.. i mean like not very close lahx.. 2nd degree fren.. i dreamt that we were msning(we dun even have each other's email address can!!) and xiaowei was telling me to give rabbit a chance! and weirdly i replied her dunno wad lahx cant rmb but i clearly rmb that in my dream i noe who is the rabbit! but when i woke up i dunno who is rabbit already.. and in the dream she keep psycho-ing me to give a chance to rabbit and accept him.. but i when i try to recall who is this bloody rabbit i really cant rmb lahx!! then in the morning, sher was msg-ing me.. i was sleep typing.. and i asked her if she got any fren called rabbit.. cuz we often name our frens like copydog, culprit, dolphin etc.. so ya.. and she replied 'not that i noe of'.. weird dreams man.. haiz..
things i spent on:
-dinner at waraku-15
-starbucks for sher(i owed her)-10
-drinks at bar-15
-misc-5 i think
today, woke up and left for sembawang shopping centre with mum.. meant to be a early b-dae celebration cuz tmr is her b-dae but im on afternoon shift and wun have time to spend with her so yea.. just us with no irritating small bro.. mum told me that dad bullied her.. he woke her up at 9am and told her that i bath and changed and all ready to head to jb for shopping and just waiting for mum to get ready and killing time by using lappy.. then my mum oso gonggong believe my dad and came to check whether really or not.. she came into my room and i was still sleeping like a pig lahx.. haha.. super farnie can!!! dunno why my dad today so bo liao go bully my mum lahx.. finding trouble only that old man!!
anyway, withdrawing money at sembawang mrt station and turned around and walk back to mum there and i was stunned for a moment.. cuz i saw ivan.. haha.. and he was there standing for me to notice him.. took me a moment to like see him and when i saw i was like -stunned- and he was laughing at my stunned face!! seriously i see ivan EVERYWHERE you noe.. haha.. that time oso see him dunno where but i noe not at school.. haha.. then he super polite and gentleman lahx still greet my mother lehx.. haha.. then after tok tok then say bye to my mum somemore then left.. haha.. farnie.. polite ivan.. but thats him lahx.. see anywhere oso will say hi one.. better than some ppl who noes you but act like dunno you like that then walk away.. wad ever happened to friendship man.. haha.. so yea! haha..
anyway, ya.. sembawang shopping centre is abit boring.. i will only go there if i want to go cotton on or espirit outlet store.. other than that quite boring for me.. not much shops mum likes it thou cuz of daiso.. then headed back to CWP! raining like crazy shit man!! the lightning was freaking scary lahx and the thunder was worse!! everyone in queue waiting for the bus were like covering their eyes and ears!! damn scary man..
at cwp, ate swensons! my treat for mum.. her 2nd time or 3rd time eating only i think.. seriously.. my mum should get out of the cocoon called home more often! then she suddenly said one thing that made me happy and sad at the same time.. she said "how i wish last time i brought my mother to this kind of place to eat oso" and i felt sad cuz i miss my grandma too and i do noe that last time my mum din really have such luxury to eat at this kinda place oso and even now, my dad doesnt come to this kinda place to eat oso, usually like hawker centre or kopitiam only.. and i felt happy cuz i noe she appreciated the swenson's treat and wadever we did together today.. even thou mostly its me shopping and me asking her to like stop seeing household products..hahah.. typical housewife i guess to keep seeing household products like shelves, storage boxes, cups and stuff.. and i always scold her cuz she always spends the money that i give her to buy household stuff when i actually give her money to buy her own stuff that she likes.. so yea.. so her b-dae prezzie for this year is shoes, swenson's treat and a single stalk white rose which i will be getting her tmr..
hope to bring my family and give them a treat probably when i start working i guess.. for now, i cant afford to treat all five of us so prob only mum and dad and me next time i guess.. small bro has to improve on his table manners first if not i will blow my top and thats bad!
things i spent on today:
-cotton on shoes(1mine 1mum's)-25
-espirit top-22
pasar malam + misc-10
faints!!! i spent like 247 in 3 days!!! omfg!!! ok.. i need to survive on cupnoodles at work!! hahaha.. cut down on expenditure rosh!!! hehe
pics time!!

qiann bi me at the bar.. thanx to ern for lending his hp! our camera no flash and qiann happily nv charge her hp! haha..
ok so ppl have been telling me that ive lost weight! its a good thing!!! i guess working does make me lose weight.. haha.. but all that good food on weekends, maybe put back the weight i lost already.. saded.. take so long to lose the weight put all it take is one good meal to put it all back!! rarr... sian sian sian..
im surprised you noticed things, things that even i din notice! hahaha =DD
missing you guys!!!! =DDDD